This package is used as to add data to cosmos db, which is required during onboarding of a client or adding a new vendor to the 8am system.
This function is used to format the user object according to the MS AD schema. It takes the user_details object from the 8am Web App front end, along with extension_id and b2c_prefix (B2C parameters) and returns the formatted user object. The last 4 fields within the the user object are custom fields which use the extension_id to denote as such.
This function is used to get the token from the MS AD B2C. It takes the client_id, client_secret, tenant_id, and the scope as parameters and returns the token.
This function is used to get the authorization header for the MS AD B2C. It uses the token string returned from the get_token() function and structures it into a Bearer token along with Content-Type header for ease of use.
This function is used to add a new user to the MS AD b2C directory. It takes the user object and the auth_header as parameters and returns the response from the MS Graph API.
This function is used to update a user in the MS AD B2C directory. It takes the user object and the auth_header as parameters and returns the response from the MS Graph API.
This function is used to delete a user from the MS AD B2C directory. It takes the user object and the auth_header as parameters and returns the response from the MS Graph API.
This function is used to get a user from the MS AD B2C directory. It takes the user id as a parameter, removes the @odata.context field and returns the single user object.
This function is used to get the entire list of users from the MS AD B2C directory. As a default, the MS Graph API returns 100 users per page, this function will use the @odata.nextLink field to get the next page of users until there are no more pages left. It returns a list of user objects, combined from each successive call made to the MS Graph API. This function uses the argument filter_extension to filter users by either company, user role, or nothing at all (return all users from the directory).
This function is used to get a list of users from the MS AD B2C directory. It takes a company id and a user role as optional parameters and returns a list of user objects, possibly filtered by the company and user role. Based off of what parameters are passed, it will call the compile_entire_user_list() function with the appropriate filter_extension. The filter extension is added to the suffix of the MS Graph API call to filter the users.
This function is used to create a new user in the MS AD B2C directory. It takes the user_details object from the 8am Web App front end, along with extension_id and b2c_prefix (B2C parameters) and returns the response from the MS Graph API.
This function is used to create multiple users in the MS AD B2C directory. It takes a list of user_details objects from the 8am Web App front end, along with extension_id and b2c_prefix (B2C parameters) and returns the response from the MS Graph API.
This function is used to update a user in the MS AD B2C directory. It takes the user_details object from the 8am Web App front end, along with extension_id and b2c_prefix (B2C parameters) and returns the response from the MS Graph API.
This function is used to update multiple users in the MS AD B2C directory. It takes a list of user_details objects from the 8am Web App front end, along with extension_id and b2c_prefix (B2C parameters) and returns the response from the MS Graph API.
This function is used to delete a user from the MS AD B2C directory. It takes the user_id from the 8am Web App front end and returns the response from the MS Graph API.
This function is used to delete multiple users from the MS AD B2C directory. It takes a list of user_ids from the 8am Web App front end and returns the response from the MS Graph API.