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python snippets and other useful things
this package is for i can put snippets and other useful things
and i do not need to write the same thing for fifth time
cosas utitles
the chibi path work like strings but with operators have sense for folders
and files
.. code-block:: python
from chibi.file import Chibi_path
tmp = Chibi_path( '/tmp/folder' )
isinstance( tmp, str ) == True
# return a generator with all the files and folders in
# the path
ls = list( tmp.ls() )
print( ls )
p = tmp + 'file.json'
str( p ) == '/tmp/folder/file.json'
f = p.open()
f.write('some string')
# check the file to see if it contains the string
'some string' in f
# write a dict like json in the file
f.write( { 'stuff': 'str' } )
# read the json and transform the dict in a Chibi_atlas
json = f.read()
json.stuff == 'str'
# the same but in yaml
f = tmp + 'file.yaml'
y = f.open()
y.write( { 'stuff': 'str' } )
yaml = y.read()
yaml.stuff == 'str'
esta herramienta se migro al paquete chibi-atlas
this is a dict but his keys can be access like attribute
.. code-block:: python
from chibi.atlas import Chibi_atlas
c = Chibi_atlas( { 'stuff': 'str', 'l': [ 1, { 'more_stuff': 'str_2' } ] } )
isinstance( c, dict ) == True
c.stuff == 'str'
c.l[0] == 1
c.l[1].more_stuff == 'str_2'
- inicio de migracion de pillow a chibi_miru
- se migro chibi.atlas a un paquete separado chibi-atlas
0.0.1 (2019-12-18)