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Duple is a CLI that finds and removes duplicate files.

  • 2.1.7
  • PyPI
  • Socket score


Table of Contents

Project Description

Duple is a small package that will find and remove duplicate files.

Duple will iterate through all files and directories that is given and find duplicate files (files are compared on their contents, byte by byte). Duple then outputs a file: duple.delete. The user should review duple.delete and make edits if needed (instructions are in duple.delete). Once the review is complete and edits made, another duple command will review duple.delete and delete the apporpriate files.


It is strongly recommended to use the latest version of duple.

pip install duple

or if you need to upgrade:

pip install duple --upgrade

You may need to add the Python Scripts folder on your computer to the PATH.

Adding Scripts to Path - Windows

Open PowerShell (Start > [search for powershell]) and copy/paste the following text to the command line:

python3 -c "from import get_user_scripts_path;get_user_scripts_path()"

Go to Start > [search for 'edit environment variables for your account'] > Users Variables for [user name] > Select Path in top list box > Click Edit...

Once the window pops up, add to the bottom of the list the result from the PowerShell command above

Adding Scripts to Path - Linux / Unix / MacOS

Open terminal and copy/paste teh following text to the command line:

python3 -c "from import USER_SCRIPTS_PATH;print(USER_SCRIPTS_PATH)"


Overall Workflow

First, open the terminal and navigate to the directory you want to analyze for duplicates. Then, run 'duple scan', which will make two output files: duple.delete. Review duple.delete to validate how duple determined which files were original and which were duplicates. Then, run 'duple rm' to remove the files specified in 'duple.delete'.

Learning How It Works

The following sections walk through an example from start to finish using only built in functions of Duple.

Making Test Files

First, we'll make some test files to have something to scan for duplicates. Navigate to a convenient directory and make a test directory:

cd path_to_convenient_directory
duple make-test-files -pt
making directories: 100%|██████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 3/3 [00:00<00:00, 1579.78it/s]

├── UOotpgGLv
│   ├── bWFMyHRrutcAxRibDV.txt
│   └── QYlFjmULSV
│       ├── QofPgusOsvlmKWVluYkWQgevDBE.txt
│       └── HAKhBlspwMkTYtVzTkLoENg.txt
├── .DS_Store
├── PRynXIdIXkAeaIPAQdCoFQSeuzhrK
│   ├── BppxnezMcePwzdJLfAEF.txt
│   └── FrADugjjVuGUvsN
│       ├── OstZgGsAuyRefYrMWybCOMpSEb.txt
│       └── GhvqDiXptHJvfmDxP.txt
└── BKniVYZvtcaiXncTCFAXdwZ
    ├── ewrZSzxOnrkA.txt
    └── KXbShU
        ├── TSRNhUlhRSCM.txt
        └── VfHPJNExNzTadfoHAWfpFVEtXlDZ.txt

Scanning for Duplicates

Using stdin

For the example below, we used the option flags:
-d means use the depth of the path to determine the original, -d means shallowest, -D means deepest
-c means use accessed time to determine the original, -c means use oldest created time, -C means use newest created time

When using stdin, the user must only pipe files into the duple scan. The most common way to use stdin would be to use the find command on Linux/MacOS/Unix and the Get-ChildItem command on Windows PowerShell.

Linux/MacOS/Unix Exmample:
> find . -type f | duple scan -d -c
traversing file tree: 7it [00:00, 11810.19it/s]
hashing files: 100%|███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 8/8 [00:00<00:00, 77.75it/s]
Total Files.............................................................................10
Ignored Files............................................................................0
Duplicate Files..........................................................................6
Duplicate Groups.........................................................................4
Total Size (duplicates).............................................................2.1 kB
Total Size (all files)..............................................................9.7 kB
Hash Algorithm......................................................................sha256
File System Traversal Time (seconds)...............................................0.00757
Pre-Processing Files Time (seconds)................................................0.00025
Hashing Time (seconds).............................................................0.14561
Total Time (seconds)...............................................................0.15347
Duple Version........................................................................2.0.0
Results Written To............................/Users/shout/Desktop/duple_test/duple.delete

Open the `output summary results` file listed above with a text editor for review
Once review and changes are complete, run `duple rm`
Windows Example
PS > Get-ChildItem . -File -Recurse | %{$_.FullName} | duple scan -d -c
traversing file tree: 7it [00:00, 11810.19it/s]
hashing files: 100%|███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 8/8 [00:00<00:00, 77.75it/s]
Total Files.............................................................................10
Ignored Files............................................................................0
Duplicate Files..........................................................................6
Duplicate Groups.........................................................................4
Total Size (duplicates).............................................................2.1 kB
Total Size (all files)..............................................................9.7 kB
Hash Algorithm......................................................................sha256
File System Traversal Time (seconds)...............................................0.00757
Pre-Processing Files Time (seconds)................................................0.00025
Hashing Time (seconds).............................................................0.14561
Total Time (seconds)...............................................................0.15347
Duple Version........................................................................2.0.0
Results Written To............................/Users/shout/Desktop/duple_test/duple.delete

Open the `output summary results` file listed above with a text editor for review
Once review and changes are complete, run `duple rm`
Using path

For the example below, we used the option flags:
-p for path (. = current directory)
-d means use the depth of the path to determine the original, -d means shallowest, -D means deepest
-n means use name length to determine the original, -n means use shortest name, -N means use longest name

You can use multiple flags to determine the original, both will be applied. So, in the case below, we use the shallowest depth and the shortest name to determine the original vs the duplicate(s).

duple scan -p . -d -n
traversing file tree: 7it [00:00, 11810.19it/s]
hashing files: 100%|███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 8/8 [00:00<00:00, 77.75it/s]
Total Files.............................................................................10
Ignored Files............................................................................0
Duplicate Files..........................................................................6
Duplicate Groups.........................................................................4
Total Size (duplicates).............................................................2.1 kB
Total Size (all files)..............................................................9.7 kB
Hash Algorithm......................................................................sha256
File System Traversal Time (seconds)...............................................0.00757
Pre-Processing Files Time (seconds)................................................0.00025
Hashing Time (seconds).............................................................0.14561
Total Time (seconds)...............................................................0.15347
Duple Version........................................................................2.0.0
Results Written To............................/Users/shout/Desktop/duple_test/duple.delete

Open the `output summary results` file listed above with a text editor for review
Once review and changes are complete, run `duple rm`

Reviewing Results

THE 'Ignored Files in Scan' SECTION IS IGNORED

Open 'duple.delete' to review and edit the results. The user can change the left most column in duple.delete. The following line would be deleted:

DUPLICATE  |  962 Bytes  | /Users/shout/Desktop/duple_test/UOotpgGLv/QYlFjmULSV/QofPgusOsvlmKWVluYkWQgevDBE.txt

If the user changes the 'DUPLICATE' to 'ORIGINAL', see below, the file on that line will not be deleted.

ORIGINAL   |  962 Bytes  | /Users/shout/Desktop/duple_test/UOotpgGLv/QYlFjmULSV/QofPgusOsvlmKWVluYkWQgevDBE.txt

A sample duple.delete file is below:

    Duple Report Generated on 2024-10-02T20:43:06.590382-04:00, commanded by user: shout
Summary Statistics:
Total Files.............................................................................10
Ignored Files............................................................................2
Duplicate Files..........................................................................6
Duplicate Groups.........................................................................2
Total Size (duplicates).............................................................2.7 kB
Total Size (all files).............................................................32.6 kB
Hash Algorithm......................................................................sha256
File System Traversal Time (seconds)...............................................0.00645
Pre-Processing Files Time (seconds)................................................0.00050
Hashing Time (seconds).............................................................0.15670
Total Time (seconds)...............................................................0.16371
Duple Version........................................................................2.1.6
Results Written To............................/Users/shout/Desktop/duple_test/duple.delete

Inputs (True = minimum, False = Maximum): 
depth = True
namelength = True


Instructions to User:
The sections below describe what action duple will take when 'duple rm' is commanded. The first column is the flag that tells duple what to do:
    ORIGINAL   : means duple will take no action for this file, listed only as a reference to the user
    DUPLICATE  : means duple will send this file to the trash can or recycling bin, if able

Duplicate Results:
DUPLICATE  |  565 Bytes  | /Users/shout/Desktop/duple_test/CXnVbEhTJHJmDoSR/JABUvTKiElLxxNeNjZh.txt
DUPLICATE  |  565 Bytes  | /Users/shout/Desktop/duple_test/PvNEOcwjFlmMGOUQFnqfDsJVzkOLi/eBTYszALyJXoealOjGj.txt
DUPLICATE  |  565 Bytes  | /Users/shout/Desktop/duple_test/PvNEOcwjFlmMGOUQFnqfDsJVzkOLi/MsxAwYDKeBkmUWLRHAsRRJLOA.txt
DUPLICATE  |  565 Bytes  | /Users/shout/Desktop/duple_test/PvNEOcwjFlmMGOUQFnqfDsJVzkOLi/mOgjQxE/kTGerbYckSIpJmeXTYUlmnLdQ.txt
ORIGINAL   |  565 Bytes  | /Users/shout/Desktop/duple_test/bLeKJEGLsdYxMNeEmUC/ERYCCCDsbfdYGiIFfh.txt

ORIGINAL   |  231 Bytes  | /Users/shout/Desktop/duple_test/CXnVbEhTJHJmDoSR/uWlvcHM.txt
DUPLICATE  |  231 Bytes  | /Users/shout/Desktop/duple_test/CXnVbEhTJHJmDoSR/rbevPzGoLmvGXJwsOuKuWXhbDq/FxUfdtjxeRGN.txt
DUPLICATE  |  231 Bytes  | /Users/shout/Desktop/duple_test/bLeKJEGLsdYxMNeEmUC/WWwniGsaAkLr.txt

Ignored Files in Scan:
IGNORED    |   28.7 kB   |  UNIQUE_FILE_SIZE  | /Users/shout/Desktop/duple_test/.DS_Store
IGNORED    |  375 Bytes  |  UNIQUE_FILE_SIZE  | /Users/shout/Desktop/duple_test/bLeKJEGLsdYxMNeEmUC/JsmDv/dioMDVyMZTHeaCJPdCSniu.txt

Deleting Duplicates

After the user has reviewed/edited the 'duple.delete' file, you can run the duple rm command. This command will delete files specified in duple.delete as 'DUPLICATE'.

It is recommended to first do a dry run to review the output, the dry run will not delete any files.

> duple rm -dr
[   0.0%] will delete          4.0 kB   duple.delete
[   9.1%] will delete        484 Bytes  UOotpgGLv/bWFMyHRrutcAxRibDV.txt
[  18.2%] will keep            6.1 kB   .DS_Store
[  27.3%] will delete        962 Bytes  UOotpgGLv/QYlFjmULSV/QofPgusOsvlmKWVluYkWQgevDBE.txt
[  36.4%] will keep          962 Bytes  PRynXIdIXkAeaIPAQdCoFQSeuzhrK/FrADugjjVuGUvsN/GhvqDiXptHJvfmDxP.txt
[  45.5%] will delete        109 Bytes  UOotpgGLv/QYlFjmULSV/HAKhBlspwMkTYtVzTkLoENg.txt
[  54.5%] will keep          109 Bytes  PRynXIdIXkAeaIPAQdCoFQSeuzhrK/BppxnezMcePwzdJLfAEF.txt
[  63.6%] will delete        109 Bytes  PRynXIdIXkAeaIPAQdCoFQSeuzhrK/FrADugjjVuGUvsN/OstZgGsAuyRefYrMWybCOMpSEb.txt
[  72.7%] will delete        109 Bytes  BKniVYZvtcaiXncTCFAXdwZ/ewrZSzxOnrkA.txt
[  81.8%] will delete        352 Bytes  BKniVYZvtcaiXncTCFAXdwZ/KXbShU/TSRNhUlhRSCM.txt
[  90.9%] will keep          352 Bytes  BKniVYZvtcaiXncTCFAXdwZ/KXbShU/VfHPJNExNzTadfoHAWfpFVEtXlDZ.txt

If this looks good, then we proceed to:

For verbose output, each file is listed in the output as it is being deleted:

> duple rm -v

If we don't want to see every file, but just a progress bar:

> duple rm


The top level help: duple Usage: duple [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

--help  Show this message and exit.

followlog        follow the log until user interupts (ctrl-c), (tail -f)
hash-stats       report hashing times for each available hashing...
make-test-files  make test files to learn or test with duple
rm               rm sends all 'duplicate' files specified in...
scan             Scan recursively computes a hash of each file and puts...
version          display the current version of duple
wherelog         print the path to the logs

duple scan --help

duple scan --help
Usage: duple scan [OPTIONS]

Scan recursively computes a hash of each file and puts the hash into a
dictionary.  The keys are the hashes of the files, and the values are the
file paths and metadata.  If an entry has more than 1 file associated, they
are duplicates.  The original is determined by the flags or options (ex:
-d).  The duplicates are added to a file called duple.delete.

-p, --path TEXT                 path to look in for duplicates, if this
                                option is present, paths is ignored
-in, --paths_file_stdin FILENAME
                                either a file containing a list of paths to
                                evaluate or stdin
-h, --hash TEXT                 the hashalgorithm to use, default = sha256,
                                allowed alogorithsm: ['blake2b', 'blake2s',
                                'md5', 'md5-sha1', 'ripemd160', 'sha1',
                                'sha224', 'sha256', 'sha384', 'sha3_224',
                                'sha3_256', 'sha3_384', 'sha3_512',
                                'sha512', 'sha512_224', 'sha512_256', 'sm3']
-d, --depth_min                 keep the file with the lowest pathway depth
-D, --depth_max                 keep the file with the highest pathway depth
-n, --name_min                  keep the file with the shortest name
-N, --name_max                  keep the file with the longest name
-c, --created_min               keep the file with the oldest creation date
-C, --created_max               keep the file with the newest creation date
-m, --modified_min              keep the file with the oldest modified date
-M, --modified_max              keep the file with the newest modified, date
-a, --accessed_min              keep the file with the oldest accessed, date
-A, --accessed_max              keep the file with the newest accessed, date
-ncpu, --number_of_cpus INTEGER
                                maximum number of cpu cores to use
-ch, --chunksize INTEGER        chunksize to give to workers, minimum of 2
--help                          Show this message and exit.

duple rm --help

duple rm --help
Usage: duple rm [OPTIONS]

rm sends all 'duplicate' files specified in duple.delete to the trash folder

-v, --verbose             be more verbose during execution
-dr, --dry_run            Perform dry run, do everything except deleting
-led, --leave_empty_dirs  Do not delete empty directories/folders
--help                    Show this message and exit.

duple make-test-files --help

duple make-test-files --help
Usage: duple make-test-files [OPTIONS]

make test files to learn or test with duple

-tp, --test_path PATH           path where the test directories will be
-nd, --number_of_directories INTEGER
                                number of directories to make for the test
-nf, --number_of_files INTEGER  number of files to make in each top level
                                directory, spread across the directories
-fs, --max_file_size INTEGER    file size to create in bytes
-pt, --print_tree               print tree with results
--help                          Show this message and exit.

duple hash-stats --help

duple hash-stats --help
Usage: duple hash-stats [OPTIONS] PATH

report hashing times for each available hashing algorithm on the specified

Args:     path (str): path to file to hash

--help  Show this message and exit.

duple version --help

duple version --help
Usage: duple version [OPTIONS]

display the current version of duple

--help  Show this message and exit.

duple wherelog --help

duple wherelog --help
Usage: duple wherelog [OPTIONS]

print the path to the logs

--help  Show this message and exit.

duple followlog --help

duple followlog --help
Usage: duple followlog [OPTIONS]

follow the log until user interupts (ctrl-c), (tail -f)

--help  Show this message and exit.

Version History

2.1.5 Modified Output, Fixed Typos

  • changed output duple.delete All Files section to just be the Ignored files and a disposition code for why the file was ignored
  • fixed typo in output duple.delete instructions section
  • added duple followlog

2.1.3 Fixed Bug

  • fixed bug where IGNORED files were added to the duplicate results, amended test to catch this bug in the future

2.1.0 Adding Logging, Fixed Bugs

  • added logging
  • fixed bug where unicode characters in file names would cause error
  • fixed performance issue during duple scan

2.0.0 Refactored to Add Features

  • added support for multiple filters (ex: -d -n)
  • added support for accepting stdin for files to search
  • added tree view support to make-test-files

1.1.0 Improved Documentation

  • Improved README for better installation and setup instructions

1.0.0 Refactored and Improved Output and Reporting

  • refactored code to be easier to follow and more modular
  • improved reporting of results to duple.delete and duple.json
  • improved duple.json output, adding additional data
  • added dry run and verbose flags to duple rm
  • added hash-stats to calculate performance times for each available hash
  • added make-test-files to make test files for the user to learn how duple works on test data

0.5.0 Improve Data Outputs

  • added dictionary to duple.json for file stats, now each entry has a key to describe the number
  • fixed progress bar for pre-processing directories
  • added output file duple.all_files.json with file statistics on all files within the specified path for 'duple scan'
  • Improved summary statistics output for 'duple scan'

0.4.0 Performance Improvements

  • adding multiprocessing, taking advantage of multiple cores
  • eliminated files with unique sizes from analysis - files with unique size are not duplicates of another file

0.3.0 Added Capability

  • added mv function that will move 'duple.delete' paths instead of deleting them

0.2.0 Added license

  • Added license

0.1.1 Misc. Fixes

  • Fixed typos in help strings
  • Added support for sending duplicates to trash ('duple rm')

0.1.0 Initial Release

  • This is the initial release of duple



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