ArchGenXML - UML to code generator for Plone
.. contents::
With ArchGenXML you can create working python code without writing one single
line of python. It is is a commandline utility that generates fully functional
Zope_ Products based on the Archetypes_ framework from UML_ models using XMI
, .zargo
, .zuml
) files. The most common use case is to generate
a set of custom content types, possibly with a few tools, a custom Member type
and some workflows thrown in.
.. _Zope: http://zope.org
.. _Archetypes: http://plone.org/documentation/manual/archetypes-developer-manual
.. _UML: http://www.uml.org/
How it works
In practice, you draw your UML diagrams in a tool like ArgoUML_ which has the
ability to generate XMI files. Once you are ready to test your
product, you run ArchGenXML on the XMI file, which will generate the product
directory. After generation, you will be able to install your product in Plone
and have your new content types, tools and workflows available.
.. _ArgoUML: http://argouml.tigris.org
At present, round-trip support is not implemented: Custom code can't be
converted back into XMI (and thus diagrams). However, you can re-generate
your product over existing code. Method bodies and certain protected code
sections will be preserved. This means that you can evolve your product's
public interfaces, its methods and its attributes in the UML model, without
fear of losing your hand-written code.
Supported Plone Versions
We support Plone Versions 2.5.x and >3.1.x. But if you have code generated
with some ArchGenXML version below 2 you will need to adjust the generated
model and code manually. There is no smooth migration. If you dont need to make
your code run on Plone 3, stick to an older version of ArchGenXML.
Further Reading
The Manual_ documents most of ArchGenXML features. There are also plenty third
party documentations in several languages. Just use Google_ to find more on
this topic.
.. _Manual: http://plone.org/documentation/manual/archgenxml2
.. _Google: http://www.google.com/search?q=archgenxml
2.7 (2017-11-08)
Added possibility to use tagged value 'icon' on actions to manage the icon_expr.
Added Tagged value 'icon' available for workflow transition.
Added a disable_increment_profile_vernum tagged value.
If it is True, version number in metadata.xml is not upgraded at each generation.
Add icons metadata files.
Use png as default icons.
If folder_icon or document_icon is set as content_icon, do not copy it.
Allow multiple worlkflows.
If many workflows are embedded with class, each workflow is binded in workflows.xml.
'use_workflow' attribute adds a workflow to embedded workflows.
Abstract class have no workflow binding.
Import Column classes with DataGridField.
Added a protected section in workflows definition.xml.
View action is always ${object_url}/view, otherwise select layout doesn't
work anymore.
When we add content_icon with null value on a class, icon expr is empty.
Add Site Administrator to ignored extra roles if plone >= 4.1.
Default plone target version is 4.1.
It's easier to change default version.
Fixed configure.zcml core section protection.
Now, manage formats of generic setup version number as n, n1.n2,
and not only n1.n2.n3.
If plone_target_version tagged-value is set to 4.0 or 4.1, then generate
icon_expr instead of content_icon for FTIs.
Add a protected FOOT section in type.xml.
Add vocabulary_factory tagged value.
Avoid deprecated import warning under Zope 2.13+.
Fixed inconstancy between template name and portlet class by removing .pt in the generation
Added method generation for portlet class.
The portlet class will look like the classic portlet.
2.6 (2011-03-10)
make z3 interfaces the default interface and dont accept any longer zope2
Use portal_type tagged-value if available instead of class name when
generating workflows.xml.
remove unneccessary imports for remember/membrane,
view permissions can now additionally be specified in the dependency
association to the content class,
name of the view template can now additionally be specified in the
dependency relation between view class and content class,
pass fixed size parameter to arrayfield (i.e. 4 generates size-4) ,
browser views: name on dpendency determines name of view,
remove old generator i18n support.
tgv for dynatree widget
Added worklist:guard_expressions tag definition.
Fixed UnicodeEncodeError when writing the code of existing methods
back to the files and the code is in the unicode format.
2.5 (2010-09-04)
Extender doesn't generate interfaces twice anymore.
You can now set meta_type="Subtractive Workflow" (default is "Workflow")
and state_var="confidential_state" for example (default is "review_state")
on a workflow to use it with collective.subtractiveworkflow.
Added roles and permissions protected sections in rolemap.xml.
Replaced buggy odict implementation by the ordereddict implementation
available in Python 2.7.
Unicode fixes for generated module info header.
Removed DeprecationWarning about the sets module.
Header info: use better formatting for author.
Encode module header strings so we don't choke on non-ASCII chars.
Make "dependend_profiles" alternative as multi-tgv available
(avoid ultra-long tgvs).
Added virtual field type "keywords" which results in a LinesField with
KeywordWidget (this needs a tgv catalog:index=1).
Prevent error on empty tgv.
2.4.1 (2009-04-01)
- Fix wrong version '2.4-'.
'2.4-' version was not fully uploaded.
2.4 (2009-04-01)
Fix use of index:extras tagged-value
Enable easy plone.app.content.ATBlob subclassing.
Add atblob stereotype to the profile.
Add stripogram (available as egg) as dependency.
Fix catalog assignment when catalogmultiples tagged valued is used.