Cognite Python SDK
This is the Cognite Python SDK for developers and data scientists working with Cognite Data Fusion (CDF).
The package is tightly integrated with pandas, and helps you work easily and efficiently with data in Cognite Data
Fusion (CDF).
In order to start using the Python SDK, you need
- Python3 (>= 3.5) and pip
- An API key. Never include the API key directly in the code or upload the key to github. Instead, set the API key as an environment variable. See the usage example for how to authenticate with the API key.
This is how you set the API key as an environment variable on Mac OS and Linux:
$ export COGNITE_API_KEY=<your API key>
On Windows, you can follows these instructions to set the API key as an environment variable.
To install this package:
$ pip install cognite-sdk
To install this package without the pandas and NumPy support:
$ pip install cognite-sdk-core
To install with pandas, geopandas and shapely support (equivalent to installing cognite-sdk
However, this gives you the option to only have pandas (and NumPy) support without geopandas.
$ pip install cognite-sdk-core[pandas, geo]
On Windows, it is recommended to install geopandas
and its dependencies using conda
package manager, see geopandas installation page.
The following commands create a new environment, install geopandas
and cognite-sdk
conda create -n geo_env
conda activate geo_env
conda install --channel conda-forge geopandas
pip install cognite-sdk
For a collection of scripts and Jupyter Notebooks that explain how to perform various tasks in Cognite Data Fusion (CDF)
using Python, see the GitHub repository here
Wondering about upcoming or previous changes to the SDK? Take a look at the CHANGELOG.
Want to contribute? Check out CONTRIBUTING.