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:alt: docsig
Check signature params for proper documentation
Supports reStructuredText (Sphinx
), NumPy
, and Google
If you are interested in contributing to docsig
please read about contributing here <https://docsig.readthedocs.io/en/latest/development/contributing.html>
.. code-block:: console
$ pip install docsig
.. code-block:: console
usage: docsig [-h] [-V] [-l] [-c | -C] [-D] [-m] [-N] [-o] [-p] [-P] [-i] [-a] [-k] [-T]
[-I] [-n] [-v] [-s STR] [-d LIST] [-t LIST] [-e PATTERN] [-E PATH [PATH ...]]
[path [path ...]]
Check signature params for proper documentation
positional arguments:
path directories or files to check
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-V, --version show program's version number and exit
-l, --list-checks display a list of all checks and their messages
-c, --check-class check class docstrings
-C, --check-class-constructor
check __init__ methods. Note: mutually incompatible with -c
-D, --check-dunders check dunder methods
-m, --check-protected-class-methods
check public methods belonging to protected classes
-N, --check-nested check nested functions and classes
-o, --check-overridden
check overridden methods
-p, --check-protected
check protected functions and classes
-P, --check-property-returns
check property return values
-i, --ignore-no-params
ignore docstrings where parameters are not documented
-a, --ignore-args ignore args prefixed with an asterisk
-k, --ignore-kwargs ignore kwargs prefixed with two asterisks
-T, --ignore-typechecker
ignore checking return values
-I, --include-ignored
check files even if they match a gitignore pattern
-n, --no-ansi disable ansi output
-v, --verbose increase output verbosity
-s STR, --string STR string to parse instead of files
-d LIST, --disable LIST
comma separated list of rules to disable
-t LIST, --target LIST
comma separated list of rules to target
-e PATTERN, --exclude PATTERN
regular expression of files or dirs to exclude from checks
-E PATH [PATH ...], --excludes PATH [PATH ...]
path glob patterns to exclude from checks
Options can also be configured with the pyproject.toml file
.. code-block:: toml
check-dunders = false
check-overridden = false
check-protected = false
disable = [
target = [
can also be used as a flake8
plugin. Install flake8
ensure your installation has registered docsig
.. code-block:: console
$ flake8 --version
7.1.0 (docsig: 0.69.1, mccabe: 0.7.0, pycodestyle: 2.12.0, pyflakes: 3.2.0) CPython 3.8.13 on Darwin
And now use flake8
to lint your files
.. code-block:: console
$ flake8 example.py
example.py:1:1: SIG202 includes parameters that do not exist (params-do-not-exist) 'function'
With flake8
the pyproject.toml config will still be the base config, though the
ini files <https://flake8.pycqa.org/en/latest/user/configuration.html#configuration-locations>
_ flake8
gets it config from will override the pyproject.toml config.
For flake8
all args and config options are prefixed with sig
avoid any potential conflicts with other plugins
.. code-block:: ini
sig-check-dunders = True
sig-check-overridden = True
sig-check-protected = True
end flake8
.. code-block:: python
>>> from docsig import docsig
.. code-block:: python
>>> string = """
... def function(param1, param2, param3) -> None:
... '''
... :param param1: About param1.
... :param param2: About param2.
... :param param3: About param3.
... '''
... """
>>> docsig(string=string, no_ansi=True)
.. code-block:: python
>>> string = """
... def function(param1, param2) -> None:
... '''
... :param param1: About param1.
... :param param2: About param2.
... :param param3: About param3.
... '''
... """
>>> docsig(string=string, no_ansi=True)
2 in function
SIG202: includes parameters that do not exist (params-do-not-exist)
A full list of checks can be found here <https://docsig.readthedocs.io/en/latest/usage/messages.html>
Message Control
Documentation on message control <https://docsig.readthedocs.io/en/latest/usage/message-control.html>
Documenting classes <https://docsig.readthedocs.io/en/latest/usage/configuration.html#classes>
can be used as a pre-commit <https://pre-commit.com>
_ hook
It can be added to your .pre-commit-config.yaml as follows:
.. code-block:: yaml
- repo: https://github.com/jshwi/docsig
rev: v0.69.1
- id: docsig
- "--check-class"
- "--check-dunders"
- "--check-overridden"
- "--check-protected"
or integrated with flake8
.. code-block:: yaml
- repo: https://github.com/PyCQA/flake8
rev: "7.1.0"
- id: flake8
- docsig==0.69.1
- "--sig-check-class"
- "--sig-check-dunders"
- "--sig-check-overridden"
- "--sig-check-protected"