aiuna scientific data for the classroom
WARNING: This project is still subject to major changes, e.g., in the next rewrite.

Creating data from ARFF file
from aiuna import *
d = file("iris.arff").data
['sepallength', 'sepalwidth', 'petallength', 'petalwidth']
[[5.1 3.5 1.4 0.2]
[4.9 3. 1.4 0.2]
[4.7 3.2 1.3 0.2]
[4.6 3.1 1.5 0.2]
[5. 3.6 1.4 0.2]]
['Iris-setosa' 'Iris-setosa' 'Iris-setosa' 'Iris-setosa' 'Iris-setosa']
from pandas import DataFrame
Iris-setosa 50
Iris-versicolor 50
Iris-virginica 50
dtype: int64
cessing a data field as a pandas DataFrame
#from aiuna import *
#d = dataset.data # 'iris' is the default dataset
#df = d.X_pd
#mycol = d.X_pd["petal length (cm)"]
Creating data from numpy arrays
from aiuna import *
import numpy as np
X = np.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]])
y = np.array([0, 1, 1])
d = new(X=X, y=y)
"uuid": "06NLDM4mLEMrHPOaJvEBqdo",
"uuids": {
"changed": "3Sc2JjUPMlnNtlq3qdx9Afy",
"X": "13zbQMwRwU3WB8IjMGaXbtf",
"Y": "1IkmDz3ATFmgzeYnzygvwDu"
"step": {
"id": "06NLDM4mLEMrHPOT2pd5lzo",
"desc": {
"name": "New",
"path": "aiuna.step.new",
"config": {
"hashes": {
"X": "586962852295d584ec08e7214393f8b2",
"Y": "f043eb8b1ab0a9618ad1dc53a00d759e"
"changed": [
"X": [
"[[1 2 3]",
" [4 5 6]",
" [7 8 9]]"
"Y": [
" [1]",
" [1]]"
Checking history
from aiuna import *
d = dataset.data # 'iris' is the default dataset
"02o8BsNH0fhOYFF6JqxwaLF": {
"name": "New",
"path": "aiuna.step.new",
"config": {
"hashes": {
"X": "19b2d27779bc2d2444c11f5cc24c98ee",
"Y": "8baa54c6c205d73f99bc1215b7d46c9c",
"Xd": "0af9062dccbecaa0524ac71978aa79d3",
"Yd": "04ceed329f7c3eb43f93efd981fde313",
"Xt": "60d4f429fcd642bbaf1d976002479ea2",
"Yt": "4660adc31e2c25d02cb751dcb96ecfd3"
del d["X"]
"02o8BsNH0fhOYFF6JqxwaLF": {
"name": "New",
"path": "aiuna.step.new",
"config": {
"hashes": {
"X": "19b2d27779bc2d2444c11f5cc24c98ee",
"Y": "8baa54c6c205d73f99bc1215b7d46c9c",
"Xd": "0af9062dccbecaa0524ac71978aa79d3",
"Yd": "04ceed329f7c3eb43f93efd981fde313",
"Xt": "60d4f429fcd642bbaf1d976002479ea2",
"Yt": "4660adc31e2c25d02cb751dcb96ecfd3"
"06fV1rbQVC1WfPelDNTxEPI": {
"name": "Del",
"path": "aiuna.step.delete",
"config": {
"field": "X"
d["Z"] = 42
print(d.Z, type(d.Z))
[[42]] <class 'numpy.ndarray'>
"02o8BsNH0fhOYFF6JqxwaLF": {
"name": "New",
"path": "aiuna.step.new",
"config": {
"hashes": {
"X": "19b2d27779bc2d2444c11f5cc24c98ee",
"Y": "8baa54c6c205d73f99bc1215b7d46c9c",
"Xd": "0af9062dccbecaa0524ac71978aa79d3",
"Yd": "04ceed329f7c3eb43f93efd981fde313",
"Xt": "60d4f429fcd642bbaf1d976002479ea2",
"Yt": "4660adc31e2c25d02cb751dcb96ecfd3"
"06fV1rbQVC1WfPelDNTxEPI": {
"name": "Del",
"path": "aiuna.step.delete",
"config": {
"field": "X"
"05eIWbfCJS7vWJsXBXjoUAh": {
"name": "Let",
"path": "aiuna.step.let",
"config": {
"field": "Z",
"value": 42
Part of the effort spent in the present code was kindly supported by Fapesp under supervision of
Prof. André C. P. L. F. de Carvalho at CEPID-CeMEAI (Grants 2013/07375-0 – 2019/01735-0).
The novel ideias presented here are a result of a years-long
process of drafts, thinking, trial/error and rewrittings from scratch in several languages from Delphi, passing through Haskell, Java and Scala to Python - including frustration with well stablished libraries at the time. The fundamental concepts were lightly borrowed from basic category theory concepts like algebraic data structures that permeate many recent tendencies, e.g., in programming language design.
For more details, refer to https://github.com/davips/kururu