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Ellar - Python ASGI web framework for building fast, efficient, and scalable RESTful APIs and server-side applications.

Ellar is a lightweight ASGI framework designed to simplify the development of efficient and scalable server-side Python
applications. Whether you're building web services, APIs, or full-fledged web applications,
Ellar offers a high level of abstraction and powerful features to streamline your development process.
Ellar allows developers to embrace both Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) and Functional Programming (FP) paradigms.
It is built on top of Starlette, a renowned ASGI toolkit, ensuring robust asynchronous request-handling capabilities.
Key Features
- Easy to Use: With an intuitive API, Ellar makes it easy for developers to get started with building fast and scalable Python web applications.
- Dependency Injection (DI): Ellar includes a built-in DI system, enabling easy management of dependencies and reducing coupling between components.
- Pydantic Integration: Integrated with Pydantic for seamless data validation, ensuring that input data is always valid.
- Templating with Jinja2: Built-in support for Jinja2 templates simplifies the creation of dynamic web pages.
- OpenAPI Documentation: Ellar has built-in support for generating OpenAPI documentation and facilitating API documentation generation with Swagger or ReDoc.
- Controller (MVC) Architecture: Ellar follows the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern, aiding in organizing code and separating concerns.
- Guards for Authentication and Authorization: Offers built-in support for guards, making it easy to implement authentication and authorization in applications.
- Modularity: Inspired by NestJS, Ellar follows a modular architecture, allowing developers to organize code into reusable modules.
- Asynchronous Programming: Leveraging Python's async/await feature, Ellar enables the development of efficient and high-performance applications capable of handling concurrent requests.
- Type Hints Support: Built with modern Python type hints for better IDE support and code reliability.
- WebSocket Support: Native WebSocket support for real-time bidirectional communication.
- Database Agnostic: Freedom to use any database with built-in support for popular ORMs.
- Testing Utilities: Comprehensive testing utilities for unit and integration testing.
You can install Ellar using pip:
python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install ellar
Quick Start
from ellar.common import get, Controller, ControllerBase
from ellar.app import AppFactory
class HomeController(ControllerBase):
async def index(self):
return {'message': 'Welcome to Ellar Framework!'}
app = AppFactory.create_app(controllers=[HomeController])
if __name__ == "__main__":
uvicorn.run("main:app", port=5000, reload=True)
Getting Started
import uvicorn
from ellar.common import Body, Controller, ControllerBase, delete, get, post, put, Serializer, Inject
from ellar.app import AppFactory
from ellar.di import injectable, request_scope
from ellar.openapi import OpenAPIDocumentModule, OpenAPIDocumentBuilder, SwaggerUI
from pydantic import Field
from pathlib import Path
class CreateCarSerializer(Serializer):
name: str
year: int = Field(..., gt=0)
model: str
class CarService:
def __init__(self):
self.detail = 'a service'
class MotoController(ControllerBase):
def __init__(self, service: CarService):
self._service = service
async def create(self, payload: Body[CreateCarSerializer]):
assert self._service.detail == 'a service'
result = payload.dict()
result.update(message='This action adds a new car')
return result
async def update(self, car_id: str, payload: Body[CreateCarSerializer]):
result = payload.dict()
result.update(message=f'This action updated #{car_id} car resource')
return result
async def get_one(self, car_id: str, service: Inject[CarService]):
assert self._service == service
return f"This action returns a #{car_id} car"
async def delete(self, car_id: str):
return f"This action removes a #{car_id} car"
app = AppFactory.create_app(
document_builder = OpenAPIDocumentBuilder()
document_builder.set_title('Ellar API') \
.set_version('1.0.2') \
.set_contact(name='Author', url='https://www.yahoo.com', email='author@gmail.com') \
.set_license('MIT Licence', url='https://www.google.com')
document = document_builder.build_document(app)
if __name__ == "__main__":
uvicorn.run("main:app", port=5000, reload=True)
Now we can test our API at
You can also try the quick-project setup to get a good idea of the library.
Project Documentation Status
Dependency Summary
Ellar has the following core dependencies:
- Python >= 3.8
- Starlette >= 0.27.0
- Pydantic >= 2.0
- Injector >= 0.19.0
- typing-extensions >= 4.5.0
Optional dependencies:
- jinja2 - For template rendering
- python-multipart - For form data parsing
- itsdangerous - For security features
Contributions are Welcome! You can contribute in the following ways.
- Create an Issue - Propose a new feature. Report a bug.
- Pull Request - Fix a bug and typo. Refactor the code.
- Create third-party module - Just like ellar-throttling, ellar-jwt, ellar-sql that can solve common problem in web application development.
- Share - Share your thoughts on the a Blog, Twitter, and others.
- Build your application - Please try to use Ellar. For more details, see docs/CONTRIBUTING.md.
Thanks to all contributors!
Ezeudoh Tochukwu https://github.com/eadwinCode
Ellar is MIT License.