EnvisionHGDetector: Hand Gesture Detection Using Convolutional Neural Networks
A Python package for detecting and classifying hand gestures using MediaPipe Holistic and deep learning.
Wim Pouw (wim.pouw@donders.ru.nl)
This package provides a straightforward way to detect hand gestures in a variety of videos using a combination of MediaPipe Holistic features and a convolutional neural network (CNN). We plan to update this package with better predicting network in the near future, and we plan to also make an evaluation report so that it is clear how it performs for several types of videos. For now, feel free to experiment. If your looking to just quickly generate isolate some gestures into elan, this is the package for you. Do note that annotation by rates will be much superior to this gesture coder.
The package performs:
- Feature extraction using MediaPipe Holistic (hand, body, and face features)
- Post-hoc gesture detection using a pre-trained CNN model, that I trained on SAGA, TEDM3D dataset, and the zhubo, open gesture annotated datasets.
- Automatic annotation of videos with gesture classifications
- Output generation in CSV format and ELAN-compatible files, and video labeled
Currently, the detector can identify:
- Just a general hand gesture, ("Gesture")
- Movement patterns ("Move"; this is only trained on SAGA, because these also annotated movements that were not gestures, like nose scratching); it will therefore be an unreliable category perhaps
Consider creating a conda environment first (conda create -n envision python==3.9; conda activate envision).
conda create -n envision python==3.9
conda activate envision
(envision) pip install envisionhgdetector
otherwise install like this
pip install envisionhgdetector
Note: This package is CPU-only for wider compatibility and ease of use.
Quick Start
from envisionhgdetector import GestureDetector
detector = GestureDetector(
results = detector.process_folder(
segments = detector.cut_segments("path/to/output")
The detector uses 29 features extracted from MediaPipe Holistic, including:
- Head rotations
- Hand positions and movements
- Body landmark distances
- Normalized motion metrics
The detector generates three types of output in your specified output folder:
Automated Annotations (/output/automated_annotations/
- CSV files with frame-by-frame predictions
- Contains confidence values and classifications for each frame
- Format:
ELAN Files (/output/elan_files/
- ELAN-compatible annotation files (.eaf)
- Contains time-aligned gesture segments
- Useful for manual verification and research purposes
- Format:
Labeled Videos (/output/labeled_videos/
- Processed videos with visual annotations
- Shows real-time gesture detection and confidence scores
- Useful for quick verification of detection quality
- Format:
Technical Background
The package builds on previous work in gesture detection, particularly focused on using MediaPipe Holistic for comprehensive feature extraction. The CNN model is designed to handle complex temporal patterns in the extracted features.
- Python 3.7+
- tensorflow-cpu
- mediapipe
- opencv-python
- numpy
- pandas
If you use this package, please cite:
Pouw, W. (2024). envisionhgdetector: Hand Gesture Detection Using a Convolutional Neural Network (Version 0.0.2) [Computer software]. https://pypi.org/project/envisionhgdetector/
Additional Citations
Zhubo dataset (used for training):
- Bao, Y., Weng, D., & Gao, N. (2024). Editable Co-Speech Gesture Synthesis Enhanced with Individual Representative Gestures. Electronics, 13(16), 3315.
SAGA dataset (used for training)
- Lücking, A., Bergmann, K., Hahn, F., Kopp, S., & Rieser, H. (2010). The Bielefeld speech and gesture alignment corpus (SaGA). In LREC 2010 workshop: Multimodal corpora–advances in capturing, coding and analyzing multimodality.
- Rohrer, Patrick. A temporal and pragmatic analysis of gesture-speech association: A corpus-based approach using the novel MultiModal MultiDimensional (M3D) labeling system. Diss. Nantes Université; Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Barcelone, Espagne), 2022.
- Lugaresi, C., Tang, J., Nash, H., McClanahan, C., Uboweja, E., Hays, M., ... & Grundmann, M. (2019). MediaPipe: A framework for building perception pipelines. arXiv preprint arXiv:1906.08172.
Adapted CNN Training and inference code:
Original Noddingpigeon Training code:
Some code I reused for creating ELAN files came from Cravotta et al., 2022:
- Ienaga, N., Cravotta, A., Terayama, K., Scotney, B. W., Saito, H., & Busa, M. G. (2022). Semi-automation of gesture annotation by machine learning and human collaboration. Language Resources and Evaluation, 56(3), 673-700.
Feel free to help improve this code. As this is primarily aimed at making automatic gesture detection easily accessible for research purposes, contributions focusing on usability and reliability are especially welcome (happy to collaborate, just reach out to wim.pouw@donders.ru.nl).