devolo Home Control API

This project implements parts of the devolo Home Control API in Python. It is based on reverse engineering and therefore may fail with any new devolo update. If you discover a breakage, please feel free to report an issue.
System requirements
Defining the system requirements with exact versions typically is difficult. But there is a tested environment:
- Linux
- Python 3.7.12
- pip 22.0.1
- requests 2.27.1
- websocket_client 1.3.1
- zeroconf 0.38.4
Other versions and even other operating systems might work. Feel free to tell us about your experience. If you want to run our unit tests, you also need:
- pytest 7.0.1
- pytest-mock 3.7.0
In our versioning we follow Semantic Versioning.
Installing for usage
The Python Package Index takes care for you. Just use pip.
pip install devolo-home-control-api
Installing for development
First, you need to get the sources.
git clone
Then you need to take care of the requirements.
cd devolo_home_control_api
python install
If you want to run out tests, install the extra requirements and start pytest.
pip install -e .[test]
Quick start
To see that basic functionality, please look at our small example. For this example, a working Home Control Central Unit must be attached to your my devolo account. After entering your my devolo username and password, simply run it:
You will see changes to any BinarySwitch device (e.g. state or consumption) reported to your console. If the executing device is in the same LAN as the Home Control Central Unit, it will be discovered via Zeroconf. In this case, data will be collected from the Central Unit directly; otherwise data will be collected via cloud from my devolo.
Connecting to my devolo
If you do not know your gateway ID, you can ask my devolo. For now, no other functionality is implemented, that you would need to access directly. If you discover other use cases, feel free to file a feature request.
mydevolo = Mydevolo.get_instance()
mydevolo.user = "username"
mydevolo.password = "password"
for gateway_id in mydevolo.get_gateway_ids():
Collecting Home Control data
There are two ways of getting data:
- Let the websocket push data into your object, but still poll the object
- Subscribe to the publisher and let it push (preferred)
Using websockets
When using websocket events, messages will keep the object up to date. Nevertheless, no further action is triggered. So you have to ask yourself. The following example will list the current state of all binary switches. If the state changes, you will not notice unless you ask again.
homecontrol = HomeControl(gateway_id=gateway_id, mydevolo_instance=mydevolo)
for binary_switch in mprm.binary_switch_devices:
for state in binary_switch.binary_switch_property:
print (f"State of {} ({binary_switch.binary_switch_property[state].element_uid}): {binary_switch.binary_switch_property[state].state}")
To execute this example, you again need a configured instance of Mydevolo.
Using subscriber
This preferred usage is shown in our small example. On every websocket event, update()
will be called. That way you can react to changes right away.
Further usage
You will find snippets discribing other use cases in our wiki.