Diamond-Miner 💎

D-Miner is the first Internet-scale system that captures a multipath view of the topology.
By combining and adapting state-of-the-art multipath detection and high speed randomized topology discovery techniques,
D-Miner permits discovery of the Internet’s multipath topology in 2.5 days1 when probing at 100kpps.2
🚀 Quickstart
is a Python library to build large-scale Internet topology surveys.
It implements the Diamond-Miner algorithm to map load-balanced paths,
but it can also be used to implement other kind of measurements such as Yarrp-style traceroutes.
To get started, install Diamond-Miner and head over to the documentation:
pip install diamond-miner
Diamond-Miner has been presented and published at NSDI 2020.
Since then, the code has been refactored and separated in the diamond-miner
and caracal
The code as it was at the time of the publication is available in the diamond-miner-cpp
and diamond-miner-wrapper
If you use Diamond-Miner, please cite the following paper:
@inproceedings {DiamondMiner2020,
author = {Kevin Vermeulen and Justin P. Rohrer and Robert Beverly and Olivier Fourmaux and Timur Friedman},
title = {Diamond-Miner: Comprehensive Discovery of the Internet{\textquoteright}s Topology Diamonds },
booktitle = {17th {USENIX} Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation ({NSDI} 20)},
year = {2020},
isbn = {978-1-939133-13-7},
address = {Santa Clara, CA},
pages = {479--493},
url = {https://www.usenix.org/conference/nsdi20/presentation/vermeulen},
publisher = {{USENIX} Association},
month = feb,
Diamond-Miner is developed and maintained by the Dioptra group at Sorbonne Université in Paris, France.
The initial version has been written by Kévin Vermeulen, with subsequents refactoring and improvements by Maxime Mouchet and Matthieu Gouel.
License & Dependencies
This software is released under the MIT license, in accordance with the license of its dependencies.