An easy command line interface for tracking your to-do list
Using pip
cli-todoer is only supported with python 3.6 due to the use of f-strings be aware before pip installing
pip install cli-todoer
Build from source
git clone
cd todoer
python install
todoer --help
Add tasks to your to-do list
todoer add "Task description" "Category"
Update tasks description or category
Both of the parameters are optional. You can specify only one argument in case you want to change only part of to-do task.
todoer update 1 --description "New task description" --category "New category"
Complete specified task and set status to Done
todoer complete 1
Show a list of all tasks for current day
todoer show
Delete specified task from to-do list
todoer delete 2
Clear to-do list and delete all the tasks
todoer clear