.. _Python Programming Language: http://www.python.org/
.. _#circuits IRC Channel: https://web.libera.chat/#circuits
.. _Libera.Chat IRC Network: https://libera.chat
.. _Python Standard Library: http://docs.python.org/library/
.. _MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
.. _Create an Issue: https://github.com/circuits/circuits/issues/new
.. _Mailing List: http://groups.google.com/group/circuits-users
.. _Website: http://circuitsframework.com/
.. _PyPi: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/circuits
.. _Documentation: http://circuits.readthedocs.org/en/latest/
.. _Downloads: https://github.com/circuits/circuits/releases
.. _Ask a Question: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/ask
.. _Stackoverflow: http://stackoverflow.com/
.. image:: https://github.com/circuits/circuits/actions/workflows/python-app.yml/badge.svg
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:alt: Build Status
.. image:: https://codecov.io/gh/circuits/circuits/branch/master/graph/badge.svg
:target: https://codecov.io/gh/circuits/circuits
:alt: Coverage
circuits is a Lightweight Event driven and Asynchronous
Application Framework for the Python Programming Language
with a strong Component Architecture.
circuits also includes a lightweight, high performance and scalable
HTTP/WSGI compliant web server as well as various I/O and Networking
Got questions?
Ask a Question
_ (Tag it: circuits-framework
.. code:: python
#!/usr/bin/env python
"""circuits Hello World"""
from circuits import Component, Event
class hello(Event):
"""hello Event"""
class App(Component):
def hello(self):
"""Hello Event Handler"""
print("Hello World!")
def started(self, component):
"""Started Event Handler
This is fired internally when your application starts up and can be used to
trigger events that only occur once during startup.
self.fire(hello()) # Fire hello Event
raise SystemExit(0) # Terminate the Application
Echo Server
.. code:: python
#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Simple TCP Echo Server
This example shows how you can create a simple TCP Server (an Echo Service)
utilizing the builtin Socket Components that the circuits library ships with.
from circuits import handler, Debugger
from circuits.net.sockets import TCPServer
class EchoServer(TCPServer):
def on_read(self, sock, data):
"""Read Event Handler
This is fired by the underlying Socket Component when there has been
new data read from the connected client.
..note :: By simply returning, client/server socket components listen
to ValueChagned events (feedback) to determine if a handler
returned some data and fires a subsequent Write event with
the value returned.
return data
# Start and "run" the system.
# Bind to port
app = EchoServer(8000)
Hello Web
.. code:: python
#!/usr/bin/env python
from circuits.web import Server, Controller
class Root(Controller):
def index(self):
"""Index Request Handler
Controller(s) expose implicitly methods as request handlers.
Request Handlers can still be customized by using the ``@expose``
decorator. For example exposing as a different path.
return "Hello World!"
app = Server(("", 8000))
More examples <https://github.com/circuits/circuits/tree/master/examples>
- event driven
- concurrency support
- component architecture
- asynchronous I/O components
- no required external dependencies
- full featured web framework (circuits.web)
- coroutine based synchronization primitives
- circuits has no dependencies beyond the
Python Standard Library
Supported Platforms
- Linux, FreeBSD, Mac OS X, Windows
- Python 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, 3.11, 3.12
- pypy (the newer the better)
The simplest and recommended way to install circuits is with pip.
You may install the latest stable release from PyPI with pip::
$ pip install circuits
If you do not have pip, you may use easy_install::
$ easy_install circuits
Alternatively, you may download the source package from the
_ or the Downloads
_ extract it and install using::
$ python setup.py install
.. note::
You can install the development version <https://github.com/circuits/circuits/archive/master.zip#egg=circuits-dev>
via pip install circuits==dev
circuits is licensed under the MIT License
We welcome any questions or feedback about bugs and suggestions on how to
improve circuits.
Let us know what you think about circuits. @pythoncircuits <http://twitter.com/pythoncircuits>
Do you have suggestions for improvement? Then please Create an Issue
with details of what you would like to see. I'll take a look at it and
work with you to either incorporate the idea or find a better solution.
There are also several places you can reach out to the circuits community:
Mailing List
_#circuits IRC Channel
_ on the Libera.Chat IRC Network
_Ask a Question
_ on Stackoverflow
_ (Tag it: circuits-framework
Whilst I (James Mills) continue to contribute and maintain the circuits project
I do not represent the interests or business of my employer Facebook Inc. The
contributions I make are of my own free time and have no bearing or relevance
to Facebook Inc.