Django DDP
Django DDP
_ is a Django_/PostgreSQL_ implementation of the Meteor DDP
server, allowing Meteor_ to subscribe to changes on Django_ models.
Released under the MIT license.
You must be using PostgreSQL_ with psycopg2_ in your Django_ project
for django-ddp to work. There is no requirement on any asynchronous
framework such as Redis or crossbar.io as they are simply not needed
given the asynchronous support provided by PostgreSQL_ with psycopg2_.
Since the test suite includes an example Meteor_ project, running that
requires that Meteor_ is installed (and meteor
is in your PATH
Install the latest release from pypi (recommended):
.. code:: sh
pip install django-ddp
Clone and use development version direct from GitHub to test pre-release
code (no GitHub account required):
.. code:: sh
pip install -e git+https://github.com/commoncode/django-ddp@develop#egg=django-ddp
Overview and getting started
- Django DDP registers handlers for
Django signals
_ on all model save/update operations.
- Add
to INSTALLED_APPS in your project settings file.
- Each Django application (ie: your code) registers Collections and Publications via
sub-modules for all INSTALLED_APPS.
- Register collections and publications in a file named
inside your application module.
- Clients subscribe to publications, entries are written into the
and dddp.SubscriptionCollection
model tables and the get_queries
method of publications are called to retrieve the Django ORM queries that contain the objects that will be sent to the client.
- Run
manage.py migrate
to update your database so it has the necessary tables needed for tracking client subscriptions.
- When models are saved, the Django DDP signal handlers send change messages to clients subscribed to relevant publications.
- Use the model
and delete()
methods as appropriate in your application code so that appropriate signals are raised and change messages are sent.
- Gevent_ is used to run WebSocket connections concurrently along with any Django views defined in your project (via your project
- Run your application using the
command which sets up the gevent mainloop and serves your Django project views. This command takes care of routing WebSocket connections according to the URLs that Meteor uses, do not add URLs for WebSocket views to your project urls.py
All database queries to support DDP events are done once by the server
instance that has made changes via the Django ORM. Django DDP multiplexes
messages for active subscriptions, broadcasting an aggregated change
message on channels specific to each Django model that has been published.
Peer servers subscribe to aggregate broadcast events which are
de-multiplexed and dispatched to individual client connections.
No additional database queries are required for de-multiplexing
or dispatch by peer servers.
No support for the SockJS XHR fallback protocol to support browsers
that don't have WebSockets_ (see http://caniuse.com/websockets for
supported browsers). It is noteworthy that the only current browser
listed that doesn't support WebSockets_ is Opera Mini, which doesn't
support pages that use EcmaScript (JavaScript) for interactivity
anyway. Offering SockJS XHR fallback wouldn't help to substantially
increase browser support: if Opera Mini is excluded then all current
browser versions including IE, Edge, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera,
iOS Safari, Android Browser Android and Chrome for Android are
supported. Having said all that, pull requests are welcome.
Changes must be made via the Django ORM as django-ddp uses Django signals
_ to receive model save/update signals. There are no
technical reasons why database triggers couldn't be used - pull
requests are welcome.
Example usage
Add 'dddp' to your settings.INSTALLED_APPS:
.. code:: python
# settings.py
If you'd like support for the Meteor Accounts package (ie: login/logout
with django.contrib.auth) consult the section on authentication below
and use the following line instead:
.. code:: python
# settings.py
INSTALLED_APPS = list(INSTALLED_APPS) + ['dddp', 'dddp.accounts']
Add ddp.py to your Django application:
.. code:: python
# bookstore/ddp.py
from dddp.api import API, Collection, Publication
from bookstore import models
class Book(Collection):
model = models.Book
class Author(Collection):
model = models.Author
class AllBooks(Publication):
queries = [
class BooksByAuthorEmail(Publication):
def get_queries(self, author_email):
return [
[Book, Author, AllBooks, BooksByAuthorEmail]
Start the Django DDP service:
.. code:: sh
DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=myproject.settings dddp
Using django-ddp as a secondary DDP connection (RAPID DEVELOPMENT)
Running in this manner allows rapid development through use of the hot
code push features provided by Meteor.
Connect your Meteor application to the Django DDP service:
.. code:: javascript
// bookstore.js
if (Meteor.isClient) {
// Connect to Django DDP service
Django = DDP.connect('http://'+window.location.hostname+':8000/');
// Create local collections for Django models received via DDP
Authors = new Mongo.Collection("bookstore.author", {connection: Django});
Books = new Mongo.Collection("bookstore.book", {connection: Django});
// Subscribe to all books by Janet Evanovich
Django.subscribe('BooksByAuthorEmail', 'janet@evanovich.com');
Start Meteor (from within your meteor application directory):
.. code:: sh
Using django-ddp as the primary DDP connection (RECOMMENDED)
If you'd prefer to not have two DDP connections (one to Meteor and one
to django-ddp) you can set the DDP_DEFAULT_CONNECTION_URL
variable to use the specified URL as the primary DDP connection in
Meteor. When doing this, you won't need to use DDP.connect(...)
specify {connection: Django}
on your collections. Running with
django-ddp as the primary connection is recommended, and indeed required
if you wish to use dddp.accounts
to provide authentication using
to your meteor app.
.. code:: sh
DDP_DEFAULT_CONNECTION_URL=http://localhost:8000/ meteor
Serving your Meteor applications from django-ddp
First, you will need to build your meteor app into a directory (examples
below assume target directory named myapp
.. code:: sh
meteor build ../myapp
Then, add a MeteorView to your urls.py:
.. code:: python
from dddp.views import MeteorView
urlpatterns = patterns(
url('^(?P<path>/.*)$', MeteorView.as_view(
settings.PROJ_ROOT, 'myapp', 'bundle', 'star.json',
Adding API endpoints (server method definitions)
API endpoints can be added by calling register
method of the
dddp.api.API object from the ddp.py module of your Django app, on a
subclass of dddp.api.APIMixin - both dddp.api.Collection and
dddp.api.Publication are suitable, or you may define your own subclass
of dddp.api.APIMixin. A good example of this can be seen in
dddp/accounts/ddp.py in the source of django-ddp.
Authentication is provided using the standard meteor accounts system,
along with the accounts-secure
package which turns off Meteor's
password hashing in favour of using TLS (HTTPS + WebSockets). This
ensures strong protection for all data over the wire. Correctly using
TLS/SSL also protects your site against man-in-the-middle and replay
attacks - Meteor is vulnerable to both of these without using
Add dddp.accounts
to your settings.INSTALLED_APPS
as described in
the example usage section above, then add tysonclugg:accounts-secure
to your Meteor application (from within your meteor application
.. code:: sh
meteor add tysonclugg:accounts-secure
Then follow the normal procedure to add login/logout views to your
Meteor application.
Tyson Clugg <https://github.com/tysonclugg>
* Author, conceptual design.
Yan Le <https://github.com/janusle>
* Validate and bug fix dddp.accounts submodule.
MEERQAT <http://meerqat.com.au/>
* Project sponsor - many thanks for allowing this to be released under an open source license!
David Burles <https://github.com/dburles>
* Expert guidance on how DDP works in Meteor.
Brenton Cleeland <https://github.com/sesh>
* Great conversations around how collections and publications can limit visibility of published documents to specific users.
Muhammed Thanish <https://github.com/mnmtanish>
* Making the DDP Test Suite <https://github.com/meteorhacks/ddptest>
_ available.
This project is forever grateful for the love, support and respect given
by the awesome team at Common Code
.. _Django DDP: https://github.com/django-ddp/django-ddp
.. _Django: https://www.djangoproject.com/
.. _Django signals: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/stable/topics/signals/
.. _Common Code: https://commoncode.com.au/
.. _Gevent: http://www.gevent.org/
.. _PostgreSQL: http://postgresql.org/
.. _psycopg2: http://initd.org/psycopg/
.. _WebSockets: http://www.w3.org/TR/websockets/
.. _Meteor: http://meteor.com/