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daemonocle is a library for creating your own Unix-style daemons written in Python. It solves many
problems that other daemon libraries have and provides some really useful features you don't often
see in other daemons.
.. contents:: Table of Contents
:backlinks: none
To install via pip::
pip install daemonocle
Or download the source code and install manually::
git clone https://github.com/jnrbsn/daemonocle.git
cd daemonocle/
python setup.py install
Basic Usage
Here's a really really basic example:
.. code:: python
import sys
import time
import daemonocle
# This is your daemon. It sleeps, and then sleeps again.
def main():
while True:
if __name__ == '__main__':
daemon = daemonocle.Daemon(
And here's the same example with logging and a Shutdown Callback
.. code:: python
import logging
import sys
import time
import daemonocle
def cb_shutdown(message, code):
logging.info('Daemon is stopping')
def main():
level=logging.DEBUG, format='%(asctime)s [%(levelname)s] %(message)s',
logging.info('Daemon is starting')
while True:
logging.debug('Still running')
if __name__ == '__main__':
daemon = daemonocle.Daemon(
And here's what it looks like when you run it::
user@host:~$ python example.py start
Starting example.py ... OK
user@host:~$ python example.py status
example.py -- pid: 1234, status: running, uptime: 1m, %cpu: 0.0, %mem: 0.0
user@host:~$ python example.py stop
Stopping example.py ... OK
user@host:~$ cat /var/log/daemonocle_example.log
2014-05-04 12:39:21,090 [INFO] Daemon is starting
2014-05-04 12:39:21,091 [DEBUG] Still running
2014-05-04 12:39:31,091 [DEBUG] Still running
2014-05-04 12:39:41,091 [DEBUG] Still running
2014-05-04 12:39:51,093 [DEBUG] Still running
2014-05-04 12:40:01,094 [DEBUG] Still running
2014-05-04 12:40:07,113 [INFO] Daemon is stopping
2014-05-04 12:40:07,114 [DEBUG] Terminated by SIGTERM (15)
For more details, see the Detailed Usage
_ section below.
If you think about it, a lot of Unix daemons don't really know what the hell they're doing. Have you
ever found yourself in a situation that looked something like this? ::
user@host:~$ sudo example start
starting example ... ok
user@host:~$ ps aux | grep example
user 1234 0.0 0.0 1234 1234 pts/1 S+ 12:34 0:00 grep example
user@host:~$ sudo example start
starting example ... ok
user@host:~$ echo $?
user@host:~$ tail -f /var/log/example.log
Or something like this? ::
user@host:~$ sudo example stop
stopping example ... ok
user@host:~$ ps aux | grep example
user 123 0.0 0.0 1234 1234 ? Ss 00:00 0:00 /usr/local/bin/example
user 1234 0.0 0.0 1234 1234 pts/1 S+ 12:34 0:00 grep example
user@host:~$ sudo example stop
stopping example ... ok
user@host:~$ ps aux | grep example
user 123 0.0 0.0 1234 1234 ? Ss 00:00 0:00 /usr/local/bin/example
user 1240 0.0 0.0 1234 1234 pts/1 S+ 12:34 0:00 grep example
user@host:~$ sudo kill -9 123
Or something like this? ::
user@host:~$ sudo example status
Usage: example {start|stop|restart}
user@host:~$ ps aux | grep example
These are just a few examples of unnecessarily common problems. It doesn't have to be this way.
**Note:** You might be thinking, "Why not just write a smarter start/stop shell script wrapper
for your daemon that checks whether or not it actually started, actually stopped, etc.?"
Seriously? **It doesn't have to be this way.** I believe daemons should be more self-aware. They
should handle their own problems most of the time, and your start/stop script should only be a
very thin wrapper around your daemon or simply a symlink to your daemon.
The Problem
If you've ever dug deep into the nitty-gritty details of how daemonization works, you're probably
familiar with the `standard "double fork" paradigm <http://bit.ly/stevens-daemon>`_ first introduced
by W. Richard Stevens in the book `Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment
<http://amzn.com/0321637739>`_. One of the problems with the standard way to implement this is that
if the final child dies immediately when it gets around to doing real work, the original parent
process (the one that actually had control of your terminal) is long gone. So all you know is that
the process got forked, but you have no idea if it actually kept running for more than a fraction of
a second. And let's face it, one of the most likely times for a daemon to die is immediately after
it starts (due to bad configuration, permissions, etc.).
The next problem mentioned in the section above is when you try to stop a daemon, it doesn't
actually stop, and you have no idea that it didn't actually stop. This happens when a process
doesn't respond properly to a ``SIGTERM`` signal. It happens more often than it should. The problem
is not necessarily the fact that it didn't stop. It's the fact that you didn't *know* that it didn't
stop. The start/stop script knows that it successfully sent the signal and so it assumes success.
This also becomes a problem when your ``restart`` command blindly calls ``stop`` and then ``start``,
because it will try to start a new instance of the daemon before the previous one has exited.
These are the biggest problems most daemons have in my opinion. daemonocle solves these problems and
provides many other "fancy" features.
The Solution
The problem with the daemon immediately dying on startup and you not knowing about it is solved by
having the first child (the immediate parent of the final child) sleep for one second and then call
os.waitpid(pid, os.WNOHANG)
to see if the process is still running. This is what daemonocle
does. So if you're daemon dies within one second of starting, you'll know about it.
This problem with the daemon not stopping and you not knowing about it is solved by simply waiting
for the process to finish (with a timeout). This is what daemonocle does. (Note: When a timeout
occurs, it doesn't try to send a SIGKILL
. This is not always what you'd want and often not a
good idea.)
Other Useful Features
Below are some other useful features that daemononcle provides that you might not find elsewhere.
The ``status`` Action
There is a ``status`` action that not only displays whether or not the daemon is running and its
PID, but also the uptime of the daemon and the % CPU and % memory usage of all the processes in the
same process group as the daemon (which are probably its children). So if you have a daemon that
launches mulitple worker processes, the ``status`` action will show the % CPU and % memory usage of
all the workers combined.
It might look something like this::
user@host:~$ python example.py status
example.py -- pid: 1234, status: running, uptime: 12d 3h 4m, %cpu: 12.4, %mem: 4.5
You can even get JSON output if you call the action like this:
.. code:: python
daemon.do_action('status', json=True)
If you use the `Integration with click`_ described below, this option is available via the
``--json`` CLI option. You can also just get a ``dict`` directly and programatically without
printing it to STDOUT by calling ``Daemon.get_status()``.
Slightly Smarter ``restart`` Action
Have you ever tried to restart a daemon only to realize that it's not actually running? Let me
guess: it just gave you an error and didn't start the daemon. A lot of the time this is not a
problem, but if you're trying to restart the daemon in an automated way, it's more annoying to have
to check if it's running and do either a ``start`` or ``restart`` accordingly. With daemonocle, if
you try to restart a daemon that's not running, it will give you a warning saying that it wasn't
running and then start the daemon. This is often what people expect.
Daemons that use daemonocle have the ability to reload themselves by simply calling
``daemon.reload()`` where ``daemon`` is your ``daemonocle.Daemon`` instance. The execution of the
current daemon halts wherever ``daemon.reload()`` was called, and a new daemon is started up to
replace the current one. From your code's perspective, it's pretty much the same as a doing a
``restart`` except that it's initiated from within the daemon itself and there's no signal handling
involved. Here's a basic example of a daemon that watches a config file and reloads itself when the
config file changes:
.. code:: python
import os
import sys
import time
import daemonocle
class FileWatcher(object):
def __init__(self, filename, daemon):
self._filename = filename
self._daemon = daemon
self._file_mtime = os.stat(self._filename).st_mtime
def file_has_changed(self):
current_mtime = os.stat(self._filename).st_mtime
if current_mtime != self._file_mtime:
self._file_mtime = current_mtime
return True
return False
def watch(self):
while True:
if self.file_has_changed():
if __name__ == '__main__':
daemon = daemonocle.Daemon(pid_file='/var/run/daemonocle_example.pid')
fw = FileWatcher(filename='/etc/daemonocle_example.conf', daemon=daemon)
daemon.worker = fw.watch
Shutdown Callback
You may have noticed from the `Basic Usage`_ section above that a ``shutdown_callback`` was defined.
This function gets called whenever the daemon is shutting down in a catchable way, which should be
most of the time except for a ``SIGKILL`` or if your server crashes unexpectedly or loses power or
something like that. This function can be used for doing any sort of cleanup that your daemon needs
to do. Also, if you want to log (to the logger of your choice) the reason for the shutdown and the
intended exit code, you can use the ``message`` and ``code`` arguments that will be passed to your
callback (your callback must take these two arguments).
Non-Detached Mode
This is not particularly interesting per se, but it's worth noting that in non-detached mode, your
daemon will do everything else you've configured it to do (i.e. ``setuid``, ``setgid``, ``chroot``,
etc.) except actually detaching from your terminal. So while you're testing, you can get an
extremely accurate view of how your daemon will behave in the wild. It's also worth noting that
self-reloading works in non-detached mode, which was a little tricky to figure out initially.
File Descriptor Handling
One of the things that daemons typically do is close all open file descriptors and establish new
ones for ``STDIN``, ``STDOUT``, ``STDERR`` that just point to ``/dev/null``. This is fine most of
the time, but if your worker is an instance method of a class that opens files in its ``__init__()``
method, then you'll run into problems if you're not careful. This is also a problem if you're
importing a module that leaves open files behind. For example, importing the
`random <https://docs.python.org/3/library/random.html>`_ standard library module in Python 3
results in an open file descriptor for ``/dev/urandom``.
Since this "feature" of daemons often causes more problems than it solves, and the problems it
causes sometimes have strange side-effects that make it very difficult to troubleshoot, this feature
is optional and disabled by default in daemonocle via the ``close_open_files`` option.
Detailed Usage
The ``daemonocle.Daemon`` class is the main class for creating a daemon using daemonocle. Here's the
constructor signature for the class:
.. code:: python
class daemonocle.Daemon(
name=None, worker=None, detach=True,
pid_file=None, work_dir='/', stdout_file=None, stderr_file=None, chroot_dir=None,
uid=None, gid=None, umask=0o22, close_open_files=False,
shutdown_callback=None, stop_timeout=10)
And here are descriptions of all the arguments:
The name of your program to use in output messages. Default: ``os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])``
The function that does all the work for your daemon.
Whether or not to detach from the terminal and go into the background. See `Non-Detached Mode`_
for more details. Default: ``True``
The path to a PID file to use. It's not required to use a PID file, but if you don't, you won't
be able to use all the features you might expect. Make sure the user your daemon is running as
has permission to write to the directory this file is in.
The path to a directory to change to when the daemon starts. Note that a file system cannot be
unmounted if a process has its working directory on that file system. So if you change the
default, be careful about what you change it to. Default: ``"/"``
If provided when ``detach=True``, the STDOUT stream will be redirected (appended) to the file
at the given path. In non-detached mode, this argument is ignored.
*New in version 1.1.0.*
If provided when ``detach=True``, the STDERR stream will be redirected (appended) to the file
at the given path. In non-detached mode, this argument is ignored.
*New in version 1.1.0.*
The path to a directory to set as the effective root directory when the daemon starts. The
default is not to do anything.
The user ID to switch to when the daemon starts. The default is to not switch users.
The group ID to switch to when the daemon starts. The default is to not switch groups.
The file creation mask ("umask") for the process. Default: ``0o022``
Whether or not to close all open files when the daemon detaches. Default: ``False``
This will get called anytime the daemon is shutting down. It should take a ``message`` and a
``code`` argument. The message is a human readable message that explains why the daemon is
shutting down. It might useful to log this message. The code is the exit code with which it
intends to exit. See `Shutdown Callback`_ for more details.
Number of seconds to wait for the daemon to stop before throwing an error. Default: ``10``
The default actions are ``start``, ``stop``, ``restart``, and ``status``. You can get a list of
available actions using the ``daemonocle.Daemon.list_actions()`` method. The recommended way to call
an action is using the ``daemonocle.Daemon.do_action(action)`` method. The string name of an action
is the same as the method name except with dashes in place of underscores.
If you want to create your own actions, simply subclass ``daemonocle.Daemon`` and add the
``@daemonocle.expose_action`` decorator to your action method, and that's it.
Here's an example:
.. code:: python
import daemonocle
class MyDaemon(daemonocle.Daemon):
def full_status(self):
"""Get more detailed status of the daemon."""
Then, if you did the basic ``daemon.do_action(sys.argv[1])`` like in all the examples above, you can
call your action with a command like ``python example.py full-status``.
Integration with click
daemonocle also provides an integration with click <http://click.pocoo.org/>
_, the "Command Line
Interface Creation Kit". The integration is in the form of a custom command class
that you can use in conjunction with the @click.command()
to automatically generate a command line interface with subcommands for all your actions. It also
automatically daemonizes the decorated function. The decorated function becomes the worker, and the
actions are automatically mapped from click to daemonocle.
Here's an example:
.. code:: python
import time
import click
from daemonocle.cli import DaemonCLI
@click.command(cls=DaemonCLI, daemon_params={'pid_file': '/var/run/example.pid'})
def main():
"""This is my awesome daemon. It pretends to do work in the background."""
while True:
if __name__ == '__main__':
Here are all the help pages for the default actions::
user@host:~$ python example.py --help
Usage: example.py [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
This is my awesome daemon. It pretends to do work in the background.
--help Show this message and exit.
start Start the daemon.
stop Stop the daemon.
restart Stop then start the daemon.
status Get the status of the daemon.
user@host:~$ python example.py start --help
Usage: example.py start [OPTIONS]
Start the daemon.
--debug Do NOT detach and run in the background.
--help Show this message and exit.
user@host:~$ python example.py stop --help
Usage: example.py stop [OPTIONS]
Stop the daemon.
--timeout INTEGER Number of seconds to wait for the daemon to stop.
Overrides "stop_timeout" from daemon definition.
--force Kill the daemon uncleanly if the timeout is reached.
--help Show this message and exit.
user@host:~$ python example.py restart --help
Usage: example.py restart [OPTIONS]
Stop then start the daemon.
--timeout INTEGER Number of seconds to wait for the daemon to stop.
Overrides "stop_timeout" from daemon definition.
--force Kill the daemon forcefully after the timeout.
--debug Do NOT detach and run in the background.
--help Show this message and exit.
user@host:~$ python example.py status --help
Usage: example.py status [OPTIONS]
Get the status of the daemon.
--json Show the status in JSON format.
--fields TEXT Comma-separated list of process info fields to display.
--help Show this message and exit.
The daemonocle.cli.DaemonCLI
class also accepts a daemon_class
argument that can be a
subclass of daemonocle.Daemon
. It will use your custom class, automatically create subcommands
for any custom actions you've defined, and use the docstrings of the action methods as the help text
just like click usually does.
This integration is entirely optional. daemonocle doesn't enforce any sort of argument parsing. You
can use argparse, optparse, or just plain sys.argv
if you want.
Starting with version 1.1.0, you can also use a couple different shorter ways of invoking the CLI.
Like this:
.. code:: python
from daemonocle.cli import cli
def main():
"""Do stuff"""
if __name__ == '__main__':
Or like this:
.. code:: python
from daemonocle import Daemon
def main():
"""Do stuff"""
if __name__ == '__main__':
daemon = Daemon(worker=main, pid_file='/var/run/example.pid')
The above two examples are equivalent. Use whichever way works best for you.
Bugs, Requests, Questions, etc.
Please create an issue on GitHub <https://github.com/jnrbsn/daemonocle/issues>
Release History
v1.2.3 (2021-04-22)
* Pass args to click from Daemon.cli()
* Don't run start hook on reload or when the daemon is already running
v1.2.1 and v1.2.2 (2021-02-16)
- Minor tweaks to some undocumented experimental features
v1.2.0 (2021-02-15)
* Dropped support for Python 2.7 and 3.5 (only >= 3.6 is now supported)
* Deprecated ``shutdown_callback`` argument in favor of new hooks system.
Replace ``shutdown_callback=func`` with ``hooks={'shutdown': func}``.
* Added ``'start'`` hook that gets called before attempting to start the
daemon. This can be useful for checking things or setting things up.
* Improvements to some undocumented experimental features. :)
v1.1.1 (2020-12-31)
- The
action will now clean up the PID file if the worker didn't
do it for some reason. - A few bug fixes to some undocumented experimental features. :)
v1.1.0 (2020-12-16)
* Official support for Python 3.9
* Added back official support for Python 3.5
* Increased test coverage to over 95%.
* All tests now pass on macOS (Intel) and the GitHub Actions build now runs on
macOS 10.15 in addition to Ubuntu.
* Fixed the ``close_open_files`` option to be much more reliable and consistent
across different platforms.
* Fixed a race condition with the self-reload functionality where the PID file
of the parent process was being deleted while the child process was trying to
read it.
* Added ``stdout_file`` and ``stderr_file`` arguments to ``Daemon``. If these
arguments are provided when ``detach=True``, STDOUT and STDERR will be
redirected to these files. In non-detached mode, these arguments are ignored.
* When ``chrootdir`` is given, all other paths are now always considered
relative to the chroot directory, even with a leading slash.
* Actions can now take arbitrary arguments, and (on Python 3) CLI options are
auto-generated from the function signature. The auto-generated CLI options
work best when your action's function signature contains type annotations and
default values where applicable.
* Added ``timeout`` and ``force`` arguments to the built-in ``stop`` action,
accessible from the CLI as ``--timeout`` and ``--force``.
* Added ``json`` and ``fields`` arguments to the built-in ``status`` action,
accessible from the CLI as ``--json`` and ``--fields``.
* Added colored output when the output stream is attached to a terminal.
* Fixed a bug where the daemon wouldn't respond properly to ``docker stop``
when running in a docker container.
* The worker function can now be a method called ``worker`` on a ``Daemon``
* Some more secret experimental stuff. :)
v1.0.2 (2020-07-12)
- Official support for Python 2.7, 3.6, 3.7, and 3.8.
- Fixed bug checking if a stream is a socket on Python 3.8.
- Closing open files is now more efficient on systems with a very high limit
on the number of open files.
- Improved detection of running inside a container.
v1.0.1 (2016-04-17)
* No changes in this release. Bumped version only to re-upload to PyPI.
v1.0.0 (2016-04-17)
- Added official support for Python 2.7, 3.3, 3.4, and 3.5.
- Added a comprehensive suite of unit tests with over 90% code coverage.
- Dependencies (click and psutil) are no longer pinned to specific versions.
- Fixed bug with
handlers not being called in intermediate processes. - Fixed bug when PID file is a relative path.
- Fixed bug when STDIN doesn't have a file descriptor number.
- Fixed bug when running in non-detached mode in a Docker container.
- A TTY is no longer checked for when deciding how to run in non-detached mode.
The behavior was inconsistent across different platforms.
- Fixed bug when a process stopped before having chance to check if it stopped.
- Fixed bug where an exception could be raised if a PID file is already gone
when trying to remove it.
- Subdirectories created for PID files now respect the
setting. - The pre-
mode for PID files is now 0o666
instead of 0o777
which will result in a default mode of 0o644
instead of 0o755
using the default umask
of 0o22
v0.8 (2014-08-01)
* Upgraded click to version 2.5.
* Status action now returns exit code 1 if the daemon is not running.
v0.7 (2014-06-23)
- Fixed bug that was causing an empty PID file on Python 3.
- Upgraded click to version 2.1.
- Open file discriptors are no longer closed by default. This functionality is now optional via the
argument to Daemon()
. - Added
argument to DaemonCLI()
as well as the pass_daemon
v0.6 (2014-06-10)
* Upgraded click to version 2.0.
v0.5 (2014-06-09)
- Fixed literal octal formatting to work with Python 3.
v0.4 (2014-05-19)
* Fixed bug with uptime calculation in status action.
* Upgraded click to version 0.7.
v0.3 (2014-05-14)
- Reorganized package and cleaned up code.
v0.2 (2014-05-12)
* Renamed ``Daemon.get_actions()`` to ``Daemon.list_actions()``.
* Improvements to documentation.
* Fixed bug with non-detached mode when parent is in the same process group.
v0.1 (2014-05-11)