ES Translator

A lazy yet bulletproof machine translation tool for Elastichsearch.
Installation (Ubuntu)
Install Apertium:
wget -O - | sudo bash
sudo apt install apertium-all-dev
Then install es-translator with pip:
python3 -m pip install --user es-translator
Installation (Docker)
Nothing to do as long as you have Docker on your system:
docker run -it icij/es-translator es-translator --help
The primarly command from EsTranslator to translate documents is es-translator
Usage: es-translator [OPTIONS]
-u, --url TEXT Elastichsearch URL
-i, --index TEXT Elastichsearch Index
-r, --interpreter TEXT Interpreter to use to perform the
-s, --source-language TEXT Source language to translate from
-t, --target-language TEXT Target language to translate to [required]
--intermediary-language TEXT An intermediary language to use when no
translation is available between the source
and the target. If none is provided this
will be calculated automatically.
--source-field TEXT Document field to translate
--target-field TEXT Document field where the translations are
-q, --query-string TEXT Search query string to filter result
-d, --data-dir PATH Path to the directory where to language
model will be downloaded
--scan-scroll TEXT Scroll duration (set to higher value if
you're processing a lot of documents)
--dry-run Don't save anything in Elasticsearch
-f, --force Override existing translation in
--pool-size INTEGER Number of parallel processes to start
--pool-timeout INTEGER Timeout to add a translation
--throttle INTEGER Throttle between each translation (in ms)
--syslog-address TEXT Syslog address
--syslog-port INTEGER Syslog port
--syslog-facility TEXT Syslog facility
--stdout-loglevel TEXT Change the default log level for stdout
error handler
--progressbar / --no-progressbar
Display a progressbar
--plan Plan translations into a queue instead of
processing them npw
--broker-url TEXT Celery broker URL (only needed when planning
--max-content-length TEXT Max translated content length
(<[0-9]+[KMG]?>) to avoid highlight
--help Show this message and exit.
Learn more about how to use this command in the Usage Documentation.
You can explore the API Documentation for more information.
Contributions are welcome! If you encounter any issues or have suggestions for improvements, please open an issue on the GitHub repository. If you're willing to help, check the page about how to contribute to this project.
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.