
The purpose is to provide a python client to connect to the debugger tools of a web-browser.
Currently supports connecting to Google-Chrome/Chromium over the devtools protocol, via a wrapped websockets client. Feel free to extend and add support for other browsers as required.
For improved performance, install the wsaccel python lib
Example Usage
Start Google-Chrome, passing a remote debugger port argument, for example on Ubuntu:
$ google-chrome-stable --remote-debugging-port=9899
In a python console, you can connect to the remote debugging port and enable the Page domain.
>> devtools_client = ChromeInterface(9899, domains={"Page": {}})
The client provides some devtools interface methods, for example:
>> with devtools_client.set_timeout(10):
... devtools_client.take_screenshot("/tmp/screenshot.png")
Or more generally you can call remote methods according to the devtools protocol spec (, for example
>> devtools_client.execute(domain="Network", method="enable")
>> devtools_client.execute("Network", "setUserAgentOverride", {"userAgent": "Test"})