.. Copyright (c) 2024, Janus Heide.
.. All rights reserved.
.. Distributed under the "BSD 3-Clause License", see LICENSE.rst.
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Runs all the following programs in order, and return 1 if any of them result in an error.
1. isort
2. ruff
3. mypy
Getting Started
Install and run::
pip install brundle
brundle --help
usage: brundle [-h]
[--log-file LOG_FILE]
[--isort ISORT]
[--ruff RUFF]
[--mypy MYPY]
Run available linters.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
logging level (default: INFO)
--log-file LOG_FILE pipe loggining to file instead of stdout (default: None)
--isort ISORT runs isort (default: False)
--ruff RUFF runs ruff (default: False)
--mypy MYPY runs mypy (default: False)
-v, --version show program's version number and exit
Or if you want to install all linters that brundle bundles::
pip install brundle[linters]
brundle --help
usage: brundle [-h]
[--log-file LOG_FILE]
[--isort ISORT]
[--ruff RUFF]
[--mypy MYPY]
Run available linters.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
logging level (default: INFO)
--log-file LOG_FILE pipe loggining to file instead of stdout (default: None)
--isort ISORT runs isort (default: True)
--ruff RUFF runs ruff (default: True)
--mypy MYPY runs mypy (default: True)
-v, --version show program's version number and exit
Setup, run tests and release::
pip install .[dev]
bouillon release 1.2.3