Python Concur

Concur is a Python GUI framework based on synchronous generators.
It is a port of Concur for Purescript, implemented on top of the Dear ImGui C++ UI library.
For introduction to core concepts, see the documentation. A more comprehensive introduction can be found in the Documentation for the Haskell/Purescript versions. This obviously uses Haskell/Purescript syntax and semantics, but many of the concepts will apply to the Python version.
Being an abstraction over ImGui, Concur is best used for debugging, prototyping and data analysis, rather than user-facing applications. ImGui functions can be used directly for any functionality that is not wrapped by Concur. See the PyImGui docs for additional widgets, or ImGui itself if you need to poke really deep.
The only dependencies are a C++ compiler, GLFW and Python >= 3.6. GLFW is included in major Linux distros, and there are pre-compiled binaries for Windows and OS X.
sudo apt install libglfw3-dev
sudo pacman -S glfw
Concur can be installed using pip:
pip install concur
This command should produce a very simple GUI app:
python -c 'import concur as c; c.main(c.button("Close"))'
See the introductory tutorial to get started, or use any of the examples as a starting point for your app.
For Concur development, clone the repo and install it using pip:
git clone
cd python-concur
pip install -e.
To run the tests, you need PyTest and PyTest-benchmark:
pip install pytest pytest-benchmark
SLOW_TEST=1 pytest
To build documentation, install pdoc3 (pip install pdoc3
), clone the submodules (git submodule update --init
), and run the script ./