
Pronounced /ˈkɛfɨ̞l/ ('keff-ill'), meaning 'horse' in Cymraeg/Welsh 🏴🐎
A software package to rapidly and flexibly analyse pulsar timing array (PTA) data via refiting to pulsar timing free spectra.
This can be done by fitting to a free spectrum of the entire PTA or individual pulsars!
It is highly recommended that you install enterprise-pulsar first via conda-forge before installing ceffyl
To install via `pip'
conda create -n new_env python=3.10
conda activate <new_env>
pip install ceffyl
pip install --no-deps enterprise-pulsar
To install via Anaconda:
conda create -n <new_env> python enterprise-pulsar
conda activate <new_env>
conda install -c conda-forge ceffyl
Then update to the latest version using github and pip!
This is because we use enterprise as a dependency. Enterprise requires tempo2. Tempo2 is notoriously difficult to install directly...
We plan to remove this dependency in a future update.
Download representations of PTA data to accurately fit spectral models with ceffyl!
- PTA free spectrum refit example
- This is the fastest and most accurate refit technique. Fit any GWB spectrum that you'd like in < 5 minutes!
- GFL Lite refit example
- Fit GWB models quickly and accurately to different combinations of pulsars!
- GFL refit example
- Fit GWB and custom intrinsic red noise models to different pulsars quickly! Experimental - use with caution!
Do you have your own free spectrum posteriors that you want to work in ceffyl? Learn about making your own KDE posteriors here
title={Rapid refitting techniques for Bayesian spectral characterization of the gravitational wave background using pulsar timing arrays},
author={Lamb, William G and Taylor, Stephen R and van Haasteren, Rutger},
journal={Physical Review D},