Falcon Middleware: Policy Middleware |Build Status| |codecov.io|
The falcon-policy
package provides a middleware component
that enables simple policy controls such as role-based access on routes
via configuration.
The configuration approach to policy rules enables dynamic authorization
use-cases where the policy needs to be adjusted on-demand without a new
service deployment.
.. code:: bash
$ pip install falcon-policy
The RoleBasedPolicy
middleware class examines each incoming request
and verifies the roles
list from the request context; which should be
populated by an authentication middleware. If the request context isn't
populated with a roles
list, then the middleware will fall back on
the X-Roles
header for the appropriate role given the request being made.
Usage of the X-Roles
header, is primarily used when handling
authentication outside of the middleware stack or for development with
authentication disabled.
Implementation Note:
If the request context type isn't a dictionary, the middleware will assume
that req.context
is an Object with a roles
Getting Started:
- Create a policy configuration
- Create an instance of
using the configuration - Pass the instance to the
.. code:: python
from falcon_policy import RoleBasedPolicy
policy_config = {
'roles': [
'groups': {
'create': ['admin', 'creator'],
'update': ['admin', 'creator'],
'read': ['admin', 'creator', 'observer'],
'delete': ['admin'],
'routes': {
'/quote': {
'GET': ['read'],
'POST': ['create'],
'PUT': ['update'],
'DELETE': ['delete'],
'/quote/{id}': {
'GET': ['read'],
'POST': ['create'],
'PUT': ['update'],
'DELETE': ['delete'],
'/status': {
'GET': ['@any-role'],
'HEAD': ['@passthrough'],
app = falcon.API(
If validation fails an instance of falcon.HTTPForbidden
is raised.
The policy configuration is separated into three sections:
- Roles: Is a list of names that correspond with Role values provided
by your authentication system.
- Groups: Is an alias/grouping of multiple role names for convenience.
- Routes: A structure containing role and/or group permissions for a given
Falcon route and method.
Specialty Roles:
``falcon-policy`` offers two specialty roles types that should be used with
* ``@any-role``: Allows any defined role
* ``@passthrough``: Allows all users (authenticated and unauthenticated)
About Falcon
Falcon is a bare-metal Python web framework <http://falconframework.org/index.html>
__ for building lean and
mean cloud APIs and app backends. It encourages the REST architectural style,
and tries to do as little as possible while remaining highly effective <http://falconframework.org/index.html#Benefits>
.. |Build Status| image:: https://travis-ci.org/falconry/falcon-policy.svg
:target: https://travis-ci.org/falconry/falcon-policy
.. |codecov.io| image:: https://codecov.io/gh/falconry/falcon-policy/branch/master/graph/badge.svg
:target: https://codecov.io/gh/falconry/falcon-policy