Navigator Library

This library serves as the entry point for applications that want to use Navigator with Python or C++.
1 . How-to setup the Raspberry Pi computer, please read Instructions.
2 . For Rust 🦀, please check the navigator-rs library.
- LEDs (User and RGB) access
- PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) control
- ADC (Analog Digital Converter) reading
- Magnetometer / Accelerometer / Gyroscope sampling
- Temperature reading
- Pressure estimation
📖 Documentation:
Check the examples folder for further information and guide.
🐍 Python:
Install the library.
pip install bluerobotics_navigator
With that, you'll bee able to run the examples, or creating your own:
import bluerobotics_navigator as navigator
print("Initializing navigator module.")
print("Setting led on!")
navigator.set_led(navigator.UserLed.Led1, True)
print(f"Temperature: {navigator.read_temp()}")
print(f"Pressure: {navigator.read_pressure()}")
f"Data ADC Channels: {navigator.read_adc_all().channel}"
print(f"Data ADC Channel: 1 = {navigator.read_adc(navigator.AdcChannel.Ch1)}")
data = navigator.read_mag()
print(f"Magnetic field: X = {data.x}, Y = {data.y}, Z = {data.z}")
🛠️ C++:
Follow our example folder as a template to create your own project. To compile and run the examples, you can run:
cd examples/cpp
cmake -B build -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug && cmake --build build --config Debug --parallel
# Run one of the examples
For an example of C++ code, you can check the following code:
#include "bindings.h"
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
int main() {
printf("Initiating navigator module.\n");
printf("Setting led on!\n");
set_led(UserLed::Led1, true);
printf("Temperature: %f\n", read_temp());
printf("Pressure: %f\n", read_pressure());
ADCData adc = read_adc_all();
printf("Reading ADC Channels: 1 = %f, 2 = %f, 3 = %f, 4 = %f\n",[0],[1],[2],[3]);
printf("Data ADC Channels: 1 = %f\n", read_adc(AdcChannel::Ch1));
AxisData mag = read_mag();
printf("Magnetic field: X = %f, Y = %f, Z = %f\n", mag.x, mag.y, mag.z);
return 0;
Note: The CMakeLists_Standalone.txt is a self-contained CMake project file example. Users can use it as a template to create their standalone projects based on the navigator-lib.
🏗️ Supported Architectures
Currently, the library supports armv7 and aarch64 architectures, which are the official defaults for BlueOS. The library also provides C++ .so
files for both gnu
and musl
For more detailed information, including installation instructions, schematics, and hardware specifications, please refer to the navigator hardware setup guide.
:ocean: Instructions for BlueOS (Recommended)
- Open the Autopilot Firmware page, enable Pirate Mode, and "change board" to SITL
- This stops the autopilot firmware from trying to operate while the WebAssistant is in use
- Reboot the vehicle computer, and wait for the interface to re-connect
Note: Since this library access the Navigator hardware, it can´t run in parallel with ArduPilot.
If you are running ArduPilot, be sure to disable it or set the board as SITL (Software Simulation) before running Navigator WebAssistant
- Download the Raspberry OS image (32 or 64 bits)
Note: To use a kernel that matches with the BlueOS and avoid incompatilities, please use:
32 Bits: raspios_lite_armhf-2023-02-22
64 Bits: raspios_lite_arm64-2023-02-22
- Install the Raspberry Pi Imager and flash the image
Note: You can also automatically setup the ssh, user, hostname and wi-fi settings.
- Execute the following command to setup the overlay required for Navigator ( I2C, SPI, GPIOs & others)
sudo su -c 'curl -fsSL | bash'
sudo reboot