Environmental Science using Symbolic Math
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This package contains helpers to deal with physical variables and units.
The documentation is available on https://essm.rtfd.io/.
The quick installation for impatient users can be done by running::
pip install essm
released 2020-12-20
- **utils:** Enable supplementary_imports in VariableWriter and EquationWriter
(`PR #84 <https://github.com/environmentalscience/essm/pull/96>`__)
*released 2020-11-05*
Bug Fixes
- global: Allow dimensionless variables in functions
PR #94 <https://github.com/environmentalscience/essm/pull/94>
released 2020-09-24
Bug Fixes
- **utils:** Update code to work with isort5
(`PR #89 <https://github.com/environmentalscience/essm/pull/89>`__)
- **global:** Refactor code to work with sympy>=1.6
(`PR #90 <https://github.com/environmentalscience/essm/pull/90>`__)
*released 2020-06-18*
Bug Fixes
- utils: Include expr in variable definitions when writing to file
PR #87 <https://github.com/environmentalscience/essm/pull/87>
- **documentation:** Add use examples as Jupyter notebooks and integrate in documentation
(`PR #83 <https://github.com/environmentalscience/essm/pull/83>`__)
- **utils:** Enable writers of .py files for re-import of variable and equation definitions
(`PR #84 <https://github.com/environmentalscience/essm/pull/84>`__)
*released 2020-04-28*
Bug Fixes
utils: Improve markdown representation of units (PR #79 <https://github.com/environmentalscience/essm/pull/79>
variables: Fix generate_metadata_table for selected variables (PR #80 <https://github.com/environmentalscience/essm/pull/80>
released 2019-11-20
Bug Fixes
- **equations:** Improve dimensional testing of equations and substitution (`PR #73 <https://github.com/environmentalscience/essm/pull/73>`__)
- **equations:** Add support for Integral and Piecewise in Equation PR (`PR #76 <https://github.com/environmentalscience/essm/pull/76>`__)
- **utils:** subs_eq() for simultaneous substitutions.(`PR #75 <https://github.com/environmentalscience/essm/pull/75>`__)
*released 2019-04-09*
Bug Fixes
- equations: improve substitutions with equations
79ac37d <https://github.com/environmentalscience/essm/commit/79ac37d>
- **utils:** add definition to metadata table
(`3ceaa69 <https://github.com/environmentalscience/essm/commit/3ceaa69>`__)
*released 2019-04-04*
- global: adapt to Python 3 and Sympy >=1.3
- global: removal of SageMath mentions
- docs: fix latex representation of x_O2 as x_{O2}
- equations: extend replace_variables
- equations: make .subs() on equation return an equality
- units: reverted missing dimension lookup
- variables: behave as Symbols
- variables: better markdown formatting of units
- variables: changes base class to Symbol
- variables: enableddictionaries with symbols in replace_variables
- variables: fix derive_unit for dimensionless expression
- variables: fix latex rendering
- variables: generate_metadata_table with HTML
- variables: include assumptions from cls attribute
- variables: modify derive_unit to work with summations
- variables: remove Dimension deprecation warnings
- variables: remove internal SI and refer to sympy.physics.units.systems.si
- variables: respect unit in variable with expr
- variables: set dimension and scale factor using method
- variables: support dimensionless variable expression
- variables: support replacing variables by their default values
*released 2017-06-29*
- Initial public release.