🌬 AirBase
An easy downloader for air quality data provided by the European Environment Agency (EEA).
The data is available for download at
the portal, but
the interface makes it a bit time consuming to do bulk downloads. Hence, an easy
Python-based interface.
Read the full documentation at https://airbase.readthedocs.io.
🔌 Installation
To install airbase
, simply run
$ pip install airbase
🚀 Getting Started
🗺 Get info about available countries and pollutants:
>>> import airbase
>>> client = airbase.AirbaseClient()
>>> client.countries
frozenset({'LI', 'CY', 'IE', 'LV', 'BE', 'EE', ...})
>>> client.pollutants
frozenset({'Co', 'sum-PCB', 'PCB-26', 'HNO3', ...})
>>> client.search_pollutant("O3")
[{'poll': 'O3', 'id': 7}, {'poll': 'NO3', 'id': 46}, ...]
🗂 Request download links from the server and save the resulting Parquet files into a directory:
>>> r = client.request("Verified", "NL", "DE", poll=["NO3", "NO3- in PM2.5", "NO3- in PM10"])
>>> r.download(dir="data", skip_existing=True)
summary : 100%|█████| 2/2 [00:00<00:00, 4.48requests/s]
URLs : 100%|█████| 29.0/29.0 [00:00<00:00, 490URL/s]
download: 386kb [00:00, 570kb/s]
📦 Download the entire dataset (not for the faint of heart):
>>> r = client.request()
>>> r.download_to_directory("data")
summary : 100%|█████| 39/39 [00:15<00:00, 2.54requests/s]
URLs : 100%|█████| 47.0k/47.0k [00:00<00:00, 77.7kURL/s]
download: 20.6Gb [54:36, 6.74Mb/s]
🌡 Don't forget to get the metadata about the measurement stations:
>>> client.download_metadata("data/metadata.csv")
Writing metadata to data/metadata.csv...
🚆 Command line interface
Air quality data in in CSV format
$ airbase download --help
Usage: airbase download [OPTIONS]
Air quality data in in CSV format. **End of life 2024**.
The service providing air quality data in CSV format will cease operations by the end of 2024.
Until then it will provide only **unverified** data (E2a) for 2024.
Use -c/--country and -p/--pollutant to restrict the download specific countries and pollutants, e.g.
- download only Norwegian, Danish and Finish sites
airbase download -c NO -c DK -c FI
- download only SO2, PM10 and PM2.5 observations
airbase download -p SO2 -p PM10 -p PM2.5
Use -C/--city to further restrict the download to specific cities, e.g.
- download only PM10 and PM2.5 from Valletta, the Capital of Malta
airbase download -C Valletta -c MT -p PM10 -p PM2.5
-c, --country [AD|AL|AT|...]
-p, --pollutant [k|V|TI|...]
-C, --city TEXT only from selected <cities>
-M, --metadata download station metadata
--path PATH [default: data]
--year INTEGER RANGE The service providing air quality data in CSV format will cease operations by the end of 2024.
Until then it will provide only **unverified** data (E2a) for 2024. [default: 2024; 2024<=x<=2024]
-O, --overwrite Re-download existing files.
-q, --quiet No progress-bar.
--help Show this message and exit.
Historical data delivered between 2002 and 2012
$ airbase historical --help
Usage: airbase historical [OPTIONS]
Historical Airbase data delivered between 2002 and 2012 before Air Quality
Directive 2008/50/EC entered into force.
Use -c/--country and -p/--pollutant to restrict the download specific countries and pollutants, e.g.
- download only Norwegian, Danish and Finish sites
airbase download -c NO -c DK -c FI
- download only SO2, PM10 and PM2.5 observations
airbase download -p SO2 -p PM10 -p PM2.5
Use -C/--city to further restrict the download to specific cities, e.g.
- download only PM10 and PM2.5 from Valletta, the Capital of Malta
airbase download -C Valletta -c MT -p PM10 -p PM2.5
-c, --country [AD|AL|AT|...]
-p, --pollutant [k|V|NT|...]
-C, --city TEXT only from selected <cities>
-F, --aggregation-type, --frequency [hourly|daily|other]
only hourly data, daily data or other
aggregation frequency
-M, --metadata download station metadata
--path PATH [default: data/historical]
-n, --dry-run, --summary Total download files/size, nothing will be
-O, --overwrite Re-download existing files.
-q, --quiet No progress-bar.
--help Show this message and exit.
Verified data from 2013 to 2023
$ airbase verified --help
Usage: airbase verified [OPTIONS]
Verified data (E1a) from 2013 to 2023 reported by countries by 30 September
each year for the previous year.
Use -c/--country and -p/--pollutant to restrict the download specific countries and pollutants, e.g.
- download only Norwegian, Danish and Finish sites
airbase download -c NO -c DK -c FI
- download only SO2, PM10 and PM2.5 observations
airbase download -p SO2 -p PM10 -p PM2.5
Use -C/--city to further restrict the download to specific cities, e.g.
- download only PM10 and PM2.5 from Valletta, the Capital of Malta
airbase download -C Valletta -c MT -p PM10 -p PM2.5
-c, --country [AD|AL|AT|...]
-p, --pollutant [k|V|NT|...]
-C, --city TEXT only from selected <cities>
-F, --aggregation-type, --frequency [hourly|daily|other]
only hourly data, daily data or other
aggregation frequency
-M, --metadata download station metadata
--path PATH [default: data/verified]
-n, --dry-run, --summary Total download files/size, nothing will be
-O, --overwrite Re-download existing files.
-q, --quiet No progress-bar.
--help Show this message and exit.
Unverified data from the beginning of 2024
$ airbase unverified --help
Usage: airbase unverified [OPTIONS]
Unverified data transmitted continuously (Up-To-Date/UTD/E2a) data from the
beginning of 2024.
Use -c/--country and -p/--pollutant to restrict the download specific countries and pollutants, e.g.
- download only Norwegian, Danish and Finish sites
airbase download -c NO -c DK -c FI
- download only SO2, PM10 and PM2.5 observations
airbase download -p SO2 -p PM10 -p PM2.5
Use -C/--city to further restrict the download to specific cities, e.g.
- download only PM10 and PM2.5 from Valletta, the Capital of Malta
airbase download -C Valletta -c MT -p PM10 -p PM2.5
-c, --country [AD|AL|AT|...]
-p, --pollutant [k|V|NT|...]
-C, --city TEXT only from selected <cities>
-F, --aggregation-type, --frequency [hourly|daily|other]
only hourly data, daily data or other
aggregation frequency
-M, --metadata download station metadata
--path PATH [default: data/unverified]
-n, --dry-run, --summary Total download files/size, nothing will be
-O, --overwrite Re-download existing files.
-q, --quiet No progress-bar.
--help Show this message and exit.
🛣 Roadmap
Parallel CSV downloads Contributed by @avaldebeCLI to avoid using Python all together Contributed by @avaldebe- Data wrangling module for AirBase output data