APhoS client for retrieving data in Python
This is Amateur Photometric Survey (APhoS) client for web application.
Contains documentation about modules, models and functions for working with astronomical data from APhoS database.
Server is accessible from: https://aphos.cerit-sc.cz/
Swagger UI (Interface for api of the server): https://aphos.cerit-sc.cz/swagger-ui/index.html
Openapi json or yaml file (documentation of api): https://aphos.cerit-sc.cz/openapi
Package: aphos-openapi
Install: pip install aphos-openapi
Upgrade: pip install aphos-openapi --upgrade
(If you have pip3 instead of pip, just use pip3)
References work only in github: https://github.com/pavel-kinc/aphos-client/blob/main/README.md
- Python >=3.8,
- 'urllib3'>=1.25.3,
- 'python-dateutil',
- 'matplotlib',
- 'astropy'
Usage Api models
from aphos_openapi import aphos
import datetime # for setting apertures
from pprint import pprint # pretty print for objects
def my_function():
Basic usage, info, get_objects_by_params, get_object
aphos.info() # prints basic info about aphos_openapi package
objects = aphos.get_objects_by_params(name="GK Cep") # gets objects which match the name
if objects:
print(objects[0].magnitude) # prints magnitude of first found object
# pprint(objects[0])
list_of_stars = aphos.get_objects_by_params() # gets 100 space objects from database
star = aphos.get_object("605-025126", "UCAC4") # gets space object with fluxes
get_var_cmp_by_ids, set_var_cmp_apertures, resolve_name_aphos
if star is not None:
comparison = aphos.get_var_cmp_by_ids(star.id, "604-024943", star.catalog, "UCAC4")
# pprint(comparison.data[0])
if comparison is not None:
date = datetime.date(2022,1, 6) # first day of night we want to change apertures
aphos.set_var_cmp_apertures(comparison, date, 3, 3)
# pprint(comparison.data[0])
aphos.set_var_cmp_apertures(comparison) # back to auto apertures
# pprint(comparison)
potential_stars = aphos.resolve_name_aphos("V* FU Aur")
if potential_stars:
star = potential_stars[0]
print(f"{star.id} {star.catalog} {str(star.magnitude)}")
if __name__ == '__main__':
Usage Coordinates
More info about object in package.
from aphos_openapi import aphos
from aphos_openapi.models.coordinates import Coordinates
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
from pprint import pprint # pretty print for objects
Coordinates can take astropy.coordinates SkyCoord or other strings format listed below.
If units are present in string, unit will be ignored.
Radius is float, and you can choose unit by 'm' or 's', otherwise it will be degrees.
Coordinates below are more or less equal, more in class documentation.
coords1 = Coordinates("21h41m55.291s +71d18m41.12s", 8, radius_unit='m')
coords2 = Coordinates("21 41 55.291 +71 18 41.12", 0.1333333) # default unit for RA is hour
coords3 = Coordinates(SkyCoord("21h41m55.291s +71d18m41.12s"), 0.1333333)
coords4 = Coordinates("21.698691944444448h +71.31142223d", 0.1333333)
coords5 = Coordinates("21:41:55.291 +71:18:41.12", 0.1333333)
coords6 = Coordinates("325.48037916666664d +71.31142223d", 0.1333333)
coords7 = Coordinates("325 28 49.365 +71 18 41.12", 8, 'd', 'm')
space_objects = aphos.get_objects_by_params(coordinates=coords7)
Usage GraphData
Main methods:
- constructor
- to_file()
- graph()
- composite_graph()
- phase_graph()
More info about methods in package.
from aphos_openapi import aphos
from aphos_openapi.models.graph_data import GraphData
from pprint import pprint # pretty print for objects
var_cmp = aphos.get_var_cmp_by_ids("605-025126", "604-024943")
if var_cmp is not None:
data = GraphData(var_cmp) # create GraphData object from Comparison
# pprint(data)
data.graph() # matplotlib graph
data.to_file("path/to/file.csv") # saves data to file
data_from_file = GraphData("path/to/file.csv") # create GraphData from file
pprint(f"{data_from_file.variable} {data_from_file.comparison}")
pprint(data_from_file.data_list[0]) # print how 1 row of data looks like
data_from_file.phase_graph(2455957.5, 1.209373) # start of epoch and period
Additional information for functions and models of this package
Documentation For Functions
get_catalogs() -> Optional[List[str]]
Get all available catalogs from APhoS.
Returns: List of available catalogs (strings).
object_id: str,
catalog: str = DEFAULT_CATALOG)
-> Optional[SpaceObjectWithFluxes]
Get object from APhoS based on parameters.
Returns: SpaceObjectWithFluxes or None if there is no such object.
object_id - object id of the space object
catalog - catalog of the space object
object_id: Optional[str] = None,
catalog: Optional[str] = None,
name: Optional[str] = None,
coordinates: Optional[Coordinates] = None,
min_mag: Union[str, float, None] = None,
max_mag: Union[str, float, None] = None)
-> Optional[list[SpaceObject]]
Get space objects based on multiple parameters, where every can be None.
Returns: List of space objects.
object_id - object id of the space object
catalog - catalog of space objects
name - name of space objects
coordinates - coordinates
min_mag - minimum magnitude (0 and more)
max_mag - maximum magnitude (20 and less)
variable_id: str,
comparison_id: str,
var_catalog: str = DEFAULT_CATALOG,
cmp_catalog: str = DEFAULT_CATALOG)
-> Optional[ComparisonObject]
Get Comparison object of variable star (space object) and comparison star based on IDs.
Returns: Data about objects and fluxes.
variable_id - id of variable star
comparison_id - id of comparison star
var_catalog - catalog of variable star
cmp_catalog - catalog of comparison star
username: str)
-> Optional[User]
Get user by username.
Returns: User (username and description).
username - username of a user
comparison: ComparisonObject,
night: Optional[date] = None,
var: Optional[int] = None,
cmp: Optional[int] = None)
-> None
Sets apertures based on night and desired indexes in comparison object and recalculates magnitude and deviation.
comparison - ComparisonObject - object to which the apertures are set
night - night to which the apertures are changing (None is all nights)
var - target index of aperture to set (from variable star)
cmp - target index of aperture to set (from comparison star)
name: str)
-> Optional[list[SpaceObject]]
Resolve name based on astropy name resolver and tries to find equal potential objects in APhoS database (Cross-identification).
Returns: List of space objects which are potentially equal to given name, from all catalogs.
name - any name by which a space object can be resolved
path: str)
-> list[tuple[str, bool, str]]
Upload files as Anonymous user. Files are in format csv, with delimiter ';', generated from SIPS software. For authenticated upload use website -> info().
Returns: List of tuple (file, success of upload of the given file, info about upload).
path - path to file or directory with files
info() -> None
Prints useful documentation and info about this package.
Object's methods are documented in package and in usage.
Documentation For Models
(Api models only, mostly genereated)
References work only in github: https://github.com/pavel-kinc/aphos-client/blob/main/README.md
[Back to Model list]
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
id | str | | [optional] |
message | str | | [optional] |
[Back to Model list]
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
right_asc | str | | |
declination | str | | |
added_by | str | | |
ap_auto | float | | |
apertures | [float] | | |
photo | PhotoProperties | | |
ap_auto_dev | float | | |
aperture_devs | [float] | | |
[Back to Model list]
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
right_asc | str | | |
dec | str | | |
ap_auto | str | | |
ap_auto_dev | float | | |
apertures | [str] | | |
aperture_devs | [float] | | |
magnitude | float | | |
deviation | float | | |
username | str | | |
night | Night | | |
exp_middle | str | | |
cmp_ap_auto | str | | |
cmp_ap_auto_dev | float | | |
cmp_apertures | [str] | | |
cmp_aperture_devs | [float] | | |
[Back to Model list]
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
first_date_of_the_night | str | | |
second_date_of_the_night | str | | |
ap_to_be_used | str | | |
cmp_ap_to_be_used | str | | |
[Back to Model list]
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
exposure_begin | datetime | | |
exposure_end | datetime | | |
[Back to Model list]
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
id | str | | |
catalog | str | | |
name | str | | |
right_asc | str | | |
declination | str | | |
magnitude | float | | |
fluxes_count | int | | |
[Back to Model list]
Extends SpaceObject by fluxes.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
fluxes | [Flux] | Additional field compared to SpaceObject | |
id | str | | |
catalog | str | | |
name | str | | |
right_asc | str | | |
declination | str | | |
magnitude | float | | |
fluxes_count | int | | |
[Back to Model list]
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
username | str | Unique | |
description | str | | |
[Back to Model list]