DAX: Distributed Automation for XNAT
DAX, is a python package developed at Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN,
USA. It's available on github at: https://github.com/VUIIS/dax.
XNAT provides a flexible imaging informatics software platform to
organize and manage imaging data.
DAX, an open-source initiative under the umbrella of Vanderbilt University
Institute of Imaging Science (VUIIS), is a Python project that provides a
uniform interface to run pipelines on a cluster by grabbing data from a XNAT
database via RESTApi Calls.
DAX allows you to:
- extract information from XNAT via scripts (bin/Xnat_tools/Xnat...)
- create pipelines (spiders/processors) to run pipelines on your data
- build a project on XNAT with pipelines (assessors)
- launch pipelines on your cluster and upload results back to xnat
- interact with XNAT via python using commands in XnatUtils.