Apply default values to functions.
Makes configuration easy! Application settings come from a config file into
your code cleanly.
pip install apply_defaults
This decorator applies options from a ConfigParser object.
from apply_defaults import apply_config
from configparser import ConfigParser
config = ConfigParser()
config.read_dict({"general": {"option": True}})
def func(option: bool = False) -> bool:
return option
The option
parameter takes the value from the configuration.
>>> func()
Override the configuration by passing a value.
>>> func(option=False)
If the option is not in the configuration, the default value from the parameter
list is used.
>>> config.remove_option("general", "option")
>>> func()
ConfigParser's options are strings. Type hints in the function signature allow
the apply_config decorator to cast options to the desired type. Alternatively
cast the value yourself.
This decorator applies attributes from the bound object.
from apply_defaults import apply_self
class MyObject:
def __init__(self):
self.option = True
def func(self, option=False):
return option
The parameter takes the value from the bound object, i.e. self.option
>>> obj = MyObject()
>>> obj.func()
Override by passing a value.
>>> obj.func(option=False)
If the attribute is not in the bound object, the default value from the
parameter list is used.
>>> del obj.option
>>> obj.func()