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cppyy: Python-C++ bindings interface based on Cling/LLVM
cppyy provides fully automatic, dynamic Python-C++ bindings by leveraging
the Cling C++ interpreter and LLVM.
It supports both PyPy (natively), CPython, and C++ language standards
through C++17 (and parts of C++20).
Details and performance are described in
this paper <http://cern.ch/wlav/Cppyy_LavrijsenDutta_PyHPC16.pdf>
originally presented at PyHPC'16, but since updated with improved performance
Full documentation: cppyy.readthedocs.io <http://cppyy.readthedocs.io/>
Notebook-based tutorial: Cppyy Tutorial <https://github.com/wlav/cppyy/blob/master/doc/tutorial/CppyyTutorial.ipynb>
For Anaconda/miniconda, install cppyy from conda-forge <https://anaconda.org/conda-forge/cppyy>
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