An alternative LDAP backend for airflow
The default LDAP backend works with OpenLDAP if the memberOf overlay is
activated (see
I.e., users must present the memberOf
attribute to know what group they
belong to. If your LDAP server only has groups with memberUid
(or any
other key like member
) listing the users belonging to the group, then
you need something different. This is what this module attemps to provide.
Using pip:
pip install airflow-alt-ldap
Activate authentication via this LDAP backend in airflow.cfg
authenticate = True
auth_backend = airflow-alt-ldap.auth.backend.ldap_auth
Then you can configure that module using the following keys (example conf to be adapted):
uri = ldap://localhost:389
user_basedn = ou=people,dc=nexmo,dc=com
user_filter = uid=*
user_name_attr = uid
group_basedn = ou=groups,dc=nexmo,dc=com
group_member_attr = memberUid
group_filter = cn=*
superuser_filter = cn=admingroup
data_profiler_filter = cn=datagroup
bind_user = uid=binddn,dc=example,dc=com
bind_password = MyAwesomePassword
# cacert = /etc/ca/ldap_ca.crt
# Set search_scope to one of them: BASE, LEVEL , SUBTREE
# Set search_scope to SUBTREE if using Active Directory, and not specifying an Organizational Unit
search_scope = SUBTREE