Cadasta Worker Toolbox
|PyPI version| |Build Status| |Requirements Status|
A collection of helpers to assist in quickly building asynchronous
workers for the Cadasta system.
The ``Config`` class was built to simplify configuring Celery settings,
helping to ensure that all workers adhere to the architecture
requirements of the Cadasta asynchronous system. It essentially offers a
diff between Celery's default configuration and the configuration
required by our system. It is the aim of the class to not require much
customization on the part of the developer, however some customization
may be needed when altering configuration between environments (e.g. if
dev settings vary greatly from prod settings).
Any `Celery
setting <>`__
may be submitted via keyword argument or via environment variable.
Arguments submitted via keyword argument are expected to comply with
Celery's newer lowercase settings rather than their older uppercase
counterparts. Arguments provided by environment variable should be
uppercase and be prepended with the prefix ``CELERY_`` (e.g. to set the
``task_track_started`` value, an environment variable of
``CELERY_TASK_TRACK_STARTED`` should be set). The prefix can be
customized with a provided ``ENV_PREFIX`` keyword argument or
``CELERY_ENV_PREFIX`` environment variable. If both a keyword argument
and environment variable are provided for a setting, the keyword
argument takes precedence. Settings with non-string defaults will have
the environment variable values run through
```ast.literal_eval`` <>`__,
supporting Python native types like ``bool`` or ``tuple``. Only
lowercase settings are shown when calling ``repr`` on the ``Conf``
Once applied, all settings (and internal variables) are available on the
Celery ``app`` instance's ``app.conf`` object.
Provided Configuration
Below is the configuration that the ``Config`` class will provide to a
``Celery`` instance.
Defaults to
rendered with ``self``.
Defaults to ``'sqs``'.
Defaults to:
.. code:: python
'region': 'us-west-2',
'queue_name_prefix': '{}-'.format(QUEUE_NAME_PREFIX)
Defaults to the following ``set`` of ``kombu.Queue`` objects, where
``queues`` is the configuration's internal ``QUEUES`` variable and
``exchange`` is a ``kombu.Exchange`` object constructed from the
``task_default_exchange`` and ``task_default_exchange_type`` settings:
.. code:: python
Queue('celery', exchange, routing_key='celery'),
Queue(platform_queue, exchange, routing_key='#'),
] + [
Queue(q_name, exchange, routing_key=q_name)
for q_name in queues
*Note: It is recommended that developers not alter this setting.*
Defaults to a function that will generate a dict with the
``routing_key`` matching the value at the first index of a task name
split on the ``.`` and the ``exchange`` set to a ``kombu.Exchange``
object constructed from the ``task_default_exchange`` and
``task_default_exchange_type`` settings
*Note: It is recommended that developers not alter this setting.*
Defaults to ``'task_exchange'``
Defaults to ``'topic'``
Defaults to ``True``.
Internal Variables
Below are arguments and environmental variables that can be used to
customize the above provided configuration. By convention, all variables
used to construct Celery configuration should should be written entirely
uppercase. Unless otherwise stated, all variables may be specified via
argument or environment variable (with preference given to argument).
This should contain an array of names for all service-related queues
used by the Cadasta Platform. These values are used to construct the
``task_queues`` configuration. For the purposes of routing followup
tasks, it's important that every task consumer is aware of all queues
available. For this reason, if a queue is used by any service worker
then it should be specified within this array. It is not necessary to
include the ``'celery'`` or ``'platform.fifo'`` queues. Defaults to the
contents of the ``DEFAULT_QUEUES`` variable in the modules
````` file </cadasta/workertoolbox/>`__.
Defaults to ``'platform.fifo'``.
*Note: It is recommended that developers not alter this setting.*
Used to set the maximum number of times a ``celery.chord_unlock`` task
may retry before giving up. See celery/celery#2725. Defaults to
``43200`` (meaning to give up after 6 hours, assuming the default of the
task's ``default_retry_delay`` being set to 1 second).
Controls whether a default logging configuration should be applied to
the application. At a bare minimum, this includes:
- creating a console log handler for ``INFO`` level logs
- a file log handlers for ``INFO`` level logs, saved to
- a file log handlers for ``ERROR`` level logs, saved to
*Note: This may be useful for debugging, however in production it is
recommended to simply log to stdout (as is the default setup of Celery)*
Defaults to ``True`` if all required environment variables are set,
otherwise ``False``. Controls whether
`Sentry <>`__ logging handlers should be
setup. The ``SENTRY_DSN`` environment variable is required for Sentry
logging to be setup automatically. If this condition is met, the
following will be setup:
- add a `Sentry signal
handler <>`__
to log all failed tasks
Used to populate the ``queue_name_prefix`` value of the connections
``broker_transport_options``. Defaults to ``'dev'``.
Used to populate the default ``result_backend`` template. Defaults to
Used to populate the default ``result_backend`` template. Defaults to
Used to populate the default ``result_backend`` template. Defaults to
Used to populate the default ``result_backend`` template. Defaults to
Used to populate the default ``result_backend`` template. Defaults
After the Celery application is provided a configuration object, there
are other steups that must follow to properly configure the application.
For example, the exchanges and queues described in the configuration
must be declared. This function calls those required followup
procedures. Typically, it is called automatically by the
signal, however it must be called manually by codebases that are run
only as task producers or from within a Python shell.
It takes two arguments:
- A Celery()
app instance. Requiredthrow
- Boolean stipulating if errors should be raise on failed
setup. Otherwise, errors will simply be logged to the module logger
at exception
level. Optional, default: True
When provided with a Celery app instance, this function generates a
suite of functional tests to ensure that the provided application's
configuration and functionality conforms with the architecture of the
Cadasta asynchronous system.
An example, where an instanciated and configured ``Celery()`` app
instance exists in a parallel ``celery`` module:
.. code:: python
from cadasta.workertoolbox.tests import build_functional_tests
from .celery import app
FunctionalTests = build_functional_tests(app)
To run these tests, use your standard test runner (e.g. ``pytest``) or
call manually from the command-line:
.. code:: bash
python -m unittest path/to/
.. code:: bash
pip install -e .
pip install -r requirements-test.txt
.. code:: bash
pip install -r requirements-deploy.txt
python test clean build tag publish
.. |PyPI version| image::
.. |Build Status| image::
.. |Requirements Status| image::