FastAPI Microservice Helper
FastAPI Microservice Helper is an SDK designed to facilitate communication between microservices over HTTP.
- It automatically generates the necessary code to build services and can be installed in client applications.
- It automatically mocks the response from the server if you're writing e2e tests.
How to use
Let's say we have a CoreMicroservice that handles creating and retrieving posts.
Now, we want to call this CoreMicroservice from a UserMicroservice.
Step 1: Define Microservice Actions on the Server
In the CoreMicroservice, you define actions for handling posts. Here's an example:
from uuid import UUID
from fastapi import Depends, Query
from fastapi_microservice_helper import action, microservice
from fastapi_request_helper.decorators.http_method import response, tag
from posts.http.responses.general_post_response import GeneralPostResponse
from import PostService
class GeneralPostResponse(BaseModel):
id: UUID
author_id: UUID
class CreatePostDto(BaseDto):
author_id: UUID
@tag('Microservices Post')
class PostMicroservice:
def __init__(self, post_service: PostService = Depends()):
self.post_service = post_service
async def get_post(self, post_id: UUID):
return await self.post_service.find_general_post_by_id(post_id)
async def create_post(self, dto: CreatePostDto):
await self.post_service.increment_post_likes(dto)
In this example, we define two actions for PostMicroservice:
get_post to retrieve a post by ID
create_post to create a new post.
Step 2: Step 2: SDK Generation
FastAPI Microservice Helper automatically generates the SDK code based on the server definitions.
Here’s an example of what the generated client SDK might look like:
class BaseMicroserviceClient:
def filter_none_values(self, query_params: dict | None):
return {key: value for key, value in query_params.items() if value is not None} if query_params else None
async def send(
self, url: str, query_params: dict, body_params: any, response_type: any, option: MicroserviceOption = None
if not CoreMicroserviceConfig.url:
raise Exception('Please config microservice url')
url = CoreMicroserviceConfig.url + url
if not option:
option = MicroserviceOption()
async with httpx.AsyncClient() as client:
response = await
data=body_params if not option.is_json else None,
json=Normailization.normalize(body_params) if option.is_json else None,
data = response.json()
if response.status_code < 200 or response.status_code > 299:
raise HTTPException(status_code=response.status_code, detail=data)
if not response_type:
return data
return TypeAdapter(response_type).validate_python(data)
class PostMicroservice(BaseMicroserviceClient):
async def decrement_post_likes(self, dto: DecrementPostLikesDto , option: MicroserviceOption = None) -> None:
return await self.send('/microservices/PostMicroservice/decrement_post_likes', None, dto, None, option )
async def get_post(self, post_id: UUID , option: MicroserviceOption = None) -> GeneralPostResponse:
return await self.send('/microservices/PostMicroservice/get_post', {'post_id': post_id}, None, GeneralPostResponse, option)
async def create_post(self, dto: CreatePostDto , option: MicroserviceOption = None) -> None:
return await self.send('/microservices/PostMicroservice/create_post', None, dto, None, option)
Step 3: Build and Publish the SDK
Increase the version in sdk.toml
file then build and publish it, for example, publish the sdk as core-microservice==0.0.1
Step 4: Configure the Microservice in the Client
Install the SDK
Add the SDK to your project’s dependencies in requirements.txt:
Then install the required packages:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Configure the Microservice URL
Set the base URL for the CoreMicroservice:
from core_microservice import CoreMicroserviceConfig
CoreMicroserviceConfig.url = ''
Step 5: Use the Microservice in Client Code
In the UserMicroservice, you can now use the SDK to call actions from CoreMicroservice:
class UserService:
def __init__(self, post_microservice: PostMicroservice = Depends()):
self.post_microservice = post_microservice
async def create_post(self, dto: CreatePostDto):
await self.post_microservice.create_post(dto)
async def get_post(self, post_id: UUID):
return await self.post_microservice.get_post(post_id)