DBnomics Data Model
In DBnomics, once data has been downloaded from providers, it is converted in a common format: the DBnomics data model.
This Python package provides:
- model classes defining DBnomics entities (provider, dataset, series, etc.) with their business logic and validation rules
- a data storage abstraction to load and save those entities
- adapters implementing the data storage abstraction (e.g.
This package is used in particular by the convert script of fetchers in order to save data.
Please read https://db.nomics.world/docs/data-model/
Validate data
To validate a directory containing data written by (or compatible with) the "filesystem" adapter:
dbnomics-validate-storage <storage_dir>
This script outputs the data validation errors it finds.
Run tests
To run unit tests:
Code quality:
flake8 .
See also: https://git.nomics.world/dbnomics-fetchers/documentation/wikis/code-style
Publish a new version
For package maintainers:
git tag x.y.z
git push
git push --tags
GitLab CI will publish the package to https://pypi.org/project/dbnomics-data-model/ (see .gitlab-ci.yml