Python (>=3.7) GRPC service helper library.
We suggest to create a virtual environment.
python3.7 -m venv ./venv
source venv/bin/activate
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
Install the module:
pip install easy-grpc
Usage example
Easy GRPC helps you to create a GRPC Service in three steps:
- Define and compile your proto files
- Implement the Actions
- Configure and run the GRPC service
1. Define and compile your proto files
In the example folder there are some files extracted from the grpclib repository, which is currently used to run this service. You can find the helloworld.proto and the relative compiled python files (helloworld_pb2.py and helloworld_grpc.py).
syntax = "proto3";
package example.helloworld;
message HelloRequest {
string name = 1;
message HelloReply {
string message = 1;
service Greeter {
rpc SayHello (HelloRequest) returns (HelloReply) {}
To define the service you have to create the proto files as explained in the official documentations grpc.io.
To compile a proto file by yourself, just execute this command from the root directory.
python -m grpc_tools.protoc \
--proto_path=. \
--python_out=. \
--python_grpc_out=. \
Note: pay attention to the python_grpc_out param. This is not standard in the grpc_tools.protoc library, it is grpclib specific.
2. Implement the Actions
In the helloworld.proto file there is declared one rpc function (you can declare more). You shall create an action for each rpc, handling the defined input message (HelloRequest) and returning the relative return message (HelloReply).
In the case of the example the helloworld_action.py is created:
from easygrpc import Action
from .helloworld_pb2 import HelloReply
class Hello(Action):
async def execute(self, hello_request=None):
return HelloReply(message=f'Hello {hello_request.name}!')
An Action is a Class extending the easygrpc.action.Action abstract base class, and must overwrite the execute method.
3. Configure and run the GRPC service
Finally to run the service you shall create a config file which is used to configure and run the service.
server = example.helloworld_grpc.GreeterBase
client = example.client.SendRequest
host =
port = 50051
SayHello = example.helloworld_action.Hello
In the ACTIONS section you shall declare one action for each rcp function. Of corse you can declare more then the defined rpc that can be used and exposed.
To run the service just open a terminal, and:
source venv/bin/activate
python -m easygrpc.start
To execute the client, open another teminal, and:
source venv/bin/activate
python -m easygrpc.start -c
You should see the response from the service:
Hello Mr. Easy!
Database interaction
In every implemented Action you have access to a PostgreSQL Database Client Library (asyncpg). In the config file, you define the PostgreSQL connection parameters. And the in the action implementation you can execute SQL commands to interact with the database.
create a postgreSQL (versions 9.2 to 10) database named 'easy'.
sudo -u postgres createdb -E UTF8 easy
Then create a new table:
CREATE TABLE public.messages
id serial,
text character varying,
And insert a row:
INSERT INTO public.messages(text) VALUES ('Hello PostgreSQL!');
Add the following configuration section:
user = postgres
password = postgres
database = easy
host = localhost
port = 5432
Modify the Hello Action (example/helloword_action.py):
from easygrpc import Action
from .helloworld_pb2 import HelloReply
class Hello(Action):
async def execute(self, hello_request=None):
rec = await self.conn.fetchval("""
SELECT row_to_json(t)
text as message
FROM public.messages
id = $1
) as t
""", 1)
if rec is not None:
return self.encode(rec, HelloReply)
return None
To run the service just open a terminal, and:
source venv/bin/activate
python -m easygrpc.start
To execute the client, open another teminal, and:
source venv/bin/activate
python -m easygrpc.start -c
Example with multiple Services
You can of course declare more then one service and clients in your proto file:
syntax = "proto3";
package example.helloworld;
message HelloRequest {
string name = 1;
message HelloReply {
string message = 1;
service Greeter {
rpc SayHello (HelloRequest) returns (HelloReply) {}
service GreeterDB {
rpc SayHello (HelloRequest) returns (HelloReply) {}
In this case the config.ini file will be a little bit different:
user = postgres
password = postgres
database = easy
host = localhost
port = 5432
server = example.helloworld_grpc.Greeter,
client = example.client.SendRequest,
host =
port = 50051
Greeter.SayHello = example.helloworld_action.Hello
GreeterDB.SayHello = example.helloworld_action.HelloDb
Pay attention to the ACTIONS section. The keys are defined using a dot notation to identify which server is used with the given action.
The clients can also be more than one (see ./example/client.py):
import asyncio
from grpclib.client import Channel
from .helloworld_pb2 import HelloRequest, HelloReply
from .helloworld_grpc import GreeterStub, GreeterDBStub
async def SendRequest(channel):
greeter = GreeterStub(channel)
reply = await greeter.SayHello(HelloRequest(name='Mr. Easy'))
async def SendRequestDb(channel):
greeter = GreeterDBStub(channel)
reply = await greeter.SayHello(HelloRequest(name='Mr. PostgreSQL'))
To run the service is just same as starting a single service instance:
source venv/bin/activate
python -m easygrpc.start
To execute the client, instead, you can chose which client to run:
source venv/bin/activate
python -m easygrpc.start -c example.client.SendRequestDb
Note: If the client is not give as a the parameter than the first one is executed