decorators-cryptography is a Python library that provides decorators for encrypting and decrypting passed arguments using the cryptography package.
- Installing Poetry and running the virtual environment
- Install Poetry
- Start virtual environment
- Install pre-commit hooks
- Install pre-commit
- Install pre-commit hooks
- Example Usage
Installing Poetry and running the virtual environment
ℹ️ Poetry Documentation
Install Poetry
For Linux, macOS, Windows (WSL):
curl -sSL | python3 -
For Windows (Powershell):
(Invoke-WebRequest -Uri -UseBasicParsing).Content | py -
On macOS and Windows, the installation script will prompt you to add the Poetry executable folder to the PATH variable. Do this by running the following command (don't forget to change {USERNAME} to your username):
export PATH="/Users/{USERNAME}/.local/bin:$PATH"
$Env:Path += ";C:\Users\{USERNAME}\AppData\Roaming\Python\Scripts"; setx PATH "$Env:Path"
Check installation:
poetry --version
Installing bash completions (optional):
poetry completions bash >> ~/.bash_completion
Start virtual environment
🔖 Setting up the Poetry environment for PyCharm
Creating a virtual environment:
poetry env use python3.10
Installing dependencies:
poetry install
Launching the shell and activating the virtual environment (from the project folder):
poetry shell
Checking virtual environment activation:
poetry env list
:arrow_up: Contents
Install pre-commit hooks
In order for pre-commit checks to be performed with each commit, you must:
Install pre-commit
The pre-commit module has already been added to the requirements and should be installed automatically with the virtual environment.
You can check the presence of pre-commit with the command (with the virtual environment activated):
pre-commit --version
If this does not happen, then you need to install pre-commit according to the official instructions:
- install via brew package manager:
brew install pre-commit
- installation via poetry:
poetry add pre-commit
- pip install:
pip install pre-commit
:arrow_up: Contents
Install hooks
Installing hooks:
pre-commit install --all
In the future, when executing the git commit
command, the checks listed in the .pre-commit-config.yaml
file will be performed.
If it is not clear which error is preventing the commit from being executed, you can run the hooks manually with the command:
pre-commit run --all-files
:arrow_up: Contents
Example Usage
To use the decorators provided by decorators-cryptography, follow the examples below.
from decorators_cryptography import encrypt, decrypt
def sensitive_function(arg1, arg2):
def sensitive_function(arg1, arg2):
:arrow_up: Contents