Cookie's Statistics
Utility functions for statistical analyses.
Installation (for Users)
You can install the release version from PyPI.
pip install cookies_statistics
If you want to use the latest version that has not been released, clone this repository and install from the local directory.
git clone
cd cookies_statistics
pip install .
Development Guide (for Developers)
Please execute the following at the root of the repository.
Test locally
Please run the following commands.
git clone
cd cookies_statistics
# make some changes to the code
pip install -e '.[dev]' # install the package in editable mode
python -m unittest discover tests -v # test
If an error occurs, you can fix the code and rerun the tests without having to reinstall the package.
Update documentation
If you add a new function or class, please update the documentation accordingly.
cd docs
vi source/cookies_statistics.rst # add a new function or class
./make.bat html # or 'make html' (not on Windows)
# Please open 'docs/build/html/index.html' in your browser and check the content.
cd ..
If you are not an administrator, please open a pull request at this point.
Build and upload the distribution archives (for administrator only)
Please run the following commands. More details are here.
pip install --upgrade build # upgrade 'build'
python -m build
The following files will be generated.
Then please run the following commands. More details are here.
pip install --upgrade twine
python -m twine upload --repository testpypi dist/* # TestPyPI
python -m twine upload dist/* # PyPI