A Python library for network dynamics modeling and HPC simulation.

What is Cortix?
- Cortix is a massively parallel Python library for system-level module coupling, execution, and
analysis of dynamical system models that exchange time-dependent data.
- Cortix takes as input a collection of computational modules and provides an
environment for the coupling of these modules into a single simulation.
- Cortix supports:
- Module decoupling
- Communication between modules
- Data visualization
- Cortix runs on top of MPI and scales across many cores.
Installation: start by installing MPI
Installing via PyPI
pip install --user cortix
if updating to a new version, you may need to specify the version
pip install --user cortix=="<version>"
NB: this will not install the GraphViz executables but only the python wrapper. Install the GraphViz library on your system by yourself.
Installing via Conda
In a Anaconda
environment (MacOS terminal conda, or Windows Anaconda powershell) do:
pip install cortix
conda install graphviz
if updating to a new version, you may need to specify the version
pip install cortix=="<version>"
Installing from source
- Clone this repository to install the latest version of Cortix
git clone
- Install the required dependencies listed in
pip install --user -r cortix/requirements.txt
- Add
's parent path to your $PYTHONPATH
Note: you may want to add this line to your .bashrc
in order for it to be persistent
Verify your Cortix install by running the Droplet example
mpiexec -n xx examples/
where xx is the number of MPI processes which must match the number of modules plus 1. If there are
10 droplets and 1 vortex, use $xx = 12$.
Testing is facilitated by PyTest. Tests can be run locally from within the tests
cd tests && py.test
Using Cortix
Please refer to the documentation for more on getting started!
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
Cortix Group
c/o UMass Innovation Hub
110 Canal St., 3rd Floor
Lowell, MA 01852