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A Python framework for building toolchains and utilities for working with the Node.js ecosystem from within a Python environment.

  • 3.4.4
  • PyPI
  • Socket score



A Python framework for building toolchains and utilities for working with the Node.js ecosystem from within a Python environment.

.. image:: :target: .. image:: :target: .. image:: :target:

.. |AMD| replace:: AMD (Asynchronous Module Definition) .. |calmjs.bower| replace:: calmjs.bower .. |calmjs| replace:: calmjs .. |calmjs_npm| replace:: calmjs npm .. |calmjs.rjs| replace:: calmjs.rjs .. |calmjs.webpack| replace:: calmjs.webpack .. |npm| replace:: npm .. |r.js| replace:: r.js .. |setuptools| replace:: setuptools .. |webpack| replace:: webpack .. |yarn| replace:: yarn .. _AMD: .. _Bower: .. _calmjs.bower: .. _calmjs.rjs: .. _calmjs.webpack: .. _Node.js: .. _npm: .. _r.js: .. _setuptools: .. _webpack: .. _yarn:


Calmjs defines an extensible framework for interoperability between Python and Node.js_ runtime for Python packages, to provide their developers a well defined interface for bi-directional access between Node.js/Javascript development tools and the JavaScript code within their Python packages, such that a proper, formal integration with Node.js/JavaScript environment from a Python environment can be facilitated. The goal of the Calmjs framework is to aid the development, testing, and deployment of Python packages that also include and/or integrate with external JavaScript code.


First, this is achieved by providing Python packages the ability to declare dependencies on Node.js/JavaScript packages or source files that are required to complete their functionality. This common framework will ensure the accessibility of these metadata under a common protocol, to avoid incompatible declarations that are not portable between different projects and environments, or being otherwise scattered across different tools or locations or be duplicated within the same working environments by different sets of tools. Without a common framework, the result is that Python packages will be unable to properly communicate their non-Python requirements and states between each other, resulting in difficulties in building, development and deployment of the software stack, and/or becoming a source of errors for those processes.

Second, by offering a set of tools built on top of this extensible framework to work with these declarations for generating the configuration files for required Node.js tools, so that they can construct the required the build and/or runtime environment for their functionality.

Ultimately, this permits better Node.js integration with a given Python environment, lowering the amount of effort needed to achieve continuous integration and/or delivery of Python packages in conjunction with Node.js/JavaScript packages in a reproducible manner.


In order to achieve this, the Calmjs framework provides a set of
extension to |setuptools|_ that assists with the tracking and management
of dependencies of JavaScript or Node.js based packages (such as ones
through |npm|_) for a given Python package.  It also provides a number
of base classes that can be used to build custom toolchains that
implement different strategies for managing and compiling required
JavaScript code and related assets into the deployment artifacts that an
application server may use, or to generate test harnesses to ensure
correctness under both the development and production environment.
These extra functionalities will be provided by other Python packages
under the |calmjs| namespace in order to realize this modular

The name Calmjs was originally derived from the steps in the first
iteration of the toolchain which involves the steps compile, assemble,
and linkage into a module of JavaScript using the namespace from the
host Python package.  The `m` in the logo is the ear of a rabbit.  The
reason this animal is chosen as the mascot for this project is because
of their dietary habits, as it's analogous to how JavaScript code is
typically turned into a minimally usable level by other tools and

Features overview

A framework for integration with Node.js based package managers
    Through |setuptools| command hooks, |calmjs| provides Python
    packages with the ability to declare and manage manifest definition
    files for Node.js based package management systems (e.g. such as
    ``package.json`` for |npm|).  Under typical usage, this means the
    declaration of ``dependencies`` or ``devDependencies`` for the
    JavaScript packages needed by a given Python package can be tracked,
    all within the |setuptools| framework through the extensions
    provided by |calmjs|.

    The other part of this infrastructure is that these declarations
    follow the Python package dependency graph.  Developers and users
    can make use of the |calmjs| console command entry point, or through
    |setuptools|, to generate a manifest file to facilitate the
    installation of Node.js packages required by the Python packages
    within the completed application stack, tailored for all the
    packages at hand.

    |calmjs| includes the integration support for both |npm|_ and
    |yarn|_ by default.

Export JavaScript code out of Python packages with the same namespace
    A given Python package that included associated JavaScript source
    code within the same Python module and namespace structure alongside
    Python source code within the source tree, will be able to declare
    those namespaces as the root for those JavaScript modules under the
    exact same Python package namespace through |setuptools| entry

    These declarations will be available through registries exposed by
    the |calmjs| module registry system for other packages to turn those
    declarations through the API provided by the framework into working
    JavaScript code following the same declared module and namespace
    structures.  The default module registry will make use of the ``/``
    character (instead of the ``.`` character like in Python) as the
    separator for the names due to established naming conventions in
    JavaScript (and in ES6 towards the future).

    Other tools that works with the Calmjs framework can then make use
    of these raw JavaScript source files in conjunction with the local
    Node.js environment, or generate artifacts for deployment over the
    web.  This leads to...

Better integration of JavaScript toolchains into Python environments
    This is achieved by providing a framework for building toolchains
    for working with tools written in JavaScript for Node.js/JavaScript
    environments that integrates properly with existing Python packages
    and environments.

    There are no limitations as to how or what can be done with the
    tools or the source files, as this is left as an implementation
    detail.  For an example please refer to the |calmjs.rjs|_ Python
    package, which allows the production of |AMD|_ artifacts from
    JavaScript packages embedded inside Python packages, or
    |calmjs.webpack|_ which integrates with |webpack|_ for the
    production of another commonly used bundled artifact format.

    Generally, toolchains can be built to find and load all Python
    packages (through the |calmjs| registry system) that have any
    JavaScript source files, and those will be extracted, go through the
    appropriate transpilers (if any) in order to build deployable
    artifacts.  Test harnesses can be set up to aid with running of unit
    tests, functional testing and naturally the final integration tests
    needed for a successful deployment.

Well-defined modular architecture to ensure code reuse and extensibility
    The features described so far are built upon a foundation of generic
    classes and modules, so that the support for additional JavaScript
    tools or custom process for handling transpilation can be as simple
    as creating a new module for a couple of classes with additional
    parameters with the relevant |setuptools| entry points.

    In fact, |calmjs| out of the box only ships with just the core
    framework plus the |npm|/|yarn| interfacing part, with the support
    for tools like `Bower`_ or |r.js|_ as completely separate packages
    (as |calmjs.bower|_ and |calmjs.rjs|_ respectively), such that
    projects, environments or sites that do not need the functionality
    those packages provide can simply opt to not have them installed.


As the goal of |calmjs| is to integrate Node.js and |npm| (or |yarn|)
into a Python environment, they need to be available within the
environment; if they are not installed please follow the installation
steps for `Node.js`_ appropriate for the target operating

To install |calmjs| into a given Python environment, the following
command can be executed to install directly from PyPI:

.. code:: console

    $ pip install calmjs

.. _development installation method:

Alternative installation methods (for developers, advanced users)

Development is still ongoing with |calmjs|, for the latest features and bug fixes, the development version can be installed through git like so:

.. code:: console

$ # standard installation mode
$ pip install git+
$ # for an editable installation mode; note the upgrade flag
$ pip install -U -e git+

Note that the -U flag for the editable installation is to ensure that |setuptools| be upgraded to the latest version to avoid issues dealing with namespaces for development packages, which is documented in the next paragraph.

Alternatively, the git repository can be cloned directly and execute python develop while inside the root of the source directory, however if this development installation method is done using any version of |setuptools| earlier than v31, there will be inconsistent errors with importing of modules under the |calmjs| namespace. Various symptoms of namespace import failures_ are documented under the troubleshooting_ section of this document.

Testing the installation

To ensure that the |calmjs| installation is functioning correctly, the
built-in testsuite can be executed by the following:

.. code:: console

    $ python -m unittest calmjs.tests.make_suite

If there are failures, please file an issue on the issue tracker with
the full traceback, and/or the method of installation.  Please also
remember to include platform specific information, such as Python
version, operating system environments and version, and other related
information related to the issue at hand.

Usage and description of key features

When installed to a particular Python environment, the |calmjs|
command-line utility will become available within there.

.. code:: console

    $ calmjs
    usage: calmjs [-h] [-d] [-q] [-v] [-V] <command> ...

    positional arguments:
        artifact     helpers for the management of artifacts
        npm          npm support for the calmjs framework
        yarn         yarn support for the calmjs framework

    optional arguments:
      -h, --help     show this help message and exit

    global options:
      -d, --debug    show traceback on error; twice for post_mortem
                     '--debugger' when execution cannot continue
      -q, --quiet    be more quiet
      -v, --verbose  be more verbose
      -V, --version  print version information

As mentioned, |npm| support is built-in so it is always available; to
access its help, simply execute ``calmjs npm -h``, which will then list
the options available for that particular subcommand.  If other
subcommands are available (which will be provided by other |calmjs|
integration packages) they will be listed as a ``<command>`` and their
specific help messages will be accessible in the same manner.

Declare a ``package.json`` for a given Python package

.. _using package_json:

If a package wish to declare dependencies on packages hosted by |npm|, it may do something like this in its

.. code:: python

from setuptools import setup

package_json = {
    "dependencies": {
        "jquery": "~3.0.0",
        "underscore": "~1.8.0",

    # ...
        # plus other setup_requires ...
    # ...

Note that setup_requires section must specify |calmjs| in order to enable the package_json setup keyword for the generation of the package.json metadata file for the given package whenever python egg_info is executed (directly or indirectly), so that even if |calmjs| is not already installed into the current Python environment, it will be acquired from PyPI and be included as part of the |setuptools| setup process, and without being a direct dependency of the given package. The package.json will be generated if the provided data is either a valid JSON string or a dictionary without incompatible data types. For example:

.. code:: console

$ python egg_info
running egg_info
writing package_json to example.package.egg-info/package.json
$ cat example.package.egg-info/package.json
    "dependencies": {
        "jquery": "~3.0.0",
        "underscore": "~1.8.0"

The key reason for using setup_requires is to not force a given package's dependents to have |calmjs| as part of their dependencies, as typically this is a requirement only for developers but not for end-users. This also mean that for developers that want to use |calmjs| and utilities they must install that separately (i.e. pip install calmjs), or declare |calmjs| as a development dependency through the usage of extras_require flag, for example:

.. code:: python

    # ...
        # ...
        'dev': [
            # ... plus other development dependencies
    # ...

Then to fully install the package as an editable package with the dependencies listed under the dev extras:

.. code:: console

$ pip install -e .[dev]
Obtaining file://example/package
Installing collected packages: ..., calmjs, ...
  Running develop for example.package
Successfully installed ...

Note that now the |calmjs| package remains installed in the Python environment, and the utilities they provide may now be used, covered by the following sections.

Using the package.json across Python package dependencies

.. |integrate_with_calmjs_npm| replace:: integration with ``npm``
    through ``calmjs npm``

With the ``package.json`` file written to the package metadata
directory, utilities such as |calmjs| make make use of it.  One method
to do this is through that package's ````.  By invoking
`` npm --init`` from there, a new ``package.json``, combined
with all the ``dependencies`` and ``devDependencies`` declared by the
Python package dependencies of the given package, will be written to the
current directory.  This is akin to running ``npm init``, with the
difference being that the dependencies are also being resolved through
the Python package dependency tree for the given Python package.

Do note that this requires the ``package.json`` creation and handling
capability be available for the given package (refer to previous section
on how to achieve this) and all dependencies must be correctly installed
and be importable from the current Python environment.

Alternatively, the |calmjs_npm| utility may be used.  Invoking ``calmjs
npm --init example.package`` from the command line will achieve the same
thing, anywhere on the file system, provided that both |calmjs| and
``example.package`` are installed and available through the current
Python environment's import system.  For more details and information
about this utility, please refer to the |integrate_with_calmjs_npm|_

Dealing with |npm| dependencies with Python package dependencies

Flat is better than nested. So all dependencies (and devDependencies) declared by any upstream Python package will be automatically inherited by all its downstream packages, but they have the option to override it with whatever they want through the mechanism as described above. They can set a JavaScript or Node.js package to whatever versions desired, or even simply remove that dependency completely by setting the version to None.

Whenever an actual package.json is needed by |calmjs|, the |calmjs_npm| utility flattens all Node.js dependencies needed by the Python packages into a single file, which is then passed into the respective JavaScript package manager for consumption. This process is also done when a |calmjs| toolchain or utility make use of these declared information to to generate the desired artifacts to achieve whatever desired task at hand.

Of course, if the nested style of packages and dependency in the same style as |npm| is desired, no one is forced to use this, they are free to use whatever tools to interpret or make use of whatever data files and dependencies available, and/or to split their packages up to Python and JavaScript bits and have them be deployed and hosted on both PyPI (for pip) and |npm| respectively and then figure out how to bring them back together in a coherent manner. Don't ask (or debate with) the author on how the latter option is better or easier for everyone (developers, system integrators and end-users) involved.

Declare explicit dependencies on paths inside node_modules

Given that the dependencies on specific versions of packages sourced
from |npm| is explicitly specified, build tools will benefit again from
explicit declarations on files needed from those packages.  Namely, the
compiled packages could be declared in the ``extras_calmjs`` section in
JSON string much like ``package_json``, like so:

.. code:: python

    extras_calmjs = {
        'node_modules': {
            'jquery': 'jquery/dist/jquery.js',
            'underscore': 'underscore/underscore.js',


Since ``node_modules`` is declared to be an ``extras_key``, conflicting
declarations between packages within the environment will be resolved
and merged in the same manner as dependencies conflicts declared in

Please do note that complete path names must be declared (note that the
``.js`` filename suffix is included in the example); directories can
also be declared.  However, as these declarations are done from within
Python, explicit, full paths are required thus it is up to downstream
integration packages to properly handle and/or convert this into the
conventions that standard Node.js tools might expect (i.e. where the
``.js`` filename suffix is omitted).

Export JavaScript code from Python packages

Furthering the previous example, if the files and directories inside
``example.package`` are laid out like so::

    ├── example
    │   ├──
    │   └── package
    │       ├──
    │       ├──
    │       ├──
    │       ├── ui.js
    │       ├──
    │       └── widget.js

To declare the JavaScript source files within ``./example/package`` as
JavaScript modules through |calmjs|, an entry point can be declared like
so in the ```` file:

.. code:: python

        example.package = example.package

Note that the name of the entry point is not relevant; that entry point
name is ignored, as the intention of the default module registry is to
provide a module name that maps directly to the same import namespace
as the source Python module, but with the ES5 namespace separator
``/``, instead of the ``.`` character as in Python.  If an explicit
mapping is required, a new module registry class may be defined that
uses the provided name as the CommonJS import name from the JavaScript

The default method will expose the two source files with the following

    - 'example/package/ui'
    - 'example/package/widget'

For some projects, it may be undesirable to permit this automated method
to extract all the available JavaScript source files from within the
given Python module.

To get around this, it is possible to declare new module registries
through the Calmjs framework.  Provided that the ``ModuleRegistry``
subclass was set up correctly to generate the desired modules from a
given package, simply declare this as a ``calmjs.registry`` entry point
like so:

.. code:: python

        example.module = example.package.registry:ExampleModuleRegistry

Do note that while the names permitted for an entry point name is quite
unrestricted, these registry names should be of a standard dotted
namespace format to ensure maximum tool compatibility, as these can be
specified from the command line through tools that utilizes this system.

Once the registry was declared, simply replace ``calmjs.module`` with
the name of that, along with a ``calmjs_module_registry`` attribute that
declare this ``example.module`` registry is the default registry to use
with this package.

.. code:: python

        example.package = example.package

Within the Calmjs framework, tools can be explicitly specified to
capture modules from any or all module registries registered to the
framework.  One other registry was also defined.  If the entry point was
declared like so:

.. code:: python

        example.package = example.package

The separator for the namespace and the module will use the ``.``
character instead of ``/``.  However given that the ``.`` character is a
valid name for a JavaScript module, the usage of this may create issues
with certain JavaScript tools.  While AMD based module systems can
generally handle ``.`` characters in imports without issues, allowing
somewhat more Python-like feel importing using dotted names within the
JavaScript environment, however, this may lead to incompatibilities with
other JavaScript libraries thus the usage of this naming scheme is not

By default, another registry with the ``.tests`` suffix is also declared
as a compliment to the previously introduced registries, which packages
can make use of to declare JavaScript test code that accompanies the
respective modules that have been declared.  For example:

.. code:: python

        example.package = example.package

        example.package.tests = example.package.tests

Much like the first example, this declares ``example.package`` as a
Python namespace module that exports JavaScript code, with the
subsequent declaration section being the module that contains the tests
that accompanies the first.

Make available the accompanied resource files to loaders

Certain Node.js build tools and frameworks support the concept of
"loaders" for other resource files through the same import/require
system for JavaScript modules.  To provide the most basic support to
ease the effort required by package creators to expose other resource
files to the Node.js tooling import systems, a subsidiary loader
registry may be declared and used in conjunction with a parent module
registry.  To extend on the previous example, if following entry points
are defined:

.. code:: ini

    example.package = example.package

    json = json[json]
    text = text[txt,json]

The ``calmjs.module.loader`` registry will reference its parent registry
``calmjs.module`` for the specific modules that have been exposed, so
that it will source all the relevant filenames with the declared file
name extensions to a specific loader by name.  Unlike the base module
registry, the module loader registry will ignore the Python module name
section, while the name (on the left-hand side) is the desired loader,
with the extras (comma-separated tokens enclosed between the ``[]``) are
the file name extensions to be acquired from the package.  Thus with the
previously defined entries for the ``example.package``, the following
``require`` statements should resolve if the target resource files exist
for the package:

.. code:: javascript

    // resolved through "json = ...[json]"
    var manifest_obj = require('json!example/package/manifest.json');
    // resolved through "text = ...[txt,json]"
    var manifest_txt = require('text!example/package/manifest.json');
    var index_txt = require('text!example/package/index.txt');

As the values generated by the registry follow the standard toolchain
spec compile entry grammar, this should satisfy the most basic use cases
and can be included directly as a ``calmjs_module_registry`` for the
package.  However, the actual usage in the provided JavaScript code
conjunction with the actual toolchain packages that integrates/interacts
with with their respective Node.js packages may have interactions that
will require special handling (such as inclusion/exclusion of the
generated segments targeted for the final artifact, or how those sources
are aliased or made available to the system, or whether or not the
registry itself requires manual integration); please consult the
documentation for the specific integration package with regards to this
specific registry type.

One final note: due to the limitations of the Python entry point system,
file name extensions are assumed to be all lower-case.

.. _integrate_with_calmjs_npm:

Integration with |npm| through |calmjs_npm|

As mentioned, it is possible to make use of the ``package.json``
generation capabilities from outside of |setuptools|.  Users can easily
do the same through the built-in ``calmjs npm`` tool:

.. code:: console

    $ calmjs npm --help
    usage: calmjs npm [-h] [-d] [-q] [-v] [-V] [--view] [--init] [--install]
                      [-i] [-m] [-w] [-E] [-P] [-D]
                      <package> [<package> ...]

    npm support for the calmjs framework

    positional arguments:
      <package>          python packages to be used for the generation of

    optional arguments:
      -D, --development  explicitly specify development mode for npm install
      -E, --explicit     explicit mode disables resolution for dependencies;
                         only the specified Python package(s) will be used.
      -h, --help         show this help message and exit
      -i, --interactive  enable interactive prompt; if an action requires an
                         explicit response but none were specified through
                         flags (i.e. overwrite), prompt for response;
                         disabled by default
      -m, --merge        merge generated 'package.json' with the one in
                         current directory; if interactive mode is not
                         enabled, implies overwrite, else the difference will
                         be displayed
      -P, --production   explicitly specify production mode for npm install
      -w, --overwrite    automatically overwrite any file changes to current
                         directory without prompting

Naturally, the same ``--init`` functionality shown above with the
|setuptools| framework is available, however package names can be
supplied for generating the target ``package.json`` file from anywhere
on the filesystem, provided that the Python environment has all the
required packages installed.  For instance, if the Node.js packages for
``example.package`` is to be installed, this can be invoked to view the
``package.json`` that would be generated:

.. code:: console

    $ calmjs -v npm --view example.package
    2016-09-01 16:37:18,398 INFO calmjs.cli generating a flattened
    'package.json' for 'example.package'
        "dependencies": {
            "jquery": "~3.0.0",
            "underscore": "~1.8.0",
        "devDependencies": {},
        "name": "example.package"

If there is an existing ``package.json`` file already in the current
directory, using the ``-i`` flag with ``--init`` or ``--install`` will
show what differences there may be between the generated version and the
existing version, and prompt for an action.


Documentation on how to extend the Toolchain class to support use cases
is currently incomplete.  This is usually combined together with a
``calmjs.runtime.DriverRuntime`` to hook into the ``calmjs`` runtime.

Unfortunately at this time a detailed guide on how to create a complete
implementation is not completed (only documentation within the class
are, however).  For a working example on how this may be achieved please
refer to the implementations provided by |calmjs.rjs|_ or

Toolchain Advice

For package developers that need to provide additional instructions to
a toolchain execution (e.g. for compatibility between RequireJS and also
webpack for specific use case of features to a given package), the
toolchain system will also make use of the advice system such that
additional instructions may be created and registered for use and reuse
by their dependents.  Much like the Toolchain, this feature is currently
lacking in documentation outside of the test cases.

Pre-defined artifact generation through |setuptools|

It is possible to define the artifacts to be generated for a given
package and the rule to do so.  Simply define a function that return an
instance of a ``calmjs.toolchain.Toolchain`` subclass that have
integrated with the desired tool, and a ``calmjs.toolchain.Spec`` object
with the rules needed.  These specific functions are often provided by
the package that offers them, please refer to the toolchain packages
listed and linked in the previous section for further details on how
these might be used.

As these are also implemented through the registry system, the entry
points generally look like this:

.. code:: python

        complete.bundle.js = example.toolchain:builder

In the example, the ``builder`` function from the module
``example.toolchain`` is used to generate the ``complete.bundle.js``
file.  The generated artifact files will reside in the
``calmjs_artifacts`` directory within the package metadata directory
(one that ends with either ``.dist-info`` or ``.egg-info``) for that
package.  An accompanied ``calmjs_artifacts.json`` file will also be
generated, listing the versions of the various Python packages that were
involved with construction of that artifact, and the version of binary
that was used for the task.

When the ``build_calmjs_artifacts`` is set to ``True``, the hook for
automatic generation of these artifacts through the `` build``
step will enabled.  This is useful for automatically bundling the
artifact file with a release such as Python wheels (e.g. running
`` bdist_wheel`` will also build the declared artifacts.
Otherwise, this step can be manually invoked using
`` build_calmjs_artifacts`` or through the
``calmjs artifact build`` tool.


The following may be some issues that may be encountered with typical
usage of |calmjs|.

CRITICAL calmjs.runtime terminating due to a critical error

If |calmjs| encounters any unexpected situation, it may abort like so:

.. code:: console

    $ calmjs npm --install
    CRITICAL calmjs.runtime terminating due to a critical error

If no useful ERROR message is listed before, please try running again
using a debug flag (either ``-d`` or ``--debug``).

.. code:: console

    $ calmjs -d npm --install
    CRITICAL calmjs.runtime terminating due to exception
    Traceback (most recent call last):

Specifying the debug flag twice will enable the ``post_mortem`` mode,
where a debugger will be fired at the point of failure.  Authors of
packages that implement runtime classes that provide subcommands to the
|calmjs| command may find this useful during their development cycles.
Do note that the default debugger is only triggered if the top level
runtime class enable the usage (which the runtime class that implement
the |calmjs| command does) and if the failure occur during the
invocation of the runtime class.  Any other errors or exceptions that
occur during the setup stage of the |calmjs| runtime will simply be
logged at a lower priority level (e.g. to make warnings generated during
the setup stage visible, additional verbose flags must be provided).

ERROR bad 'calmjs.runtime' entry point

    This is typically caused by improper removal of locally installed
    packages that had an entry point registered, an addon package to
    |calmjs| registered entry points pointing to bad import locations,
    or conflicting installation methods was used for the current
    environment as outlined in the installation section of this
    document.  Either reinstall the broken package again with the
    correct installation method for the environment, or fully uninstall
    or remove files belonging to the packages or sources that are
    triggering the undesirable error messages.

bad entry point
    This is caused by packages defining malformed entry point.  The name
    of the package triggering this error will be noted in the log; the
    error may be reported to its developer.

.. _symptoms of namespace import failures:

Random ``ImportError`` when trying to import from the |calmjs| namespace

As |calmjs| is declared as both namespace and package, there are certain low-level setup that is required on the working Python environment to ensure that all modules within can be located correctly. However, versions of |setuptools| earlier than v31.0.0__ does not create the required package namespace declarations when a package is installed using a development installation method_ (e.g. using python develop) into the Python environment in conjunction with another package that was installed through pip within the same namespace. Failures can manifest as inconsistent import failures for any modules under the |calmjs| namespace. As an example:

.. __:

.. code:: pycon

>>> from calmjs import tests
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
ImportError: cannot import name tests
>>> from calmjs import parse  # calmjs.parse was installed via pip
>>> from calmjs import tests
>>> # no failure, but it was failing just earlier?

It could also manifest differently, such as an AttributeError, which may be triggered through the execution of unittests for |calmjs|:

.. code:: console

$ coverage run --include=src/* -m unittest calmjs.tests.make_suite
Traceback (most recent call last):
    parent, obj = obj, getattr(obj, part)
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'tests'
$ python -m calmjs.tests.make_suite
/usr/bin/python: No module named 'calmjs.tests'

To resolve this issue, ensure that |setuptools| is upgraded to v31 or greater, which may be installed/upgraded through pip like so:

.. code:: console

$ pip install --upgrade setuptools

Then reinstall all the required packages that are under the |calmjs| namespace to resolve this import issue.

Environmental variables being ignored/not passed to underlying tools

Generally speaking, the Calmjs framework filters out all environmental
variables except for the bare minimum by default, and only passes a
limited number to the underlying tool.  These are the ``PATH`` and the
``NODE_PATH`` variables, plus platform specific variables to enable
execution of scripts and binaries.

Runtime reporting 'unrecognized arguments:' on declared arguments

This issue should be fully resolved for calmjs>=3.1.0.

The default behavior in the ArgumentParser defaults to uselessly blaming
the root parser for any unrecognized arguments caused by its subparsers.
The original workaround prior to calmjs-3.1.0 had the failure as
documented below as its subparser resolver implementation was
incomplete.  Either of these misleading behaviors impede the end users
from being able to quickly locate the misplaced argument flags.

For instance, if the |calmjs| command was executed like so resulting in
error message may look like this:

.. code:: console

    $ calmjs subcmd1 subcmd2 --flag item
    usage: calmjs subcmd1 ... [--flag FLAG]
    calmjs subcmd1: error: unrecognized arguments: --flag

This means that ``--flag`` is unrecognized by the second subcommand
(i.e. the ``calmjs subcmd1 subcmd2`` command) as that was placed after
``subcmd2``, but the subparser for ``subcmd1`` flagged that as an error.
Unfortunately there are a number of issues in the ``argparse`` module
that makes it difficult to fully resolve this problem, so for the mean
time please ensure the flag is provided at the correct subcommand level
(i.e.  in this case, ``calmjs subcmd1 --flag item subcmd2``), otherwise
consult the help at the correct level by appending ``-h`` to each of the
valid subcommands.

Module registry not locating files from namespace packages

There are a number of edge cases associated with namespace packages in
Python, especially if they are provided on the system through different
methods (i.e. mix of zipped eggs, wheels and development packages).
While workarounds for handling of namespace modules for the given
packages are provided, there are limitations in place.  One such cause
is due to complexity in dealing with zipped eggs; if this is an issue,
please ensure that the affected package has ``zip_safe`` declared as
false, or alternatively generate a Python wheel then install that wheel,
if the target Python environment has that as the standard installation

UserWarning: Unknown distribution option: 'package_json'

This also applies to other relevant options, as it is caused by the
execution of ```` without |calmjs| being available to
|setuptools|, such that the handling method for these keywords remain
undefined.  This can be corrected by providing |calmjs| as part of the
``setup_requires`` section.  Further information on this may be found in
the `using package_json`_ section of this document.


- Issue Tracker:
- Source Code:


The Calmjs project is copyright (c) 2016 Auckland Bioengineering
Institute, University of Auckland.  |calmjs| is licensed under the terms
of the GPLv2 or later.


3.4.4 (2023-03-07)

- Upgrading to ``setuptools-65.6.0`` and beyond will result in a new
  version of ``distutils`` that "fixed" how logging works, but now the
  hooks and expected workarounds no longer work.  Given that the
  deprecation of ``distutils`` is in the works, no fixes will be done
  until ``setuptools`` fully replaces it beyond the release of Python
  3.12, as the author no longer trust Python to provide a stable
  platform to develop software on.  Thus, any future "fixes" will only
  be provided on an even more reactive (rather than proactive) basis.  [
  `#66 <>`_

3.4.3 (2023-03-02)

- This is a maintenance release for Python 3.11
- The registration of subparser of the same name will now be blocked,
  rather than cascade to result into a ``ArgumentError`` that cannot be
  recovered from.  [
  `#64 <>`_

3.4.2 (2021-10-09)

- This is a maintenance release for Python 3.10; no substantial changes
  were made.
- Provided a check for disabling integration tests using the
  ``CALMJS_SKIP_INTEGRATION`` environment variable, when set to a non-
  empty string, the integration tests found in ``test_dist`` will be
  skipped.  [
  `#60 <>`_

3.4.1 (2019-05-23)

- If a toolchain execution raised the abort or cancel exception, there
  will now be an appropriate debug log entry if debug mode is enabled.
- Avoid breaking an existing manner of assignment of advice_packages in
  related projects - ensure that a None value that was provided be
  treated as an empty list. [
  `#57 <>`_

3.4.0 (2019-05-22)

- Clean up a failing test case on Windows due to failure to use normcase
  to normalize the path for comparison between test result and expected
  answers.  [
  `#53 <>`_
  `#54 <>`_
- Provide a means to enable/disable the invocation of the post_mortem
  debugger at the class level, such that this feature is not forcibly
  enabled for all subclasses of Runtime.  [
  `#55 <>`_
- Provide a registry for packages to specify which requirement (package)
  to acquire toolchain advice from to apply by default for the relevant
  toolchains.  This also necessitated some changes to where the optional
  advices are applied, from the previous location applied as a setup
  level advice applied by the standard toolchain runtime, to the default
  sequence within the default toolchain itself.  [
  `#56 <>`_

  - As a consequence of this feature, any setup advice that trigger a
    toolchain abort or cancel will not leave the cleanup advices not
  - This feature is implemented in a manner that allow manual invocation
    of a toolchain with a list of manually provided advice_package be
    able to always override the default specified ones.

3.3.1 (2018-08-20)

- Correct the implementation of the helper function ``which`` such that
  path arguments to valid executables are accepted and returned.  [
  `#52 <>`_

3.3.0 (2018-07-23)

- Implement the features required to simplify the process of exposing
  auxiliary resource files provided by Python packages to the Node.js
  build tools. [
  `#46 <>`_
  `#48 <>`_
  `#50 <>`_

  - Provide a standardised base child module registry and some helper
    functions for their usage.
  - Provide a loader module registry with a restrictive naming scheme
    that directly references a single parent module registry.
  - This also necessitated exposing the mapper of the parent registry
    in a way that is reusable for other filename extensions, so that
    the default mapper will also accept the globber and the filename
    extension arguments.
  - Refactor a number of registry classes so that they may be more
    easily extended.
  - The self-referential property of the root registry is now properly

- For Node.js packages that didn't have a ``main`` or ``browser``
  section defined in their ``package.json``, make use of the default
  entry file ``index.js`` if it exists.  [
  `#49 <>`_

3.2.1 (2018-05-16)

- Pack related helpers for specific sets of package metadata files into
  functions that return them.  Naturally existing ones are provided,
  with the keys/filenames parameterized for reuse by dependants. [
  `#43 <>`_
- Use the ``ast`` module for parsing the es5 String Node value instead
  of the unicode-escape method as it encompasses more cases, including
  the line continuation escape sequence which can show up. [
  `#44 <>`_

3.1.0 (2018-04-30)

- Fix the modgen function in calmjs.indexer by actually not using the
  marked as deprecated indexer functions by default, but instead use the
  ``pkg_resources`` version as originally intended. [
  `#30 <>`_
  `#33 <>`_
- Ensure lookups on package names that have been normalized internally
  by pkg_resources can still be resolved by their original name. [
  `#31 <>`_
- Correctly return an unsuccessful exit code on various partial success
  while running ``calmjs artifact build`` command and for the distutils
  ``build_calmjs_artifacts`` command. [
  `#27 <>`_
  `#38 <>`_
- Correctly locate the subparser(s) that were responsible for whatever
  arguments they cannot recognize; includes cleaning up the interactions
  between the runtime and argparser classes and Python 3.7 compatibility
  fixes. [
  `#41 <>`_
- Fix handling of working directory flag as the validation should be
  done in the beginning rather than later.  Also clean up various
  logging/error messages surrounding that, plus a fix to toolchain test
  case isolation.  Note that downstream packages that did not set up the
  export target as an absolute part will result in a warning. [
  `#42 <>`_

3.0.0 (2018-01-10)

- The ``yarn`` subcommand is now provided as an alternative to ``npm``.
- Also decreased the log verbosity during the bootstrap runtime stage,
  so that for systems that don't have the required binaries available,
  the default ``calmjs`` command won't show those pile of warnings for
  that (increasing verbosity with ``-v`` will restore those warnings).
- Some confusing internal (but public) identifiers which are used in the
  Toolchain and Spec system have been renamed to better reflect their
  intended use and purpose.  Deprecation code is applied to aid
  transition, and these will be removed in 4.0.0.

  - For ``Spec``:

    - ``*_source_map`` -> ``*_sourcepath`` (except for the key that really
      amplified the confusion which was ``generate_source_map``)
    - ``*_targets`` -> ``*_targetpaths`` (to be consistent with paths on
      the filesystem).

  - On the ``Toolchain``, for the similar reasons as above:

    - ``sourcemap_suffix`` -> ``sourcepath_suffix``
    - ``target_suffix`` -> ``targetpath_suffix``

- Changed the order of binary resolution for Driver instances with
  configured NODE_PATH and current working directory to align with how
  Node.js inject them internally (in ``module.paths``, current working
  directory has higher order of precedence over NODE_PATH), for the
  method ``BaseDriver.find_node_modules_basedir``.
- Framework for predefined artifact generation for packages through the
  ``calmjs.artifacts`` registry.
- Also split off the directory resolution from the above method to
- Deprecated the existing toolchain.transpiler function as a standard
  callable.  The new version must be an instance of ``BaseUnparser``
  provided by the ``calmjs.parse`` package.  The NullToolchain will
  retain the usage of the legacy transpiler.
- Generation of the full transpile targetpaths will be normalized.  Note
  that targetpath is still toolchain specific.
- Removed most of the ``vlqsm`` module as the functionality is now
  provided by ``calmjs.parse.vlq`` and ``calmjs.parse.sourcemap``.  Only
  the legacy ``SourceWriter`` class remain, which is deprecated.
- Provide generic first class support for loader plugins, such that
  downstream packages should no longer need to explicitly declare
  ``extras_calmjs`` to specify the location of loaders for all the
  different toolchains (which inevitably collide and cause conflicts).
  Toolchains downstream will need to implement support for this.
- Artifact production support, including integration with setuptools.

2.1.0 (2016-11-29)

- Namespace packages that have a module explicitly provided should still
  be able to be looked up if a valid entry point is provided; naturally
  if the module isn't declared correctly then the behavior remains
  unchanged (github issue #5)
- Name field in ``package.json`` should contain project names standard
  to Node.js, i.e. if extras are specified, it should be stripped.  This
  is done so that that ``npm`` will not choke on it with a warning and
  die. (github issue #4)

2.0.0 (2016-11-16)

- Expose the indexer module functions mapper and modgen as public.
- Completely refactored the Toolchain class to have much more consistent
  method naming convention and argument lists.
- The compile method now reads from an instance specific list of methods
  which allow very customizable compilation steps.
- Specific ways for a toolchain to skip specific names based.
- Fixed copying of bundle sources to targets nested in subdirectories.
- The ``Spec`` callback system is now renamed to advice system and more
  comprehensively implemented; every step within the toolchain will
  execute advices before and after for each respective step that have
  been registered under the matching identifiers.  The identifiers for
  advices are are formalized as constants that can be imported from the
  ``calmjs.toolchain`` module.
- The advice system has dedicated exceptions which can be raised to
  signal an abort or cleanly stop a run.
- A couple spec keys were formalized, which are BUILD_DIR and
  CONFIG_JS_FILES, reserved for the build directory and marking out
  configuration JavaScript files.
- On a successful toolchain call, all advices registered to the spec
  under the key ``calmjs.toolchain.SUCCESS`` will now be invoked.
- Dedicated runtime provided for ``Toolchain`` subclasses, joining the
  ranks of a few other ``BaseDriver`` subclasses.  This is implemented
  as ``calmjs.runtime.ToolchainRuntime``.
- ``calmjs.runtime.Runtime`` can be subclassed and nested as it will now
  nest all ``BaseRuntime``.  Also the ``init`` method is removed, just
  use ``__init__`` and standard subclassing ``super`` usage rules.
- The default ``ArgumentParser`` instance for every ``Runtime`` will no
  longer be created until accessed, as it is now a property.
- Provide a way for packages to declare the primary module registry or
  registries it declared packages for through a new setup keyword
  ``calmjs_module_registry``, if required and desired.
- The default set of module registry names have been changed.  Registry
  ``calmjs.pythonic`` is renamed to ````; the related
  testing related registry is renamed to include the full name of its
  implied target.
- Reserved a small set of core (already defined) registries for the
  calmjs framework, which is formally defined and enforce by the
  registry itself.
- Corrected interactive-mode detection.
- Helpers for source map generation for simple transpilation.

1.0.3 (2016-09-07)

- Fixed the issue with bad environmental variables for subprocess.Popen
  for Windows under Python 2.7.
- Other minor testing fixes on CI platforms.

1.0.2 (2016-09-04)

- Fixed invocation of binaries on the Windows platform.
- Corrected some minor wording.

1.0.0 (2016-09-02)

- Initial release of the ``calmjs`` framework foundation.
- A cli runtime entry point is provided, named ``calmjs``.
- Provide core integration with ``npm`` and generation of
  ``package.json`` through the ``setuptools`` framework; this is
  accessible as a ``setuptool`` command or through ``calmjs`` runtime.
- Provide a registry framework for use within ``calmjs``.
- Provide core registries for registering packages for use by ``calmjs``
  through the predefined ``setuptools`` entry points and groups.
- Provide a cli tool driver framework for interacting with ``node`` and
  other Node.js based or other command line tools.
- Provide the base toolchain framework, built on top of the tool driver
- Provide modules for doing integration testing for modules that build
  on top of the ``calmjs`` framework.


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