
Tiny asynchronous implementation of healthcheck provider and server
pip install aio-tiny-healthcheck
By default, the Checker returns 200 if all checks successfully finish or 500 in opposite case.
Using with aiohttp
from aiohttp import web
from aio_tiny_healthcheck.checker import Checker
def some_sync_check():
return True
async def some_async_check():
return False
healthcheck_provider = Checker()
healthcheck_provider.add_check('sync_check_true', some_async_check)
healthcheck_provider.add_check('async_check_false', some_async_check)
app = web.Application()
app.router.add_get('/healthcheck', healthcheck_provider.aiohttp_handler)
Using with Sanic
from sanic import Sanic
from sanic.response import json
from aio_tiny_healthcheck.checker import Checker
app = Sanic()
def some_sync_check():
return True
async def some_async_check():
return False
healthcheck_provider = Checker(success_code=201, fail_code=400)
healthcheck_provider.add_check('sync_check_true', some_async_check)
healthcheck_provider.add_check('async_check_false', some_async_check)
async def test(request):
hc_response = healthcheck_provider.check_handler()
return json(hc_response.body, status=hc_response.code)
if __name__ == "__main__":"", port=8000)
Using in concurrent mode
You should want to run healthcheck in background if you already have some blocking operation in your execution flow.
So, you can just use built-in server for this.
from aio_tiny_healthcheck.checker import Checker
from aio_tiny_healthcheck.http_server import HttpServer
import asyncio
async def some_long_task():
await asyncio.sleep(3600)
def some_sync_check():
return True
async def some_async_check():
return True
aio_thc = Checker()
hc_server = HttpServer(
aio_thc.add_check('sync_check_true', some_async_check)
aio_thc.add_check('async_check_false', some_async_check)
async def main():
await some_long_task()
if __name__ == '__main__':
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
Utility for health checking
python -m aio_tiny_healthcheck http://localhost:9192/healthcheck
Useful for running health check without external dependencies like curl.
By default, concurrent server and health checking utility are working
with a port and query path http://localhost:8000/healthcheck
So, if you run concurrent server with no using arguments, you can also run the utility
with without arguments python -m aio_tiny_healthcheck