Casioplot for computers
.. image::
:alt: Documentation Status
.. image::
:alt: PyPI Status
Module casioplot
from Casio calculator for Computers.
This can help to develop python programs in your computer and run it before you put it in your calculator.
Due to it's customization ability, this package can also be used as simple way to draw at a pixel level.
.. image:: docs/source/images/colours.png
:alt: A colorful image
.. image:: docs/source/images/3D_cube.png
:alt: A 3D cube
.. code-block:: shell
pip install casioplot
This module use python 3.11.
Need the module Pillow
to work.
Install Pillow:
.. code-block:: shell
pip install pillow
Usage example
Draw a single pixel
.. code-block:: python3
from casioplot import *
print(get_pixel(10, 10))
red = (255, 0, 0)
set_pixel(10, 10, red)
print(get_pixel(10, 10))
show_screen() # Don't forget to show the screen to see the result.
.. image:: docs/source/images/pixel.png
:alt: A single pixel on the screen
.. code-block:: text
(255, 255, 255)
(255, 0, 0)
For more examples and usage, please refer to the `Docs <>`_.
There is also a demonstration of the package in the folder `demo <>`_.
Development setup
Nothing needed.
Release history
See `Github release page <>`_.
Uniwix - ` <>`_
MiguelTorrinhaPereira - ` <>`_
Distributed under the MIT license. See `LICENSE <>`_ for more information.
1. Fork it (`<>`_)
2. Create your feature branch (``git checkout -b feature/fooBar``)
3. Commit your changes (``git commit -am 'Add some fooBar'``)
4. Push to the branch (``git push origin feature/fooBar``)
5. Create a new Pull Request
v 3.4.1 - Uniwix - MiguelTorrinhaPereira