CWL Format

CWL Format is a specification and a reference implementation for
a very opinionated CWL code formatter.
It outputs CWL in a standardized YAML format. It has no settings or
options because you have better things to do with your time. And because
CWL Format is always correct.
This repository lists the formatting rules and also contains a Python
implementation of the formatter.
pip install cwlformat
cwl-format unformatted.cwl > formatted.cwl
If you don't have a > py3.6 environment, you can use pipx
pip install pipx # from your < py3.6 environment
pipx ensurepath # ensures CLI application directory is on your $PATH
pipx install cwlformat --python python3.7 #tells pipx to set up a Py3.7 env for this app
Use programmatically in Python by doing
from cwlformat.formatter import cwl_format
formatted_text = cwl_format(unformatted_text)
from cwlformat.formatter import stringify_dict
as_dict = load_yaml(unformatted_text)
formatted_str = stringify_dict(as_dict)
Only comment lines at the top of the file, including blank lines,
before the actual CWL code are preserved. All other comments are lost.
Do not use this if all comments in the YAML are important to you.
If the first line does not start with #!/usr/bin/env
the line
#!/usr/bin/env cwl-runner
is added to the top of the file.
All CWL fields are ordered systematically. The field order for specific
fields have a defined precedence ("pinned fields"). Any fields not
present in this file ("free fields") are printed after the pinned fields
and ordered alphabetically.
A single blank line is added before the following fields if the parent
structure is a process.
- inputs
- outputs
- steps
- requirements
- hints
- baseCommand
The pinned fields are defined in this YAML file.
Specific pinned field orderings are available for CommandLineTool,
ExpressionTool and Workflow processes. All other types follow a generic
pinned field list.
All strings that fit within 80 columns are expressed in flow style.
Longer strings or strings with new lines are expressed in block style.
All lists and maps are expressed in block style
The ordering of all lists are preserved
Indentation is 2 spaces, including for lists
Conformance tests
A series of documents are found in the tests
directory that can be used
to check correctness of a formatter. The files named original-*
are the input files
and the files named formatted-*
are the corresponding formatted documents. There
are a mixture of YAML and JSON input files. Formatted files are always YAML.
CWL Exploder
This takes as input a packed workflow (workflow with all steps in lined) and splits it
recursively into parts.
cwl-explode formatted-atac-seq-pipeline.cwl expected-exploded-atac-seq.cwl
Results in the exploded parent workflow
and 52 sub-components