Asyncio Python API for KEF speakers

Supported: KEF LS50 Wireless (tested with latest firmware of 19-11-2019: p6.3001902221.105039422 and older firmware: p6.2101809171.105039422)
Untested: KEF LSX
Supported features
- Get and set volume
- Mute and unmute
- Get and set source input
- Turn speaker on and off
- Invert L/R to R/L
- Play and pause (only works with Wifi and Bluetooth)
- Previous and next track (only works with Wifi and Bluetooth)
- Set the standby time to infinite, 20 minutes, or 60 minutes
- Automatically connects and disconnects when speakers goes online/offline
- Control all DSP settings!
Use in Home Assistant
See basnijholt/media_player.kef.
pip install aiokef
See this Home Assistant discussion thread where the creation of the KEF speakers is discussed.
MIT License