.. image:: https://github.com/kyleaoman/martini/raw/main/martini_banner.png
|Python version| |PyPI version| |JOSS| |PyOpenSci| |ASCL| |Repostatus| |Zenodo| |Tests| |Documentation status| |CodeCov|
.. |Tests| image:: https://github.com/kyleaoman/martini/actions/workflows/lint_and_test.yml/badge.svg
:target: https://github.com/kyleaoman/martini/actions/workflows/lint_and_test.yml
:alt: Tests
.. |Documentation status| image:: https://readthedocs.org/projects/martini/badge/?version=latest
:target: https://martini.readthedocs.io/en/latest/?badge=latest
:alt: Documentation status
.. |Python version| image:: https://img.shields.io/python/required-version-toml?tomlFilePath=https%3A%2F%2Fraw.githubusercontent.com%2Fkyleaoman%2Fmartini%2Fmain%2Fpyproject.toml
:alt: Python Version from PEP 621 TOML
.. |PyPI version| image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/astromartini
:target: https://pypi.org/project/astromartini/
:alt: PyPI - Version
.. |Repostatus| image:: https://www.repostatus.org/badges/latest/active.svg
:alt: Project Status: Active – The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed.
:target: https://www.repostatus.org/#active
.. |Zenodo| image:: https://zenodo.org/badge/DOI/10.5281/zenodo.11193206.svg
:alt: Zenodo DOI
:target: https://zenodo.org/doi/10.5281/zenodo.11193206
.. |CodeCov| image:: https://codecov.io/gh/kyleaoman/martini/graph/badge.svg?token=05OA3Y8889
:alt: Tests code coverage
:target: https://codecov.io/gh/kyleaoman/martini
.. |PyOpenSci| image:: https://tinyurl.com/y22nb8up
:alt: PyOpenSci
:target: https://github.com/pyOpenSci/software-review/issues/164
.. |ASCL| image:: https://img.shields.io/badge/ascl-1911.005-blue.svg?colorB=262255
:alt: ascl:1911.005
:target: https://ascl.net/1911.005
.. |JOSS| image:: https://joss.theoj.org/papers/f46e9c0a37c70331703069f190c21c09/status.svg
:alt: JOSS doi:10.21105/joss.06860
:target: https://joss.theoj.org/papers/f46e9c0a37c70331703069f190c21c09
MARTINI is a modular package for the creation of synthetic resolved HI line observations (data cubes) of smoothed-particle hydrodynamics simulations of galaxies. The various aspects of the mock-observing process are divided logically into sub-modules handling the data cube, source, beam, noise, spectral model and SPH kernel. MARTINI is object-oriented: each sub-module provides a class (or classes) which can be configured as desired. For most sub-modules, base classes are provided to allow for straightforward customization. Instances of each sub-module class are given as parameters to the Martini class; a mock observation is then constructed by calling a handful of functions to execute the desired steps in the mock-observing process.
Full documentation_ can be found on ReadTheDocs.
.. _documentation: https://martini.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
If your use of MARTINI leads to a publication, please cite the JOSS paper
_ (ADS listing
) and the original paper
(also on ADS
). You may also cite the MARTINI entry
in the ASCL_ (indexed on ADS
). Ideally specify the version used (Zenodo DOI
, git commit ID and/or version number) and link to the github repository.
.. code-block:: bibtex
author = {{Oman}, Kyle A.},
title = "{MARTINI: Mock Array Radio Telescope Interferometry of the Neutral ISM}",
journal = {The Journal of Open Source Software},
keywords = {astronomy, simulations},
year = 2024,
month = jun,
volume = {9},
number = {98},
eid = {6860},
pages = {6860},
doi = {10.21105/joss.06860},
adsurl = {https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2024JOSS....9.6860O},
adsnote = {Provided by the SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System}
author = {{Oman}, Kyle A. and {Marasco}, Antonino and {Navarro}, Julio F. and {Frenk}, Carlos S. and {Schaye}, Joop and {Ben{\'\i}tez-Llambay}, Alejandro},
title = "{Non-circular motions and the diversity of dwarf galaxy rotation curves}",
journal = {\mnras},
keywords = {ISM: kinematics and dynamics, galaxies: haloes, galaxies: structure, dark matter, Astrophysics - Astrophysics of Galaxies, Astrophysics - Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics},
year = 2019,
month = jan,
volume = {482},
number = {1},
pages = {821-847},
doi = {10.1093/mnras/sty2687},
archivePrefix = {arXiv},
eprint = {1706.07478},
primaryClass = {astro-ph.GA},
adsurl = {https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2019MNRAS.482..821O},
adsnote = {Provided by the SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System}
author = {{Oman}, Kyle A.},
title = "{MARTINI: Mock spatially resolved spectral line observations of simulated galaxies}",
keywords = {Software},
howpublished = {Astrophysics Source Code Library, record ascl:1911.005},
year = 2019,
month = nov,
eid = {ascl:1911.005},
pages = {ascl:1911.005},
archivePrefix = {ascl},
eprint = {1911.005},
adsurl = {https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2019ascl.soft11005O},
adsnote = {Provided by the SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System}
Work that has used MARTINI includes: Oman et al. (2019)
, Mancera Piña et al. (2019)
, Chauhan et al. (2019)
, Mancera Piña et al. (2020)
, Santos-Santos et al. (2020)
, Glowacki et al. (2021)
, Bilimogga et al. (2022)
, Glowacki et al. (2022)
, Roper et al. (2023)
_ and Oman et al. (2024)
. The ALMASim package (Guglielmetti et al. 2023
) builds on some of MARTINI's functionality. If your work has used MARTINI and is not listed here, please let me know (by email or github issue).
.. _JOSS paper: https://doi.org/10.21105/joss.06860
.. _ADS listing: https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2024JOSS....9.6860O
.. _original paper: https://doi.org/10.1093/mnras/sty2687
.. _also on ADS: https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2019MNRAS.482..821O/abstract
.. _MARTINI entry: https://ascl.net/1911.005
.. _ASCL: https://ascl.net
.. _indexed on ADS: https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2019ascl.soft11005O/abstract
.. _Zenodo DOI: https://zenodo.org/records/11198185
.. _Oman et al. (2019): https://doi.org/10.1093/mnras/sty2687
.. _Mancera Piña et al. (2019): https://doi.org/10.3847/2041-8213/ab40c7
.. _Chauhan et al. (2019): https://doi.org/10.1093/mnras/stz2069
.. _Mancera Piña et al. (2020): https://doi.org/10.1093/mnras/staa1256
.. _Santos-Santos et al. (2020): https://doi.org/10.1093/mnras/staa1072
.. _Glowacki et al. (2021): https://doi.org/10.1093/mnras/stab2279
.. _Bilimogga et al. (2022): https://doi.org/10.1093/mnras/stac1213
.. _Glowacki et al. (2022): https://doi.org/10.1093/mnras/stac2684
.. _Roper et al. (2023): https://doi.org/10.1093/mnras/stad549
.. _Oman et al. (2024): https://doi.org/10.1093/mnras/stae1772
.. _ALMASim: https://github.com/MicheleDelliVeneri/ALMASim
.. _Guglielmetti et al. 2023: https://doi.org/10.3390/psf2023009018
.. _email: mailto:kyle.a.oman@durham.ac.uk
Installation Notes
MARTINI works with python3
(version 3.9
or higher), and does not support python2
Stable releases are available via PyPI_:
.. code-block::
python3 -m pip install astromartini
and the numbered releases (starting from 2.0.0
) on github. The github main branch is actively developed: things will change, bugs will happen. Any feedback is greatly appreciated via github issues or kyle.a.oman@durham.ac.uk.
.. _PyPI: https://pypi.org/project/astromartini/
.. _kyle.a.oman@durham.ac.uk: mailto:kyle.a.oman@durham.ac.uk
The easiest way to install MARTINI is from PyPI by doing python3 -m pip install astromartini
. Output to .fits
files is supported by default; if output to .hdf5
format is desired use python3 -m pip install "astromartini[hdf5_output]"
instead. This will also handle the installation of the required dependencies. Other optional features require additional dependencies hosted on PyPI. In particular, EAGLE, Illustris/TNG, Simba and FIRE users who wish to use the custom source modules for those simulations in MARTINI can automatically install the optional dependencies with python3 -m pip install "astromartini[eaglesource]"
, python3 -m pip install "astromartini[simbasource]"
, python3 -m pip install "astromartini[tngsource]"
, or python3 -m pip install "astromartini[firesource]"
Installing from github
You can browse releases_ that correspond to versions on PyPI (starting from 2.0.0) and download the source code. Unpack the zip file if necessary. If you're feeling adventurous or looking for a feature under development you can so browse branches_ and choose one to clone. In either case you should then be able to do python3 -m pip install "martini/[optional]"
, where optional
should be replaced by a comma separated list of optional dependencies. If this fails check that martini/
is a path pointing to the directory containing the pyproject.toml
file for MARTINI. The currently available options are:
: Supports output to hdf5 files via the h5py package. Since h5py is hosted on PyPI, this option may be used when installing via PyPI.eaglesource
: Dependencies for the |martini.sources.EAGLESource| module, which greatly simplifies reading input from EAGLE simulation snapshots. Installs my Hdecompose_ package, providing implementations of the Rahmati et al. (2013)
_ method for computing netural hydrogen fractions and the Blitz & Rosolowsky (2006)
_ method for atomic/molecular fractions. Also installs my python-only version
_ of John Helly's read_eagle
_ package for quick extraction of particles in a simulation sub-volume. h5py is also required.tngsource
: Dependencies for the |martini.sources.TNGSource| module, which greatly simplifies reading input from IllustrisTNG (and original Illustris) snapshots. Installs my Hdecompose_ package, providing implementations of the Rahmati et al. (2013)
_ method for computing netural hydrogen fractions and the Blitz & Rosolowsky (2006)
_ method for atomic/molecular fractions.magneticumsource
: Dependencies for the |martini.sources.MagneticumSource| module, which supports the Magneticum simulations via my fork
_ of the g3t
_ package by Antonio Ragagnin.sosource
: Dependencies for the |martini.sources.SOSource| module, which provides unofficial support for several simulation datasets hosted on specific systems. This is intended mostly for my own use, but APOSTLE, C-EAGLE/Hydrangea and Auriga users may contact_ me for further information.
.. _releases: https://github.com/kyleaoman/martini/releases
.. _branches: https://github.com/kyleaoman/martini/branches
.. _Hdecompose: https://github.com/kyleaoman/Hdecompose
.. _Rahmati et al. (2013)
: https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2013MNRAS.430.2427R/abstract
.. _Blitz & Rosolowsky (2006)
: https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2006ApJ...650..933B/abstract
.. _my python-only version
: https://github.com/kyleaoman/pyread_eagle
.. _read_eagle
: https://github.com/jchelly/read_eagle
.. _my fork
: https://github.com/kyleaoman/g3t
.. _g3t
: https://gitlab.lrz.de/di29bop/g3t
.. _contact: mailto:kyle.a.oman@durham.ac.uk
Getting started
See the help for |martini.Martini| for an example script to configure MARTINI and create a datacube. This example can be run by doing:
.. code-block:: python
python -c "from martini import demo; demo()"
MARTINI has (so far) been successfully run on the output of these simulations:
- EAGLE (also APOSTLE, C-EAGLE/Hydrangea)
- IllustrisTNG (also Illustris, Auriga)
- Simba
- Magneticum
- MaGICC, Marvelous-Merian (and therefore in principle other N-body shop projects)
- Colibre (test runs)
I attempt to support publicly available simulations with a customized source module. If your simulation is public and not supported, please contact me
_. Currently custom source modules exist for:
.. _contact me: mailto:kyle.a.oman@durham.ac.uk
- EAGLE (|martini.sources.EAGLESource|)
- IllustrisTNG (|martini.sources.TNGSource|; also works with Illustris)
- FIRE (|martini.sources.FIRESource|)
- Simba (|martini.sources.SimbaSource|)
- Magneticum (|martini.sources.MagneticumSource|)
- Colibre (|martini.sources.ColibreSource|)
Example notebooks_ are available for supported, publicly available simulations.
.. _notebooks: https://github.com/kyleaoman/martini/tree/main/examples
.. |martini.Martini| replace:: martini.Martini <https://martini.readthedocs.io/en/latest/modules/martini.martini.html#martini.martini.Martini>
.. |martini.sources.EAGLESource| replace:: martini.sources.EAGLESource <https://martini.readthedocs.io/en/latest/modules/martini.sources.eagle_source.html#martini.sources.eagle_source.EAGLESource>
.. |martini.sources.TNGSource| replace:: martini.sources.TNGSource <https://martini.readthedocs.io/en/latest/modules/martini.sources.tng_source.html#martini.sources.tng_source.TNGSource>
.. |martini.sources.FIRESource| replace:: martini.sources.FIRESource <https://martini.readthedocs.io/en/latest/modules/martini.sources.fire_source.html#martini.sources.fire_source.FIRESource>
.. |martini.sources.MagneticumSource| replace:: martini.sources.MagneticumSource <https://martini.readthedocs.io/en/latest/modules/martini.sources.magneticum_source.html#martini.sources.magneticum_source.MagneticumSource>
.. |martini.sources.SimbaSource| replace:: martini.sources.SimbaSource <https://martini.readthedocs.io/en/latest/modules/martini.sources.simba_source.html#martini.sources.simba_source.SimbaSource>
.. |martini.sources.SOSource| replace:: martini.sources.SOSource <https://martini.readthedocs.io/en/latest/modules/martini.sources.so_source.html#martini.sources.so_source.SOSource>
.. |martini.sources.ColibreSource| replace:: martini.sources.ColibreSource <https://martini.readthedocs.io/en/latest/modules/martini.sources.colibre_source.html#martini.sources.colibre_source.ColibreSource>