Fanstatic is a smart static resource publisher for Python. For more
information on what it's about and how to use it, see:
.. image:: https://github.com/zopefoundation/fanstatic/actions/workflows/tests.yml/badge.svg
:target: https://github.com/zopefoundation/fanstatic/actions/workflows/tests.yml
1.4 (2023-09-19)
1.3 (2022-12-21)
Add support for Python 3.9 and 3.10.
Conditional support for shutilwhich for older python versions.
Fix Trove classifiers.
Move tests to GitHub Actions.
Make documentation buildable with Python 3.
1.2 (2022-03-11)
- Use the packaging version parsing to determine whether a fanstatic library
is installed from a dev package, and set the Library version accordingly.
Backwards incompatible changes
- Drop support for Python 2, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7.
- Update documentation to reflect the current place of repositories at GitHub.
1.1 (2019-01-22)
Backwards incompatible changes
- Drop support for Python 2.6, 3.2 and 3.3.
Other changes
- Add support for Python 3.5, 3.6 and 3.7.
1.0.0 (2018-01-16)
- Fixup tests for new versions of dependencies and changed contracts. This
also improves Python 3 compatibility.
1.0a7 (2015-11-07)
1.0a6 (2015-10-21)
Allow dependencies of a Resources or a Group to be modified after
being defined, but yet before being used. This allows to add
optional dependencies then needed to generically defined
packages. This required a complete re-factoring of the dependency
Fix slot so they can be used then a compiler is defined.
Remove fanstatic.codegen. That was not applicable in enough cases.
1.0a5 (2014-02-09)
Fix issue #87 "install-error-with-python3":
Fanstatic now depends on shutil.which when it's available
(Python 3.3+) or uses shutilwhich library in other cases. This
is useful because which.py is no longer supported.
Thanks to Ivan Bulanov.
1.0a4 (2013-09-24)
Also setup the injector for HEAD requests. We don't want the app which we
are wrapping to choke on the NotImplementedError raised by
Update entry points in order to use the fanstatic Publisher used as an
application instead of a filter, for instance in a configuration
with paste.urlmap.
1.0a3 (2013-08-12)
Refactor NeededResources into a pluggable injector system. Fanstatic users
now have the possibility to customize how resources are injected into the
We try to keep these changes backwards compatible for users that use
the official API. People that use fanstatic internals are encouraged to
update their code.
Introduce "Inclusion" object; the responsibilities around bundling,
compilation, debug/minified mode and rollup are moved from the
NeededResources class to the Inclusion class.
1.0a2 (2013-05-25)
Move injection of the inclusions from the beginning of the element to
the end. See also:
This change may break your code, but it is probably a good idea to include
the resources at the end of the .
Bugfix in sdist_compile: compile resources in all packages contained in a
Fix tox/travis setup and update to buildout v2.
1.0a (2013-04-18)
0.16 (2012-12-10)
0.15 (2012-11-08)
Add "default" argument to Slot to specify a resource which will be filled
in if there is no other resource specified in need(). Thanks to nilo.
Ensure published bundles carry the correct Content-Type header. Previously,
all bundles were delivered with text/html
. Thanks to David Beitey.
0.14 (2012-10-30)
0.14a (2012-10-07)
Removed the dependency on Paste, replaced with webob.static.
The publisher no longer sends out etags, which seems like a good
idea. The Yahoo best practices for speeding up web sites <http://developer.yahoo.com/performance/rules.html>
If you're not taking advantage of the flexible validation model that
ETags provide, it's better to just remove the ETag altogether.
Updated package setup to be compatible with running
python setup.py test
Added tox setup for testing across python versions.
0.13.3 (2012-09-12)
0.13.2 (2012-08-23)
- Fixed issue #78: "fanstatic.checksum.md5 is not guaranteed", thanks to
takanao ENDOH.
0.13.1 (2012-08-16)
- Fixed bug where mode resources created by string 'shortcut' didn't
inherit the renderer, bundling, dependency parameters.
0.13 (2012-08-15)
DummyNeededResources did not takes the slots argument.
Resource.need() did not process the slots argument, despite the argument
being documented.
Added slots argument to Group.need().
0.12 (2012-08-05)
Documentation fix in code samples, thanks to Toby Dacre.
Fix issue #74, minified .js not served in bottom unless force_bottom,
thanks to Toby Dacre.
Cherry picked pull request #1 "support-wsgi-apps-not-mounted-at-/",
thanks to Éric Lemoine.
Add print css renderer.
0.11.4 (2012-01-14)
There was another bug with ordering resources when multiple libraries
were involved. This time the way library_nr was calculated was changed
so that it wouldn't happen anymore.
The intent of library_nr was to have it always be 1 higher than the
maximum library_nr of any libraries this library is based on.
In practice this wouldn't always happen, because each resource had
its own library_nr. In some circumstances the resources in libraries
depending on other libraries would consistently get a library_nr too
low, as each resource they were based on had a library_nr that was
too low as well, even though another resource could exist in that
library with a higher library_nr. This could cause the library_nr of
all resources in a library to be too low.
This is now fixed to moving library_nr to the place it should've
maintained on in the first place: the library itself. It is
calculated now once per library, just before the resources are
sorted for the first time during the application's run. Since by the
time resources need to be sorted all resources are known, the library_nr
can be calculated correctly.
0.11.3 (2011-11-11)
0.11.2 (2011-05-19)
- Update the docs for readthedocs.org.
0.11.1 (2011-04-13)
- Consolidate the resources (find rollups) before applying the mode.
0.11 (2011-04-11)
Add bundling support: bundles are collections of Resources that can
be served in one HTTP request. Bundle URLs are constructed by the
fanstatic injector and served by the fanstatic publisher.
Remove eager_superseder arguments from Resource, as this was not used.
Abstracted features of Resource, Group, Bundle into base classes
Renderable and Dependable.
Improved sorting of resources for inclusion on web page. This is to
prepare for bundling support. Ordering is now more consistent, no
matter in which order resources are .needed(). As long as you marked
dependencies right this shouldn't break applications; if your
resources are included in the wrong order now, fix resource dependencies.
base_url is not required anymore (as in the past); improve base_url
management API so that integration packages like zope.fanstatic have
a more explicit way to manage this information.
Resources check whether the file they refer to exists or not. If
the file doesn't exist you get an UnknownResourceError.
Renamed UnknownResourceExtension exception to
UnknownResourceExtensionError. The old exception name is still
available for backwards compatibility.
Use mtime instead of md5 for determining speeds up version computation
during development. The hashing method is still available for people who
don't trust their filesystem using the versioning_use_md5
0.10.1 (2011-02-06)
0.10 (2011-01-19)
Renamed hashing
to versioning
. Use the version of the python package
as the version identifier for a Library, unless the package is installed in
development mode. If a Library has no version or is in development, use the
hash of the Library's directory contents as version identifier.
Consolidated the Resource modes into debug
and minified
The injector component only sets up the NeededResources if the request method
is GET or POST.
The devmode
parameter has been renamed to recompute_hashes
in order
to more aptly reflect its behavior. When recompute_hashes is True, hashes are
recomputed for every request - this is the default behavior.
0.9b (2011-01-06)
Fanstatic is a fundamental rewrite of hurry.resource
_. As such, Fanstatic
breaks compatibility with hurry.resource. Here's a list of essential changes
since version 0.10 of hurry.resource:
Fundamental API cleanups and changes.
Fanstatic no longer depends on ZTK packages, and provides several 'pure' WSGI
components. This allows for greater re-use in different WSGI-based frameworks.
_ (a rewrite of hurry.zoperesource
_) provides the integration of
Fanstatic with the ZTK.
Fanstatic adds a WSGI component for serving resources, offloading it from the
application framework.
Fanstatic adds 'infinite' caching functionality by computing a unique URL
for every version of a resource.
Fanstatic uses py.test
_ for test discovery and execution.
A lot of effort has been put into documenting Fanstatic.
.. _hurry.resource
: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/hurry.resource
.. _hurry.zoperesource
: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/hurry.zoperesource
.. _zope.fanstatic
: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/zope.fanstatic
.. _py.test
: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/pytest