General | DEBUG | Whether the application should run using Django's debug mode | False |
| SECRET_KEY | The secret key used for sessions | random characters |
| ALLOWED_HOSTS | Override for Django's ALLOWED_HOSTS setting | * |
| CSRF_TRUSTED_ORIGINS | Comma separated list of trusted origins allowed for CSRF | None |
| MAX_FAILURES_PER_REQUEST | Maximum number of times an Observation can fail per Request before the Request is marked as FAILURE_LIMIT_REACHED. 0 means there is no max. | 0 |
| MAX_IPP_VALUE | The maximum value to be used for ipp scaling. Should be greater than 1 (1 would be no scaling) | 2.0 |
| MIN_IPP_VALUE | The minimum value to be used for ipp scaling. Should be less than 1 but greater than 0 | 0.5 |
| PROPOSAL_TIME_OVERUSE_ALLOWANCE | The amount of leeway in a proposals timeallocation before rejecting that request for scheduling. For example, a value of 1.1 results in allows over-scheduling by up to 10% of the total time_allocation. It is useful to allow some over-scheduling since it is likely some in progress observations will use less time then allocated, due to conservative overheads, failing, or cancelling. | 1.1 |
Database | DB_NAME | The name of the database | observation_portal |
| DB_USER | The database user | postgres |
| DB_PASSWORD | The database password | Empty string |
| DB_HOST | The database host | |
| DB_PORT | The database port | 5432 |
Cache | CACHE_BACKEND | The remote Django cache backend | django.core.cache.backends.locmem.LocMemCache |
| CACHE_LOCATION | The cache location or connection string | unique-snowflake |
| LOCAL_CACHE_BACKEND | The local Django cache backend to use | django.core.cache.backends.locmem.LocMemCache |
Static and Media Files | AWS_BUCKET_NAME | The name of the AWS bucket in which to store static and media files | observation-portal-test-bucket |
| AWS_REGION | The AWS region | us-west-2 |
| AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID | The AWS user access key with read/write priveleges on the s3 bucket | None |
| AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY | The AWS user secret key to use with the access key | None |
| MEDIA_STORAGE | The Django media files storage backend | |
| MEDIAFILES_DIR | The directory in which to store media files | media |
| STATIC_STORAGE | The Django static files storage backend | |
Email | EMAIL_BACKEND | The Django SMTP backend to use | django.core.mail.backends.console.EmailBackend |
| EMAIL_HOST | The SMTP host | localhost |
| EMAIL_HOST_USER | The SMTP user | Empty string |
| EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD | The SMTP password | Empty string |
| EMAIL_PORT | The SMTP port | 587 |
| ORGANIZATION_EMAIL | The reply-to email for outgoing messages | Empty string |
| ORGANIZATION_DDT_EMAIL | Email to receive ddt science application submission messages | Empty string |
| ORGANIZATION_ADMIN_EMAIL | The Django Admin email to receive http 500 reports. | Empty string |
| ORGANIZATION_SUPPORT_EMAIL | Email to receive account removal requests | Empty string |
| ORGANIZATION_NAME | The name of your organization, used within email templates | Empty string |
| OBSERVATORY_DIRECTOR_NAME | Full name of the observatory director, used within email templates | Foo Bar |
| OBSERVATION_PORTAL_BASE_URL | The base url of your deployed Observation Portal code, used within email templates to provide links to pages | http://localhost |
| REQUESTGROUP_DATA_DOWNLOAD_URL | The url where a user can download requestgroup data. Optionally include {requestgroup_id} in the string which will be filled in with the ID of the specific requestgroup. | Empty string |
| REQUEST_DETAIL_URL | The url to frontend detail page for a Request. Optionally include {request_id} in the string which will be filled in with the ID of the specific request. | Empty string |
| SCIENCE_APPLICATION_DETAIL_URL | The url to frontend science application detail page. Optionally include {sciapp_id} in the string which will be filled in with the ID of the specific science application. | Empty string |
External Services | CONFIGDB_URL | The url to the configuration database | http://localhost |
| DOWNTIMEDB_URL | The url to the downtime database | http://localhost |
| OPENSEARCH_URL | The url to the OpenSearch cluster | http://localhost |
Authentication | OAUTH_SERVER_KEY | The secret key for client applications to verify against for authentication calls | Empty string |
| OAUTH_CLIENT_APPS_BASE_URLS | Comma delimited set of base urls for client applications. This server will update those clients on any change in user accounts or api tokens. | Empty string |
Task Scheduling | DRAMATIQ_BROKER_URL | The url to the dramatiq broker (if set takes precedence over DRAMATIQ_BROKER_HOST & DRAMATIQ_BROKER_PORT | redis://redis:6379/0 |
| DRAMATIQ_BROKER_HOST | The broker host for dramatiq (deprecated) | redis |
| DRAMATIQ_BROKER_PORT | The broker port for dramatiq (deprecated) | 6379 |
Throttle Overrides | REQUESTGROUPS_CANCEL_DEFAULT_THROTTLE | Default django rest framework throttle rate string for the RequestGroups cancel endpoint | 2000/day |
| REQUESTGROUPS_CREATE_DEFAULT_THROTTLE | Default django rest framework throttle rate string for the RequestGroups create endpoint | 5000/day |
| REQUESTGROUPS_VALIDATE_DEFAULT_THROTTLE | Default django rest framework throttle rate string for the RequestGroups validate endpoint | 20000/day |
Realtime Overrides | REAL_TIME_AVAILABILITY_DAYS_OUT | For the /api/realtime/availability/ endpoint - controls how many minutes after the current time a realtime session should be available as a lower bound | 60 |
| REAL_TIME_AVAILABILITY_MINUTES_IN | For the /api/realtime/availability/ endpoint - controls how many days after the current time a realtime session should be available as an upper bound | 7 |
Serializer Overrides | OBSERVATIONS_SUMMARY_SERIALIZER | Class dotpath for Observation's Summary serializer override | observation_portal.observations.serializers.SummarySerializer |
| OBSERVATIONS_CONFIGURATIONSTATUS_SERIALIZER | Class dotpath for Observation's ConfigurationStatus serializer override | observation_portal.observations.serializers.ConfigurationStatusSerializer |
| OBSERVATIONS_TARGET_SERIALIZER | Class dotpath for Observation's Target serializer override | observation_portal.observations.serializers.ObservationTargetSerializer |
| OBSERVATIONS_CONFIGURATION_SERIALIZER | Class dotpath for Observation's Configuration serializer override | observation_portal.observations.serializers.ObservationConfigurationSerializer |
| OBSERVATIONS_REQUEST_SERIALIZER | Class dotpath for Observation's Request serializer override | observation_portal.observations.serializers.ObserveRequestSerializer |
| OBSERVATIONS_REQUESTGROUP_SERIALIZER | Class dotpath for Observation's RequestGroup serializer override | observation_portal.observations.serializers.ObserveRequestGroupSerializer |
| OBSERVATIONS_SCHEDULE_SERIALIZER | Class dotpath for Observation's Schedule serializer override | observation_portal.observations.serializers.ScheduleSerializer |
| OBSERVATIONS_OBSERVATION_SERIALIZER | Class dotpath for Observation's Observation serializer override | observation_portal.observations.serializers.ObservationSerializer |
| OBSERVATIONS_CANCEL_SERIALIZER | Class dotpath for Observation's Cancel Observation serializer override | observation_portal.observations.serializers.CancelObservationsSerializer |
| REQUESTGROUPS_CADENCE_SERIALIZER | Class dotpath for RequestGroups's Cadence serializer override | observation_portal.requestgroups.serializers.CadenceSerializer |
| REQUESTGROUPS_CADENCEREQUEST_SERIALIZER | Class dotpath for RequestGroups's Cadence Request serializer override | observation_portal.requestgroups.serializers.CadenceRequestSerializer |
| REQUESTGROUPS_CONSTRAINTS_SERIALIZER | Class dotpath for RequestGroups's Constraints serializer override | observation_portal.requestgroups.serializers.ConstraintsSerializer |
| REQUESTGROUPS_REGIONOFINTEREST_SERIALIZER | Class dotpath for RequestGroups's Instrument Config ROI serializer override | observation_portal.requestgroups.serializers.RegionOfInterestSerializer |
| REQUESTGROUPS_INSTRUMENTCONFIG_SERIALIZER | Class dotpath for RequestGroups's Instrument Config serializer override | observation_portal.requestgroups.serializers.InstrumentConfigSerializer |
| REQUESTGROUPS_ACQUISITIONCONFIG_SERIALIZER | Class dotpath for RequestGroups's Acquisition Config serializer override | observation_portal.requestgroups.serializers.AcquisitionConfigSerializer |
| REQUESTGROUPS_GUIDINGCONFIG_SERIALIZER | Class dotpath for RequestGroups's Guiding Config serializer override | observation_portal.requestgroups.serializers.GuidingConfigSerializer |
| REQUESTGROUPS_TARGET_SERIALIZER | Class dotpath for RequestGroups's Target serializer override | observation_portal.requestgroups.serializers.TargetSerializer |
| REQUESTGROUPS_CONFIGURATION_SERIALIZER | Class dotpath for RequestGroups's Configuration serializer override | observation_portal.requestgroups.serializers.ConfigurationSerializer |
| REQUESTGROUPS_LOCATION_SERIALIZER | Class dotpath for RequestGroups's Location serializer override | observation_portal.requestgroups.serializers.LocationSerializer |
| REQUESTGROUPS_WINDOW_SERIALIZER | Class dotpath for RequestGroups's Window serializer override | observation_portal.requestgroups.serializers.WindowSerializer |
| REQUESTGROUPS_REQUEST_SERIALIZER | Class dotpath for RequestGroups's Request serializer override | observation_portal.requestgroups.serializers.RequestSerializer |
| REQUESTGROUPS_REQUESTGROUP_SERIALIZER | Class dotpath for RequestGroups's RequestGroup serializer override | observation_portal.requestgroups.serializers.RequestGroupSerializer |
| REQUESTGROUPS_DRAFTREQUESTGROUP_SERIALIZER | Class dotpath for RequestGroups's Draft RequestGroup serializer override | observation_portal.requestgroups.serializers.DraftRequestGroupSerializer |
| PROPOSALS_PROPOSAL_SERIALIZER | Class dotpath for Proposal's Proposal serializer override | observation_portal.proposals.serializers.ProposalSerializer |
| PROPOSALS_PROPOSALINVITE_SERIALIZER | Class dotpath for Proposal's ProposalInvite serializer override | observation_portal.proposals.serializers.ProposalInviteSerializer |
| PROPOSALS_SEMESTER_SERIALIZER | Class dotpath for Proposal's Semester serializer override | observation_portal.proposals.serializers.SemesterSerialzer |
| PROPOSALS_MEMBERSHIP_SERIALIZER | Class dotpath for Proposal's Membership serializer override | observation_portal.proposals.serializers.MembershipSerializer |
| PROPOSALS_PROPOSALNOTIFICATION_SERIALIZER | Class dotpath for Proposal's ProposalNotification serializer override | observation_portal.proposals.serializers.ProposalNotificationSerializer |
| PROPOSALS_TIMELIMIT_SERIALIZER | Class dotpath for Proposal's Proposal serializer override | observation_portal.proposals.serializers.TimeLimitSerializer |
| ACCOUNTS_PROFILE_SERIALIZER | Class dotpath for Accounts's Profile serializer override | observation_portal.accounts.serializers.ProfileSerializer |
| ACCOUNTS_USER_SERIALIZER | Class dotpath for Accounts's User serializer override | observation_portal.accounts.serializers.UserSerializer |
| ACCOUNTS_ACCOUNTREMOVAL_SERIALIZER | Class dotpath for Accounts's Account Removal serializer override | observation_portal.accounts.serializers.AccountRemovalSerializer |
| SCIAPPLICATIONS_CALL_SERIALIZER | Class dotpath for SciApplications's Call serializer override | observation_portal.sciapplications.serializers.CallSerializer |
| SCIAPPLICATIONS_SCIENCEAPPLICATION_SERIALIZER | Class dotpath for SciApplications's Science Application serializer override | observation_portal.sciapplications.serializers.ScienceApplicationSerializer |
as_dict Overrides | OBSERVATIONS_SUMMARY_AS_DICT | Class dotpath for Observation's Summary as_dict override | observation_portal.observations.models.summary_as_dict |
| OBSERVATIONS_CONFIGURATIONSTATUS_AS_DICT | Class dotpath for Observation's ConfigurationStatus as_dict override | observation_portal.observations.models.configurationstatus_as_dict |
| OBSERVATIONS_OBSERVATION_AS_DICT | Class dotpath for Observation's Observation as_dict override | observation_portal.observations.models.observation_as_dict |
| REQUESTGROUPS_CONSTRAINTS_AS_DICT | Class dotpath for RequestGroups's Constraints as_dict override | observation_portal.requestgroups.models.constraints_as_dict |
| REQUESTGROUPS_REGIONOFINTEREST_AS_DICT | Class dotpath for RequestGroups's Instrument Config ROI as_dict override | observation_portal.requestgroups.models.regionofinterest_as_dict |
| REQUESTGROUPS_INSTRUMENTCONFIG_AS_DICT | Class dotpath for RequestGroups's Instrument Config as_dict override | observation_portal.requestgroups.models.instrumentconfig_as_dict |
| REQUESTGROUPS_ACQUISITIONCONFIG_AS_DICT | Class dotpath for RequestGroups's Acquisition Config as_dict override | observation_portal.requestgroups.models.acquisitionconfig_as_dict |
| REQUESTGROUPS_GUIDINGCONFIG_AS_DICT | Class dotpath for RequestGroups's Guiding Config as_dict override | observation_portal.requestgroups.models.guidingconfig_as_dict |
| REQUESTGROUPS_TARGET_AS_DICT | Class dotpath for RequestGroups's Target as_dict override | observation_portal.requestgroups.models.target_as_dict |
| REQUESTGROUPS_CONFIGURATION_AS_DICT | Class dotpath for RequestGroups's Configuration as_dict override | observation_portal.requestgroups.models.configuration_as_dict |
| REQUESTGROUPS_LOCATION_AS_DICT | Class dotpath for RequestGroups's Location as_dict override | observation_portal.requestgroups.models.location_as_dict |
| REQUESTGROUPS_WINDOW_AS_DICT | Class dotpath for RequestGroups's Window as_dict override | observation_portal.requestgroups.models.window_as_dict |
| REQUESTGROUPS_REQUEST_AS_DICT | Class dotpath for RequestGroups's Request as_dict override | observation_portal.requestgroups.models.request_as_dict |
| REQUESTGROUPS_REQUESTGROUP_AS_DICT | Class dotpath for RequestGroups's RequestGroup as_dict override | observation_portal.requestgroups.models.requestgroup_as_dict |
| PROPOSALS_PROPOSAL_AS_DICT | Class dotpath for Proposal's Proposal as_dict override | observation_portal.proposals.models.proposal_as_dict |
| PROPOSALS_TIMEALLOCATION_AS_DICT | Class dotpath for Proposal's TimeAllocation as_dict override | observation_portal.proposals.models.timeallocation_as_dict |
| PROPOSALS_MEMBERSHIP_AS_DICT | Class dotpath for Proposal's Membership as_dict override | observation_portal.proposals.models.membership_as_dict |
duration Overrides | INSTRUMENT_CONFIGURATION_PER_EXPOSURE_DURATION | Class dotpath for duration_per_exposure method override | observation_portal.requestgroups.duration_utils.get_instrument_configuration_duration_per_exposure |