AWS Deadline Cloud Test Fixtures

This package contains pytest fixtures that are used to test AWS Deadline Cloud Python packages.
To use this package:
- Install it into your test environment
- Configure environment variables needed for your tests (see src/deadline_test_fixtures/ for available options)
- Use the fixtures in your tests (see src/deadline_test_fixtures/ for available fixtures)
For example, to use the worker
from deadline_test_fixtures import DeadlineWorker
def test_something_with_the_worker(worker: DeadlineWorker) -> None:
result = worker.send_command("some command")
assert result.stdout == "expected output"
You can also import the classes from this package directly to build your own fixtures
from deadline_test_fixtures import (
class DoubleWorker(DeadlineWorker):
def __init__(
) -> None:
self.ec2_worker = EC2InstanceWorker(
self.docker_worker = DockerContainerWorker(
def start(self) -> None:
from .double_worker import DoubleWorker
import pytest
def double_worker() -> DoubleWorker:
return DoubleWorker(
def test_something(double_worker: DoubleWorker) -> None:
This library collects telemetry data by default. Telemetry events contain non-personally-identifiable information that helps us understand how users interact with our software so we know what features our customers use, and/or what existing pain points are.
You can opt out of telemetry data collection by either:
- Setting the environment variable:
- Setting the config file:
deadline config set telemetry.opt_out true
Note that setting the environment variable supersedes the config file setting.
Build / Test / Release
Build the package.
hatch build
Run tests
hatch run test
Run linting
hatch run lint
Run formating
hatch run fmt
Run a tests for all supported Python versions.
hatch run all:test
This library requires:
- Python 3.9 or higher; and
- Linux, MacOS, or Windows operating system.
This package's version follows Semantic Versioning 2.0, but is still considered to be in its
initial development, thus backwards incompatible versions are denoted by minor version bumps. To help illustrate how
versions will increment during this initial development stage, they are described below:
- The MAJOR version is currently 0, indicating initial development.
- The MINOR version is currently incremented when backwards incompatible changes are introduced to the public API.
- The PATCH version is currently incremented when bug fixes or backwards compatible changes are introduced to the public API.
You can download this package from:
See CONTRIBUTING for more information.
This project is licensed under the Apache-2.0 License.