Aggregate Root
Aggregate Root is a Python library that provides a base implementation for aggregate roots and domain events in a Domain-Driven Design (DDD) context. This library simplifies the creation and management of aggregate roots and domain events, enabling developers to focus on business logic and domain rules.
You can install the aggregate-root
library from PyPI using pip:
pip install aggregate-root
and Event
is the base class for aggregate roots, and Event
is the base class for state events produced by command methods on AggregateRoots. Together, they enable the creation and management of Domain-Driven Design (DDD) aggregates.
import re
from dataclasses import dataclass
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from typing import Optional
from aggregate_root import AggregateRoot, Event
class BookCreated(Event):
class BookTitleUpdated(Event):
title: str
class BookAuthorUpdated(Event):
author: str
class BookYearPublishedUpdated(Event):
year_published: int
class CopyAdded(Event):
barcode: str
date: datetime
class CopyRemoved(Event):
barcode: str
date: datetime
class CopyBorrowed(Event):
barcode: str
date: datetime
borrower_id: str
due_at: datetime
class CopyReturned(Event):
barcode: str
date: datetime
class Book(AggregateRoot):
def __init__(self, isbn: str):
self._copies: list[BookCopy] = []
self._title: str = ""
self._author: str = ""
self._year_published: int = 0
def title(self):
return self._title
def author(self):
return self._author
def year_published(self):
return self._year_published
def copies(self):
return self._copies
def create(cls, isbn: str, title: str, author: str, year_published: int) -> "Book":
Factory method to create a new book.
if not re.match(r"^\d{13}$", isbn):
raise ValueError("ISBN must be 13 digits")
if not title:
raise ValueError("Title cannot be empty")
if not author:
raise ValueError("Author cannot be empty")
if year_published < 0 or year_published >
raise ValueError("Invalid year published")
instance = cls(isbn)
return instance
def add_copy(self, barcode: str) -> CopyAdded:
Add a copy of the book
if not barcode:
raise ValueError("Barcode cannot be empty")
if any(copy.barcode == barcode for copy in self._copies):
raise ValueError("Copy already exists")
return CopyAdded(barcode,
def update_title(self, title: str) -> BookTitleUpdated:
Update the title of the book
if not title:
raise ValueError("Title cannot be empty")
return BookTitleUpdated(title)
def update_author(self, author: str) -> BookAuthorUpdated:
Update the author of the book
if not author:
raise ValueError("Author cannot be empty")
return BookAuthorUpdated(author)
def update_year_published(self, year_published: int) -> BookYearPublishedUpdated:
Update the year published of the book
if year_published < 0 or year_published >
raise ValueError("Invalid year published")
return BookYearPublishedUpdated(year_published)
def remove_copy(self, barcode: str) -> CopyRemoved:
Remove a copy of the book
for copy in self._copies:
if copy.barcode == barcode:
return CopyRemoved(barcode,
raise ValueError("Copy not found")
def borrow_copy(self, barcode: str, borrower_id: str) -> CopyBorrowed:
Borrow a copy of the book
for copy in self._copies:
if copy.barcode == barcode:
if copy.borrowed:
raise ValueError("Copy is already borrowed")
now =
due_date = now + timedelta(days=14)
return CopyBorrowed(barcode, now, borrower_id, due_date)
raise ValueError("Copy not found")
def return_copy(self, barcode: str) -> CopyReturned:
Return a copy of the book
for copy in self._copies:
if copy.barcode == barcode:
if not copy.borrowed:
raise ValueError("Copy is not borrowed")
return CopyReturned(barcode,
raise ValueError("Copy not found")
def _handle_book_title_updated(self, event: BookTitleUpdated):
self._title = event.title
def _handle_book_author_updated(self, event: BookAuthorUpdated):
self._author =
def _handle_book_year_published_updated(self, event: BookYearPublishedUpdated):
self._year_published = event.year_published
def _handle_copy_added(self, event: CopyAdded):
def _handle_copy_removed(self, event: CopyRemoved):
self._copies = [copy for copy in self._copies if copy.barcode != event.barcode]
def _handle_copy_borrowed(self, event: CopyBorrowed):
for copy in self._copies:
if copy.barcode == event.barcode:
def _handle_copy_returned(self, event: CopyReturned):
for copy in self._copies:
if copy.barcode == event.barcode:
class BookCopy:
def __init__(self, barcode: str):
self._barcode: str = barcode
self.borrower_id: Optional[str] = None
def check_out(self, borrower_id: str):
self.borrower_id = borrower_id
def check_in(self):
self.borrower_id = None
def borrowed(self):
return self.borrower_id is not None
def barcode(self):
return self._barcode
book = Book.create("9781617294549", "Microservices Patterns", "Chris Richardson", 2019)
book.borrow_copy("BARCODE_1", "USER_1")
events = book.pending_events
with book.flush() as events: