This purpose of this library is to provide seamless integration of Plotly Dash with keycloak via the python-keycloak package.
Prior to using this library, a Keycloak server must be setup. Please refer to the official documentation,
After setting up the server, create a client for the application. Set "Access Type" to "confidential", set the valid redirect URIs (mandatory), and click "Save". Go to "Installation", select "Keycloak OIDC JSON" as "Format Option" and download the file.
To run the code, a virtual environment should be setup,
python3 -m venv venv
After activating the environment,
source venv/bin/activate
The relevant packages can be installed as
pip install -r requirements.txt
Running the example
After completing the above step, the example can be run with the command
python3 -m flask_keycloak.examples.dash_example /path/to/keycloak.json
Bump the version number in and run
python3 sdist
pip3 install twine
twine upload dist/*