Binharness is a framework to facilitate analyzing binary programs in various
environments. It enables users to specify targets and environments to
analyze those targets in.
Binharness is currently in a pre-alpha state. While it is possible to use it,
expect the API to change as new ideas are explored.
Environment: A machine that can run targets. This can be a local machine
or a remote machine. It could also be a virtual machine or a container. At its
core, Binharness is not about managing environments, but bootstraping some
environments like containers is planned for ease of use.
There are two seperate implemenations of the environment: a local environment
that is implemented in Python, and a remote environment that is implemented in
Rust and uses a client/server archetecture.
Target: A program to analyze. A target exists independently of an
environment. A target can be loaded from an environment, or it can be loaded
from a file and "injected" into an environment where it is used.
Injection: An injection is how Binharness models adding files into an
Executor: An executor is a way to run a target. It is a wrapper around
the target that provides a consistent interface for running the target. It
also provides a way to collect results from the target. Examples of programs
that can be used to create Binharness Executors are tracers, fuzzers,
debuggers and translation layers.
Project layout
Binharness contains a few different components, written in a mix of Python in
Rust. The Rust code contains three crates: a client, a server, and a shared
library. The server is intended to be a highly-portable binary that can be
statically compiled and run in as many environments as possible. The client is
a PyO3-based Python module that can be imported and used by Python code. The
shared library contains code that is shared between the client and server. The
Python code implements the primary user-facing API, and is intended to be used
as a library in applications that use Binharness. The PyO3 module is intended
to be a relievely low-overhead wrapper around the Rust code, and is not intended
to be used directly by users. By comparison, the Python code is intended to
implement a higher-level, "Pythonic" API that is easy and intuitive to use.
The directories looks like this:
bh_agent_client/ - Client code for communicating with the binharness agent
bh_agent_common/ - Shared code between the agent client and server
bh_agent_server/ - The agent server program
binharness/ - User facing-python module
tests/ - Test code
Prior art
- archr - A framework for "target-based"
program analysis. It is similar to Binharness in that it can run targets in
local and containerized environeents, however it defines a target as the
binary and the system or container where it is run. Binharness seeks to
improve on this by separating the target from the environment, allowing more
flexibility, as well as allowing detaching from an analysis and retrieving
results later.
- angr - A binary analysis framework. angr is
an excellent python-based framework for binary analysis, and it has good
support for modeling the environment that a binary is run in, including
controlling behaviour at the function level using simprocedures and at the OS
level using SimOS. Binharness looks to avoid modeling the environment and
instead allow the user to use an existing environment, like a container. For
use cases that benefit from a tool like angr, Binharness looks to be able to
integrate with it.
- docker - A containerization platform. Docker is
the go-to tool for containerization, and has popularized using container
images to couple programs with configured environements. While it has been
successfully used for program analysis through existing tools like archr, it
is not desgined for this use case and requires other tools to make effective
use of it. Binharness looks to leverage docker and its ecosystem to take
advatage of its strengths like image management and runtime isolation.
- SSH SSH is the primary protocol
for remote access and management of machines. Binharness uses SSH as one of
the primary ways to bootrap remote environments. In a previous version,
Binharness used SSH as the primary way to communicate with remote environments
as well, but this has been replaced with a custom protocol due to limitations
of SSH.
- Ansible - A configuration management tool. Ansible
is a popular tool for configuring remote machines, and could be used as an
alternative to Binharness for bootstrapping remote environments. However, it
lacks support for collecting results from remote machines in a convenient way.
It also doesn't have an interface to integrate analyses, so the user would
need to manually orchestrate the analysis.