⚜️ Clientele
Generate loveable Python HTTP API Clients
Clientele lets you generate fully-typed, pythonic HTTP API Clients using an OpenAPI schema.
It's easy to use:
pipx install clientele
clientele generate -u https://raw.githubusercontent.com/phalt/clientele/main/example_openapi_specs/best.json -o api_client/
Generated code
The generated code is designed by python developers, for python developers.
It uses modern tooling and has a great developer experience.
from my_api import client, schemas
data = schemas.RequestDataRequest(my_input="test")
response = client.request_data_request_data_post(data=data)
match response:
case schemas.RequestDataResponse():
case schemas.ValidationError():
The generated code is tiny - the example schema we use for documentation and testing only requires 250 lines of code and 5 files.
Async support
You can choose to generate either a sync or an async client - we support both:
from my_async_api import client
response = await client.simple_request_simple_request_get()
Other features
- Written entirely in Python.
- Designed to work with FastAPI's and drf-spectacular's OpenAPI schema generator.
- The generated client only depends on httpx and Pydantic 2.4.
- HTTP Basic and HTTP Bearer authentication support.
- Support your own configuration - we provide an entry point that will never be overwritten.
- Designed for easy testing with respx.
- API updated? Just run the same command again and check the git diff.
- Automatically formats the generated client with black.