All Purpose Dict
Table of Contents
What is it?
- A dict which doesn't require hashable keys
Why create it?
I often have a need to store non-hashable keys in a dict. For example storing
a dict as a key isn't possible with the builtin dict.
someDict = { "key": "value" }
anotherDict = { someDict: "anotherValue" }
Simple usage
from all_purpose_dict import ApDict
someDict = { "key": "value" }
anotherDict = ApDict([(someDict, "anotherValue")])
print(someDict in anotherDict)
See Also
Note: This api is young and subject to change quite a bit. There also may be
functionality present in the builtin dict which ApDict doesn't cover. I'm
willing to add it so please just raise a github issue or PR with details.
class ApDict([a list of pairs])
- 'pairs' may be either a list or tuple with a length of 2
- all methods return
unless specified otherwise - iterates in the order of insertion
- views are not implemented because I don't have a need for them. Instead I
and valuesIterator
. If you need views then raise a
github issue. - the internal methods implemented are
- __contains__
- __delitem__
- __getitem__
- __iter__
- __len__
- __setitem__
- a function alternative to
del aDict[key]
get(key, default=None) => value
- get the value for key if key is in the dictionary, else default.
- note: this never raises a KeyError.
has(key) => bool
- a function alternative to
key in aDict
getKeysIterator() => ApDictKeysIterator
set(key, value)
- a function alternative to
aDict[key] = val
getValuesIterator() => ApDictValuesIterator
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